Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 128: Dull and self-sufficient

     Li Yi returned to the canteen. Li Longji and Li Chengqi put the chopsticks there and talked, obviously waiting for him.

   "It's okay, Cui Liu will help to pull it out. From now on, I will tell the person who took the intravenous drip. Seeing that it is gone, pull it out by yourself and hold the needle. If there is bruise at most, cover it with a hot towel.

   Li Yi said with a look of fear.

   "Brother Yi is not to blame for this. They didn't ask you to pull it out, and they didn't say it before." Li Chengqi reported the injustice.

   Li Yi smiled and didn't say a word. This is really his responsibility. Can't even arrange the sling to open the ‘hospital’?

   "Brother Yi, this lamb stewed with yam, the lamb is chewy, good." Li Longji saw that Li Yi was a little bit self-blaming and changed the subject.

   "The lamb belly used is fried first, and then stewed with boiling water. The lamb belly will not shrink in cold water and is more prone to rotten."

   Li Yi explained the trick, pour boiling water, many stewed meat dishes are like this.

   "Daily shop consumption is very large." Li Longji will settle the accounts.

   Eat meat every meal and do it in a different way. The dealer is happy, and the owner mainly bears the cost.

   Li Yi said indifferently: "Only after you have eaten you can you have the energy to work, and you will be less sick. For those who work hard, eating two bowls of dry rice per meal is considered good.

   If you don’t eat meat, you can eat it with seven bowls and eight bowls. Should you be hungry or hungry, and work hard. Without fat and protein, carbohydrates alone will not work. "

   The words Li Yi said, Li Longji tried hard to understand.

   It feels like I need several things in my body, and eating food can only make up one thing.

   Li Longji thought for a while, and said: "It is better to ask the people to raise more livestock and poultry."

   "Raising livestock is not easy. I have various hatching methods. Once the hens brood, they will no longer lay eggs. They are artificially hatched and the number is large, so the hens can continue to lay eggs."

   Li Yi talked about the artificial incubation. This year it was Zhuangzi's experiment.

   Others don't have a thermometer, so I need to summarize a method for mastering temperature without a thermometer.

   By now, it's almost the same.

   will be promoted at the beginning of spring.

   Mulberry trees and hemp are planted in the homes of the common people, which are suitable for free-range chickens.

   In order not to be confused with neighbors, it is usually tied with a rope.

   Whose poultry is tied to the left foot, who owns the right foot, two feet, long rope, short rope, cut wings, tie bow...

   "Very good!" Li Longji could only say that.

   He was embarrassed. Every time he came to Zhuangzi, he would chat and talk about politics.

  Other ministers used a letter to explain the methods and pros and cons, and many people were promoted because of a list of performances.

  In Yidi Zhuangzi, Yidi just does it. Which method is good or not, Yidi first makes it in Zhuangzi.

   I have seen it, and I naturally know whether it is good or not.

   Like this artificial incubation, it started last year. All kinds of eggs, how many hatched, how to raise chickens, ducks, and geese are all the results of repeated attempts.

   Then tell the people, the people only need to do it.

   All the errors have been corrected.

   "Don't eat too much yam, big brother."

   Li Yi doesn't know how to read the mind, so I don't know what the third brother thinks.

   He saw that his eldest brother had eaten the yam in the bowl, and he picked up the bowl to leave, he knew that he would go to Sheng Yam, and he hurried to persuade him.

   Li Chengqi sat down, he didn't lack meat, he just felt the fragrance of today's yam.

   "Next year, I will use yam to make vermicelli. I don't know if I have made it in the south of Datang. If not, I can teach them.

   The yam is not easy to preserve. Plaster the cracks and smoke them with sulfur. It should not be damp. It is better to preserve it as vermicelli.

   If you are hungry, eat a bowl of vermicelli. You can make it into jelly and dry it, soak it in water or boil it. It can serve as a staple food for a few days. "

   Li Yi saw that his eldest brother was about to eat yam, and suddenly he remembered to deepen the yam.

   The noodles are cooked and are better preserved than yam. The saccharification and oxidation reactions of yam must be eliminated.

   As for the prone to skin allergies when dealing with yam, Li Yi believes that the people of Datang will not care.

   At that time, I will give a way to deal with yam and hand itching. Rubber gloves are impossible, and linoleum gloves cannot be used by ordinary people.

   The only way to save money and work is heating, whether it's heating the yam or heating the hands with mucus.

   "I went back to find someone to ask if there is soy flour available everywhere, and it would be cool to eat in summer." Li Chengqi seriously recalled.

   "Okay, brother trouble. As long as you can benefit the people, your brother will be the first one."

   Li Yi gives the eldest brother a motivation. He doesn't need a false name. If someone helps to promote it, he can give him money.

   Li Yi started to briefly introduce how to make vermicelli. Qi Min said that there is a way to make starch in the art. The subsequent yam vermicelli needs to be further processed, which is different from soy flour.

   Yu Huaide, who was in the observation room, had also eaten. A group of his men and women ate all his attendants. The observation room was large and had many hospital beds.

   There are no other patients at this time. Other patients are in the inpatient department or temporary home.

   dozens of people ate together, Yu Huaide ate blandly.

   My classmates don't care about those, I chose the meat tongs, and every plate is full of meat.

   "My boss, Li Dongzhu's Zhuangzi is too rich. What we eat is the food for the villagers. We can eat it at any time for twelve hours." Xiaosi reported the situation.

   "He sees a 2,000-year-old gonorrhea, so he is naturally rich." Yu Huaide is also worried about the price.

  He didn't think that there were too many rescued three thousand sects. It was a life-saving, robbing people from the ghost gate, and fighting with the king of Hades.

   But how can gonorrhea cost 2,000 yuan? If I were not so horizontal at the beginning, would it be possible to make 200 yuan?

   ate a piece of trembling braised pork for Yu Huaide’s leg-beating maidservant, squinted to enjoy it, and then said, “Eat whatever you want, but you can’t just throw it away.

   "How could it be thrown?" Another thumping mouth opened next to him: "Dare to throw, and you won't be wronged if you are beaten to death."

   The others whispered to the people around them.

   "Being the owner of Li Dongzhu, he must be desperate."

   "How can I be? I want to."

   "Shhh! This turned out to be a lamb chop, the farmer will eat it?"

   "You can't find any sand in the white rice, it's fragrant."

   "Pork liver is delicious, I am literate ~ wrote braised pork liver, what is braised?"

   "I secretly filled half a bowl of wine, wine."

   "What a sneaky thing, that wine is for people to drink."

   "I didn't see the farmers drinking wine, but a few went to drink the very spicy wine."

   "I've inquired about it. Drinking spirits in the cold water. Others don't want to drink because they are afraid of delays in work."

   "Change to me, I don't drink as much, the proprietor is so good, and I feel uncomfortable if I drink alcohol and do something inappropriate."

   Yu Huaide ate and listened, a little scared, his subordinates are not planning to rebel, right?

  Look at the situation, you have to be nice to them in the future.

   But this meal, I have never eaten it before, this is a small stir-fry on the third floor of the heaven and earth!

  While eating, he suddenly remembered an important thing.

   "Yanzi, did you ask me how to collect money for meals?" Yu Huaide asked, not knowing what to do.

  "I asked, those of us who eat 30 times a day and eat whatever you like, and the horse feed is also included.

   There is still a place to live, why don’t we go shopping elsewhere for the owner? And then rotate on the carriage..."

   The male servant answered carefully, then looked at the others.

   "No, just eat it in Zhuangzi. It's 30 years old, and it's not expensive." Yu Huaide interrupted his subordinates.

   In fact, he feels a little distressed, but he dare not ask his subordinates to buy food elsewhere. This meal is the daily life of other farmers.

   Your own people go out to sell cheap food, but they still have to be laughed at by the dealer?

   In case Li Dongzhu sees that his opponent is not good and gets angry and raises the price, it is not a matter of a few days of food.

   A group of people showed happy expressions, and then threw them out thanks to the owner, taking two bites and saying something.

   Yu Huaide's slightly painful heart gradually became more comfortable.


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