Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1261: Give a hat on the road to raise a rabbit

Many people followed in the middle of the team, and the people traveled to Zheng County, or that direction.

When caught up by the team, immediately join in.

The people walk on their own feet, and there are sledges in the team, which makes it convenient for the people and saves dry food at the same time.

The Lanbao family was not in a hurry, but Yulin Feiqi went to Hongnong ahead of time, and it was estimated that he was already there.

Nantian Kazuko was trying hard to practice saying the words of Datang, and the old lady looked very good.

"This brother, where are you going?" Li Yi saw a man in his 30s bringing a seven or eight-year-old child into the team, and asked after sitting on the same sled.

"Kanxiang." The father's man held his son between his legs.

"What are you going to do?" Li Yi continued to inquire.

"The child's natal family grows a greenhouse. Go and help." The man answered when he asked.

"Sister-in-law didn't come together?" Li Yi looked around.

"Go first, with the little girl, and with other people, I still have work at home, and I will go again when I'm done."

The man put his hands on his son's two ears, and put a hand on it, cold.

Li Yi took off his brain and buckled it on the child's head: "It's warm now. What kind of dry food did you bring?"

"Brown bread, there are stations along the way, one for ten miles, so I'm not afraid that I can't walk." The man smiled honestly when he talked about it.

As far as the people are concerned, one station for ten miles has solved the big problem. No matter which season, can it be impossible to stick to the ten miles?

There is a place to rest, and there is soup for no money.

Rye bread is easy to store, and the price is cheap, one for each dollar, which is very large.

It is written in the newspaper that the brown bread will not go wrong when you eat it. Although the bran is added to it, the overall price is definitely more than one dollar.

Now many places where large-scale noodle mills are hired make brown bread, and sell them at a loss.

The noodle merchants who didn't provide brown bread before, or asked for two dollars apiece, now all one.

Not all the people who buy black bread are poor. The black bread is hard, not easy to spoil, and it is easy to eat, when there is soup.

Sometimes people will prepare a pile in their homes, and then change to eat rice or eat rice, better noodles or noodles.

If you don't provide brown bread for one dollar, the people will not buy other things.

"Did you eat in the morning?" Li Yi asked the child wearing a hat.

The child shook his head: "Prepare to eat at the next station."

"Go and ask who hasn't eaten, the cart makes pancakes and fruits, and one person will give it a set." Li Yi commanded without looking back.

A horse next to it jumped out to find someone to make pancakes.

The cart is pulling things and providing food at any time.

The child's eyes are full of expectation, and he is very happy. He has eaten pancakes with fruits.

"President Li, it cost you money. The hat is fine. Wear it for a while and it will be warm."

The child's father reached out to pick the child's hat.

"Send the child, I saw this hat is not pleasing to the eye, I have never had a chance to throw it." Li Yi put his hand on the hat.

"How did this make it? Nothing, nothing." The man was anxious.

"I still lack a hat? I have money. Listen to me and wear it." Li Yi shook his head.

After he let go, the man did not dare to pick it down.

"Dongzhu Li, what kind of leather hat is it, it's really warm." The child got a hat and was happy.

"Dogskin hats made of rabbit skins. Dogskin hats refer to the shape." Li Yi explained.

His hat is not expensive, he doesn't need tiger skin or fox skin, just an ordinary wild rabbit.

There are many mountains, and sometimes the fields jump back and forth.

The reproduction speed is fast and the growth cycle is short.

The pancakes were made and someone brought them on horseback.

Li Yi jumped off the sled and went to Li Longji's cart.

He asked Li Chengqi: "Brother, I thought of something. Just now the kid asked me what my hat was."

"Rabbit skin." Li Chengqi gave the answer.

"I know it's rabbit skins. Let's try to raise rabbits. I have a breeding method, a complete set."

Li Yi used to have rabbits at home, but the Habai rabbit he raised at that time was the Harbin White Rabbit.

Datang does not have this breed, but there are other hares.

"Make money?" Li Chengqi was interested. There are many rabbits now. As long as you want to catch them on the mountain, you can guarantee that you can catch them.

When harvesting crops in summer and autumn, some dogs will help pick up the rabbits.

"Rabbits grow fast, eat grass, and raise livestock have a long reproductive cycle. Rabbits are different.

Rabbit meat can be eaten, and rabbit skin is used to make things.

The size of an acre of land can easily raise 5,000 rabbits. From breeding to slaughter, it takes about eight months. "

Li Yi said that compared with poultry, raising rabbits has high profits.

The key is rabbit skin. Rabbit skin is more useful than chicken feathers. Although duck down is good, the output is low.

"Let the people raise it?" Li Chengqi instantly thought of the operation of raising pigs, and the shopkeeper Liang and others built a large pig farm.

At the same time, they cooperated with the people in the prefectures to the north of Jingzhao Mansion. The people raised them as required, the pig farms collected them, and the people got the money.

Li Yi shook his head: "You can't ask the people to raise them by themselves. It takes great effort. The number of breeding is small and it takes time. It is better to do other tasks.

A large number of breeding requires a site, or nail the cage by yourself, which is costly.

In addition, many additional things are not convenient for the people to obtain.

Let's find wasteland with low yield and no one to plant, circle it, and hire the people to breed it. "

Li Yi worried that the people would feed the rabbit to Rabbits are easy to die.

In the case of not using antibiotics, the rabbit's activities and sleeping areas must be cleaned up.

It is difficult for a single household to support it, and if several or a dozen households cooperate, there will be situations where there is no effort to work, and the big pot of food is not delicious.

If you do more and less, how will the profits be distributed in the end?

Does it count work points? Who is responsible for giving work points?

Li Chengqi nodded: "Now start collecting rabbits?"

It snows in winter, and there are traces of rabbits on the mountain, and the rabbits are not running fast enough on the snow.

But you can't pull off the set, catch the rabbit under the set, the rabbit will struggle, and the tighter he tightened, and finally the rabbit was strangled to death.

You need to use a net, but if you have a net, you need someone to guard it. The net is set at night, and the rabbit is caught. The rabbit can't get out, and it is frozen to death.

Where's the clip? It is to raise a good rabbit, not a disabled rabbit.

Train the dog to attack the rabbit and not to bite.

Either ride a horse, hold the net in your hand, and throw the net out to cover.

If the riding skills are good, the rabbit can be caught by the hand, and the rabbit can be caught by the sheep.

"Yulin Feiqi training." Li Yi gave an idea, there are some hands, don't use it for nothing.

"There are 30,000 recruits trained on Taibai Mountain." Li Chengqi did not forget another army.

Hired with money, ready to use in the highlands.

Eating and drinking are so good now. Training depends on the results. It is better to send out small teams to catch rabbits on the mountains.

"Yes, clean up the wolves and wild boars by the way, you don't need so many wild animals."

Li Yi added that catching rabbits is the goal, and other wild animals should be caught.

Including tigers, if they can catch alive, they will be kept in the zoo. The southwest region has already sent many animals.

There are not only giant pandas, red pandas, and parrots in the zoo.

Feeding and caring expenses are not a small expense, and the people can appreciate it, and it is worth it.

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