Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1281: On the way to the pastoral

???? Others are eating a normal meal, Li Yi grilled the pork belly for Princess Yongmu.

???? Xiao Lan blinked her eyes and looked at Princess Yongmu cautiously.

???? She spoiled her once, but she didn't expect Li Yi to really hug her.

???? Since childhood, she has never dared to expect it.

???? She was afraid of competing for favor, which made Princess Yongmu upset.

???? Princess Yongmu didn't think so much at all, she was waiting to eat meat.

???? Li Yi brushed the oil lightly, the charcoal fire in the grill is very small, grill slowly, otherwise you will get tired of eating.

???? No one disturbs them, just watch from a distance.

???? The Queen does not eat too much at night, mainly vegetables and protein.

???? Eat less fruit, otherwise there will be more water in the body at night, which will affect kidney function, and there will be children in the belly.

???? The elbow soup that Wu Jieyu drank before dinner was less salt, which was good for milking. In order to adjust the taste, she ate sweet garlic.

???? Tomorrow morning she will drink fish porridge, eel, rice eel, and soy.

???? Don't give her tofu, she comes out with her, there is a little problem in physiology, and she is afraid of increasing stomach acid.

???? She stopped drinking milk, including steamed buns and other pasta. She will eat rice eel porridge with rice tomorrow morning.

The night passed, and the team drove in the morning. A group of people sat on a sled and began to sing folk songs and minor tunes.

???? Princess Yongmu is a bit called, she woke up in the morning to eat braised pork and big steamed buns.

???? Now I am eating hawthorn pills, and my eyes are narrowed.

???? "In fact, you just drink some warm water." Li Yi knew that after drinking warm water, steamed buns digested quickly.

???? "No, the hiccup now smells of braised pork." Princess Yongmu couldn't bear it.

???? "Hiccups are the taste of hawthorn." Li Yi told the truth.

???? "The taste of braised pork stewed hawthorn." Princess Yongmu insisted.

???? Nothing happened for one day, the next morning, Wang Wei's team caught up.

???? With a group of maids and guards, he caught up with the large army alone, giving people a feeling of loneliness and isolation.

???? That's how Li Yi thinks, isn't that what it says in the information!

????Speaking of Li Bai, no problem. Li Bai is often alone on the road, but he can always find a place to drink.

????Change to Wang Wei, Wang Wei has always been a large group of people traveling.

???? Like his mother, he created a ‘simplistic’ place, similar to Zuixianju in Lantian County, but there is no hot spring.

???? Meng Haoran is also said to be very pitiful, but no matter how pitiful, he has money to go out for a stroll.

???? The real poor is Du Fu. Du Fu's elders also serve as officials, but the life of his family is not good.

???? That is to say, he does not know how to manage land, nor is he good at business.

???? So a person who doesn't know how to manage land and does not understand business, he said that he would take the imperial examination, and then lead the people of Datang to live a good life.

???? Is there any problem in this? Self-cultivation, family harmony, country governance, peace of the world.

???? The life of the family is so difficult, you are given an official position, are you sure you can lead the people to live a good life?

???? Du Fu had been an official in history, and he had no achievements.

???? "Oh!" Li Yi shook his head, shook Du Fu's affairs, and saw Wang Wei again.

???? "I have seen Dr. Li." Wang Wei suddenly became calm and did not mention Zen. #

continue reading! ???? "There are still many people who have a bad life, right? Especially those who are sick in Beitianfang. When it is cold, under the influence of air pressure, some people fall down and never wake up."

???? Li Yi stared into Wang Wei's eyes and asked, he could think of what Wang Wei had experienced.

???? Doesn't Wang Wei like Zen Tao! Now knowing that someone is dying by your side, what kind of Zen can be liberated?

???? Persuade yourself to believe your fate? Or should it be attributed to heaven?

???? If Wang Wei could really think so, Li Yi would give up Wang Wei.

???? That kind of thinking belongs to avoidance, using various metaphysics to comfort oneself.

???? Can not solve the actual problem, the people should suffer or suffer.

???? Wang Wei kept nodding his head, he looked at Li Yi seriously since he was a little bit afraid.

???? As Li Yi said, he was very touched when he learned about the situation.

???? After catching up by himself, Li Yi seemed to be able to pinch it.

???? "What is air pressure?" Wang Wei thought for a while and asked the doubt in his mind.

???? "Air pressure! Alas! You will have the opportunity to learn slowly in the future, it is difficult to explain for a while.

???? Li Yi wants to say that air pressure is the pressure of the atmosphere.

???? Then if Wang Wei asks what is atmosphere? I have to explain the atmosphere, which is the comprehensive gas around the earth that cannot fly out due to the influence of gravity.

???? Wang Wei promised to ask what the earth is and what gravity is.

???? Tell him about the earth again? Gravity is about mass.

???? Continue on...

???? Things are endless, one after another.

???? Wang Wei was a little bit disappointed, he thought Li Yi was unwilling to teach him.

???? "Looking back, I will give you a few books, you read the book, and you won't ask me again." Li Yi was helpless and patted Wang Wei on the shoulder.

???? Wang Wei was happy again, thinking that Li Yi was too troublesome.

???? In fact, it is true. Ask the question in the same way. How do you say it?


???? The team is getting closer and closer to Hong Nong, and Sapphire's mood fluctuates sharply.

???? Behind Yulin Feiqi chased up and sent Li Yi a letter from Lijiazhuangzi.

???? Li Yi opened the letter and looked at it, then was stunned.

???? With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he handed the letter to Li Longji again.

???? Li Long basically didn't want to read it, he couldn't help but curious about the letter from the other Li family Zhuangzi, and followed it.

???? "Bashui snow covers the ice, and the sun shines on the pine trees. The dogs bark in the smoke, the frost and the **** crow early. The vegetables in the greenhouse are green, and the fruits in the greenhouse are still green. Xiangyang has no intention of this, but Jingzhao alone will go."

???? Li Longji finished reading, thought about it, and said: "The idyllic Meng Haoran is here, and he is the inscription, improvising a poem with five rules."

???? Li Yi was very happy, and there was another one, Meng Haoran didn't stroll in Dongting Lake.

???? Then come on, arrange official positions together, isn't you Meng Haoran who is always greeted! There is also a county for you to be the county prime minister, do you go?

???? In Jingzhaofu's counties, the grade of the county prime minister is a little bit smaller, and it is not always bigger than the village official, right?

???? A student of Jiadi can go to the village to be an official, and you who have not been elected can become a county leader in the county, let alone you are not satisfied.

???? Li Yi decided that as long as some well-known literati came over, he didn't need to ask others to do anything, and he would give the county prime minister first.

???? There are 20 counties outside of Jingzhao Mansion, and you can add a county prince at will, or the master book will do.

???? I don’t want to be, okay, take the imperial examination, if you pass the examination, I will arrange an officer for you

continue reading! Do you think you can get a bigger official than the county prince in Jingzhaofu county?

???? You don't want to be such an official, what do you want to be?

???? Is it really what Princess Yongmu said, if you want to finish the imperial examination, you will be the same as the junior high school student?

???? You think you are full of good strategies for governing the country, what am I?

???? What do you give me to run the country? Use the money I earned from helping the household department to treat?

???? "Brother Yi, do you want to see him?" Li Longji didn't really care about poems or anything.

???? If he is willing, every book, minister, and doctor will write poems.

???? Zaifu's poems are actually better, but Zaifu doesn't have time to write. If Zaifu writes poems all day long, let him write poems by himself.

???? "Send someone to take it over, just to see you, Hong Nong will stay a few days, I have something to do."

???? Li Yi wants to see Meng Haoran. Meng Haoran's pastoral poems read well.

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