Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 3: , Something was delayed

In the middle of the night, light snow floated in the sky.

At dawn, the people burned the stove vigorously and it was cold.

Guo's family is directed by Lijiazhuang's people to make breakfast, spicy soup with scallion pancakes.

It's easy to make, no need to make noodles.

Add two tea eggs and a bit of pickles, and that's it.

Everyone ate the same things, including the pregnant Queen Queen. She was a little uncomfortable recently and didn't get her milk.

"The Beitianfang in the county will send a batch, and then I will get a thousand yuan." Li Yi told Qingsong, and Qingsong would find someone to arrange it.

Sure enough, as soon as he left the house, he found someone, Zheng Yiqin and other county officials.

They went back yesterday and came back early in the morning.

After getting the money, he rushed to Beitianfang with food, he hadn't eaten yet.

One thousand is not a small number. He knows that he wants to let the people of Beitianfang eat and live well, and he also needs to find someone to continue to see the sick.

Beitianfang is not short of money this year. The Guo family donated the most, and other people who went to Lijiazhuang to sell things also donated.

Bei Tian Fang can't stop people from leaving, but it can always give the living people a hope.

The existence of Beitianfang not only helps those in need, but also unites those who provide help.

When people who donate money see that the people living in Beitianfang have a better life, they will feel a sense of pride and feel the prosperity and power of Datang.

In particular, Lijiazhuangzi’s newspapers always talk about how poor other places are, what they don’t have enough to eat, and what they don’t cover.

Always give a comparison to the people of Datang, happiness is sometimes contrasted.

Everyone has eaten, the team set off, passing by Beitianfang.

"Stop, go and take a look." Li Longji knew that there was Beitianfang ahead, and he greeted the team to stop for a while, and he wanted to go in.

As its name suggests, Beitian Square is a workshop with many buildings in it, and the court hired people.

There is no need for temples and temples to be responsible, including Beitianfang in Jingzhao Mansion.

In the past, the people in the monastery were in charge of the monastery. If the monastery had money, the people would put incense and light a lantern, and donate money for sesame oil.

Li Longji thinks it is not good. The people in Beitianfang see people in the temple. Gratitude is naturally also religious.

He took it, paid part of the money himself, the court paid part of the money, and Li Yi also donated it.

Fewer people in Jingzhao Mansion went to incense, and they were more willing to incense the Changsheng tablets of Li Longji and Li Yi.

The money will be spent by itself, and then donated to the army.

Those with a lot of money go directly to the Yamen and provide them to Beitianfang.

It is said that offering incense to Li Yi is more effective than offering incense to the temple, which seems to be the most effective for seeking a child.

There were always no children at the beginning, and now life is better. I gave Li Yi a fragrance and begged for a child, and I was pregnant.

In fact, the reason they can get pregnant is that they eat better food and are in a good mood.

When protein and trace elements are supplemented, the probability of pregnancy increases when men and women are combined.

Of course, I want to improve my family's living standards more accurately, and I really make a lot of money, which is very effective.

I would like to make some offerings for Li Dongzhu.

Make a pot of braised pork and put it in a basin for a quarter of an hour. While it's not cold, quickly put it on the table and eat it.

The people knew that Li Yi couldn't eat it, so they had to do it, and they had a sense of ritual.

There are also Li Longji and Li Yi’s longevity tablets in the Beitian Square in Zheng County. People living in the square wipe clean every day, and some even kowtow.

Li Yi accompanied Li Longji in. Zheng Yiqin was here. He was eating, he had a lot of spicy soup and scallion pancakes. He happened to eat with him.

Seeing Li Longji coming in, he quickly got up.

"You continue to eat, let's see for ourselves." Li Longji said to Zheng Yiqin and walked forward.

He sniffed, but he didn't smell the smell or musty, but rather smelled of toilet water.

He saw an old man who was about sixty years old and asked softly: "Did you spray toilet water today?"

The old man looked at Li Longji and nodded: "Spray every day, mix the toilet water with water, spray a little, and smell it."

"I ate better than usual today, right?" Li Longji asked again.

"Today's soup and cake taste good, sometimes we can eat meat buns in the morning." The old man admitted that it was delicious and emphasized that he can eat meat.

"New clothes and bedding in the last two days?" Li Longji saw that the old man's clothes were not new, but clean and tidy.

"I promise to wash it every three days. I said, what's the matter with you? Is the matter you asked about impeaching Zheng Mingfu?"

The old man reacted, why do you ask?

Li Longji waved his hand: "No impeachment, I am not an official, and no one will be impeached."

"How about you?" The old man looked at Li Yi.

"I am an official, I can impeach others, but I will not impeach Zheng Yiqin, I am Li Yi, and I am quite satisfied with him."

Li Yi admits his identity, yes, he is an official, and is a casual official.

"Which Li Yi? Li Dongzhu? I'll kowtow to you." The old man was puzzled, and then reacted to kneel.

Li Yi squatted forward and held the old man up: "Don't, don't kowtow, I can't stand it."

"Can bear it, can bear it, tell me to knock one for you." The old man insisted.

"Please, old man, don't, you can't knock, really can't knock." Li Yi said nothing.

"I kowtow to the tablet every day, a real person kowtow." The old man stared at Li Yi's eyes.

Li Yi took a deep breath: "Knocked the tablet position very man, eat, let's eat."

"Sure, knock the tablet for you." The old man was not as strong as Li Yi, so he had to stand still.

"Old man, what else is Beitianfang not doing well enough?" Li Yishun forced the old man to sit down.

"It's all good, don't impeach Zheng Ming Mansion, Zheng Ming Mansion is obedient, good official." The old man gave an evaluation.

Zheng Yiqin, who quietly followed behind, wanted to cry again, and even the people in Beitianfang knew that he had been emptied.

Everyone chatted a few more words, Li Longji continued to stroll around.

The little faces of the orphans were very clean, and there was a big fat boy inside, who was obviously very edible.

There are other women who are boiling hot water and preparing to wash their clothes. They are hired to take care of the people in the miserable field.

The wages are not very high, but you can eat three meals at Beitianfang. The meals at Beitianfang are always a little bit more, and the women take them with them when they go home.

Li Longji looked around and walked out: "Brother Yi, in the final analysis it is a question of money."

"It's national power, including administration and economy. These children will not hate Datang when they grow up.

Then teach them to read. In theory, they know what their childhood was like. If they become officials, they may love the people. "

Li Yi didn't dare to say it dead. Some people were poor when they were young, and when they were officials, they tried to make money instead.

And some people with good conditions in the family become officials, but they love the people.

Ask the people whether they want to let people with very little wealth become officials, or let people with very wealthy families become officials. Usually, people choose the latter.

For example, Wang Wei, when he was an official, he didn't go to make money. He was rich, and he was more willing to find someone to hold a cocktail party with him.

And Meng Haoran, his family also has money, he can always find someone to chant poems and make fus, and everyone loves to play with him.

With Li Yi, the students never had the opportunity to play with him. Only the students who had joined Zhuangzi before could listen to his lectures.

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