Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1266: Really strong because of the heart

The people in Zheng County are more enthusiastic than Weinan County, and they are more prepared.

Weinan County belongs to Jingzhaofu County. There are no intermediaries, no mediocrity, only renters.

It looks better than other places, compared with Zhengxian, but inferior to Zhengxian.

Since Zheng County sent water, a group of officials were impeached by Li Yi.

Li Yi went to Huazhou to work in person, and the rapid development of counties in the entire Huazhou area made it clear and clear.

Since Zheng County is also not far from Chang'an, the people will always collect tea, Haozi and other things that the people of Jingzhaofu County can collect to sell.

The standard of living is actually higher.

Children everywhere seem to be the same, running around and eating two bites of food after a while.

"Li Lang, the children are willing to play, and the people look relaxed." Princess Yongmu was young and had no opinion.

It has changed since I had more contact with Li Yi.

Appears lively, loves to observe things, likes to accept new knowledge.

She is carefree all day, not stupid in fact, she is dependent on herself to worry about it.

When I was a child, I was worried all day long. It would be terrible to say that I didn't know something in that environment.

"When children play, they are affected by the environment. There are many adults and children feel safe. They may remember the things tonight for a lifetime.

Adults relax, just like children, they need to rely on the strong. We are strong, and of course rest assured to eat with us. "

Li Yi speaks from the aspects of behavior and psychology.

"The same is true for all people?" Princess Yongmu thought about herself and found out that she was.

Turning to ponder Li Yi, she found that Li Yi is not, and Li Yi does not depend on others.

There are those who can fight and those who can work in Lijiazhuang, and they are all surrounded by Li Yi.

When Li Yi was not in Lijia Zhuangzi, Zhuangzi was an ordinary Zhuangzi, slightly larger and crowded.

When Li Yi stayed at Lijiazhuang, Lijiazhuang was like the sun, shining like the sun.

Li Yi took a sip: "Some people are born strong enough, with genetic influence, and even more environmental changes.

The harsher the living environment, the tougher the character of the locals.

A person who has not been pressed down after experiencing numerous setbacks is the strong one.

The first three thousand Yulin Feiqi was stronger than the later Yulin Feiqi. "

"I know, they are arranged by you for the kind of training, life is better than death, if not for family fetters, I believe most of them will take the initiative to withdraw."

Princess Yongmu hadn't seen Li Yi at that time, and heard that she was afraid of Li Yi's play when she found out that Yulin Feiqi.

It is said that when Li Yi said "Take you to play" for the first time, everyone in Yulin Feiqi laughed loudly.

He said and laughed the second time, and laughed the third time.

Until I started playing, and when I finished playing, I shivered when I heard the same words. I had nightmares in the middle of the night and shouted ‘No more’.

"What about you? I find that you are always full of confidence." Princess Yongmu filled Li Yiman with rice wine.

"Me? If you go to the Southwest Man to teach them farming, you are just as confident, because you have too much knowledge than them."

Li Yi made a comparison. Why is he confident? There is knowledge rolling, and a system is added.

Princess Yongmu pursed her mouth, she understood that she was the Southwestern Barbarian.

On the other side, the Guo family members are introducing the situation to Li Longji and others.

Guo Ziyi's father, Guo Jingzhi, was an official in a foreign country, followed by his mother and his younger brother.

The person in charge of the family is Guo Zixiu's elder brother, Guo Zixiu, who is in good shape.

His genes are good. His father Guo Jing is one of the height of Mi Jiu, and he is dignified and elegant, and he can be both civil and military.

Guo Zixiu didn't touch his head, and made people feel comfortable when he spoke.

"The people in the county, except for the sick, will find ways to do things.

The money in the people's homes is now more than ten times more than before the water was distributed.

Affected by my disciple Yi, my family had the best life. I saved a lot of money, bought wasteland from the county, and hired people to improve the soil and cultivate.

Now there are more than 600 people recruited, and the wages paid are 20% higher than those of ordinary jobs of the same kind..."

Guo Zixiu talked about the county and the Guo family.

The main branch of his family belonged to the Guo family in Taiyuan, and then became a branch of the current small official family.

His great-grandfather was Guo Chang, and his grandfather Guo Tong only became the head of a county before his father began to be a petty official.

His grandfather's brother was not with them. In the past two years in history, the one with a woman became Li Longji's woman.

When his family really got up, Guo Ziyi was able to fight well, but it was also at that time that many people died in the fight.

At this time, his family's destiny had changed because of Guo Ziyi.

When Li Yi went to Henan Mansion, he specifically asked Guo Ziyi from the martial arts school, and set off after asking.

Then Guo Ziyi's martial arts results came out, frightening a group of people.

Home is not far away, Guo Ziyi can't come back to visit, life must be guaranteed.

Various technologies, as well as lending money to his family for development, to this day, the scale is large enough, and the money is repaid.

"Do you want a fame?" Li Longji considered arranging an official for Guo Zixiu, the fifth grade, whatever you want.

"I want to take the test by myself." Guo Zixiu nodded, but he was stiff in what he said.

With money in his family, he doesn't need to think about livelihood anymore. He is not very old, so he can take the martial arts exam or Jinshi.

"Alright, when I go back, I will send you a set of books. If you don't understand, write to Lijiazhuangzi."

Li Longji nodded, take the exam, it's easier for you to get into the Jinshi.

Li Longji wants Guo Zixiu to learn Li Yi's knowledge, and he will give him the questions before he is admitted to the scholarship.

For example, if you post a Great Classic, this memorization is too hard, so you can directly give a hundred dao, and the few that are out are inside.

There are also policy arguments, no matter how you have to get a first place.

It doesn't matter if you cheat, but loyalty is important.

Like Guo Ziyi, now he is admitted to the Jinshi, don't even think about it, the arithmetic test is fine.

Who dares to say that Guo Ziyi who can't pass the Grade A Jinshi can't do it?

Thinking about it, Li Longji turned his head and glanced at Guo Ziyi.

Guo Ziyi stood there blankly, with his hands on the pistol handle pinned to his waist.

When his elder brother was talking, he looked around, of course he didn't regard his brother as a threat.

"Ziyi, what do you think?" Li Longji asked.

"Yeah!" Guo Ziyi didn't look at Li Longji, and continued to scan the surroundings.

Guo Zixiu seemed to understand something, and there was a little smile in his eyes.

"Call Shang Yi, let's walk around." Li Longji was about to walk among the people to understand the situation.

Li Yi was called over not far away, and when he heard that he wanted to turn, he reached out to Guo Ziyi.

Guo Ziyi gave Li Yi the pistol, replaced it with a flying knife, and still carried the assault rifle.

Li Yi had a pistol in one hand, and felt that it was okay. When he came to Datang, his physical fitness improved, otherwise it would be more difficult to hold the gun in one hand.

"Wen Tian, ​​if something happens, you immediately get down and sit next to me. Don't stand in front of me, don't hold me, don't scream, and lie down as fast as you can."

Li Yi reminded Princess Yongmu not to show the plot in the movie.


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