Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1285: Exchange the difference

???? "Chew and swallow, don't worry, sip the soup while eating, the soup is stewed with chicken and meat bones."

???? Princess Yongmu is busy, tell the children to eat slowly.

???? She likes the feeling of taking care of others. When others are happy, she is happy with them.

???? Some people have money and power to get others to take a high look and feel comfortable. I have power, I have money, and I enjoy the flattery of other people.

???? Others treat me like this, and I can use other people's ideas to get more benefits.

???? Princess Yongmu is not, she has both power and money, and she doesn't need to show it deliberately, and then get benefits.

???? She is more willing to help others, her sense of accomplishment comes from giving, not taking.

???? Her interests are long-term, throughout her life.

???? She is happy at the moment of dedication, which is the biggest gain.

???? Xiaolan is here to help. In the past, Xiaolan relied on Princess Yongmu and at the same time took care of herself.

???? Now she has one more person to rely on. She feels that she has a home, so she must work hard to maintain it.

???? The moment Li Yi picked her up, she decided to give Li Yi all her life.

???? She has a lot of thoughts and will always understand how other women live at home.

???? It is better to be beaten if you do something wrong, you have to take care of your husband, and your in-laws, you have to be obedient.

???? When you have a child, you must take the child. The husband usually doesn't care about anything, that is, to make money outside, or to be an official, or to prepare for the imperial examination.

???? In her mind, women have many patterns.

????Compared with the results, it was found that none of them can overlap with Li Yi, and Li Yi's attitude towards people is different.

???? Li Yi never hit people, he didn't hit his own people, but he killed many people.

???? Li Yi can write poems and odes, and he is more often absent from studying medicine and teaching.

???? Li Yi can eat black bread for free soup, if there are pickles, it's better.

????Follow the public account: Book Friends Base Camp, pay cash and coins when you follow!

???? At the same time, Li Yi cooks delicious food, especially braised pork.

???? Li Yi can play melancholy tunes, but there is no sadness in my daily life, always so sunny.

???? This man is so interesting, different from other men.

???? "Which one of you planted early cucumbers in the greenhouse?" Li Yi asked the surrounding children while eating the shabu-shabu mushrooms.

???? "I have it in my house, I'll go back and let my father deliver it." A boy stood up and said.

???? "I also have it in my house, and my house has a greenhouse of 40 acres of land. Reading the newspaper says that it is planted in batches." A female doll also got up.

???? "Go pick it, don't pay, shabu the skewers with some cucumber and it is delicious, there are a lot of peppers in it, and dozens of chopped millet peppers were thrown away."

???? Li Yi gave an order and then explained why he eats cucumbers.

???? This is hot skewers, some cucumber shreds or something.

???? If it is cold skewers, you should put Luo Han Guo, licorice, grass fruit and other things in the previous soup.

???? Yulin Feiqi went out with his things and exchanged with others.

???? Li Yi said he didn't give money, he just wanted to change it, not to grab it.

???? Trading and buying are essentially the same in trade, but absolutely different in emotion.

???? There are many ways to exchange, say I exchange these things for yours, pure trading.

???? To put it another way, your cucumber is so delicious

continue reading! Take a look at our skin care cream, try to use it, the nature is different.

???? Yulin Feiqi has been taught by Li Yi for a long time, and he has a good grasp of this.

????External iron and blood, internal warmth.

???? "Li...Can I eat it? Spicy!" Wu Jieyu is greedy, she wants to eat chili, and she has a baby to breastfeed.

???? "Yes, it's not a problem with eating, but don't eat too much, especially don't eat too much soy products. If you eat too much, your stomach is uncomfortable.

???? For protein intake, we have meat, eggs, fish, and bean worms.

???? Calcium or something, supported by seafood, combined with bone broth, easy to absorb.

???? Dried fruits are already ordered for you every day! Don't care about eating spicy food. "

???? Li Yi guarantees the ticket, let's eat, it counts as mine if there is a problem.

???? Wu Jieyu directly grabbed half of the millet pepper in the soup with chopsticks, chewed it a few times, and stuck out his tongue, which made her mental state better.

???? She believes in Li Yi and Li Yi's quality.

???? Li Yi could not cheat her son to protect the son of the queen queen, she knew that Li Yi could not do that kind of thing.

???? That belongs to the weak, Li Yi is the strong, who does Li Yi want to be the prince, does he need to play tricks?

???? Wu Jieyu doesn't believe that Li Yi can attack the child even if Li Yi plays a lot of assistance to the Queen.

???? "Okay!" With Li Yi's assurance, Wu Jieyu completely relieved and ate.

???? "I have newly bought lamb liver, eat a little bit, turn around, I will test the blood of the bag in the car, and take blood from the ears.

???? I will test the milk again to see what is missing, or which aspect is too much, and then adjust. "

???? Li Yi thought about Bao'er. Bao'er always sleeps and is chubby. This fat has a healthy fat.

"I'm here, I'm here. Last night the west wind sent, the road was flat and the horseshoe was vertical. The weeping willow branches faded away, and the frozen lotus stems are often offered. There are few birds and beasts in Jingshan, and there are many seedlings of fertile soil. Fence."

???? A group of horses ran over, and someone inside shouted loudly.

???? What is called out is the seven-character rhyme poem, in the eyes of Li Yi and others, it is still a normal jingle, even if it is in metric and rhyme.

???? "Meng Haoran is here?" Wang Wei's listening style is the same as before, he can hear it out.

???? Now he is happy, my God, finally met someone who doesn't always talk to me about people's livelihood.

???? Yes, Meng Haoran is afraid of Li Yi.

???? Li Yi's voice is how to improve people's lives, the kind of direct implementation.

???? Meng Haoran always writes idyllic and then lives in seclusion. He has an absolute pursuit of official career like many people.

???? Li Yi's evaluation of Meng Haoran is that the foundation is not solid, one is a memorized post-script, and the other is a grasp of current affairs.

???? To put it bluntly, Meng Haoran is an artist, not an administrative talent.

???? But this art and administration, looking at the follow-up development, you can't directly deny others from one aspect.

???? Li Yi is willing to give those celebrities in history a chance, because they do have ambitions.

???? Of course, like those of the Anshi Rebellion, Li Yi didn't think the other party had good ambitions.

????Ambition is for the people, not for yourself.

???? Selfishness is called selfishness, under the banner of the people, when the situation is impossible, they will dig pits for the next successor. This is a politician.

????Politicians are not politicians, far from it.

continue reading! #???? Li Yi is very disgusted with such self-conscious people. The reason why the other party can be like this is not how strong the other party's will is, but only shows the other party's cowardice.

???? is not doing things, not capable, taking the country's interests for oneself.

???? Li Yi knows the sorrow of other countries, so he doesn't want Datang to be like this.

???? Now Meng Haoran was brought over on horseback. Seeing his physical condition after landing, he knew that he was very **** the road.

???? "Let's arrange a meal first. Asking him about things is bullying." Li Yi didn't see Meng Haoran, but he was willing to give him a chance.

???? Meng Haoran, like Wang Wei, just wants to be an official.

???? Wang Wei's family is close to Chang'an, and with a lot of money, it is convenient for the exam.

???? Meng Haoran failed the exam again and again, indicating that he had flaws in a certain aspect of the imperial examination.

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