Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1293: Development is not first

Wang Xinshou still stared at Li Yi. In his eyes, Li Yi was a child, a very delicate child.

Li Yi looks handsome, if he doesn't look at his eyes, he is just like Xiao Xianrou.

Looking at the eyes, it belongs to another feeling.

Li Yi's voice is gentle, but not soft and not sissy.

"Lord Li, I can't see through you." Wang Xinshou said what he wanted.

"I can't see myself through myself. Humans, I don't need to understand others. I only need to listen to what they say and watch what they do, whether they know and act as one, and whether they are the same on the outside and inside."

Li Yi talked about continuing the inspection, and it didn't feel difficult.

If the veins and arteries are compressed, Wang Xinshou's right leg should be thinner than the sitting leg, and the blood supply is insufficient.

At the same time, there are no varicose veins in the upper part, indicating that the blood circulation is smooth.

The only thing left is the problem of tissue proliferation and compression to the nerves. It is normal that the muscle strength will decrease when you get older.

The operation is relatively simple, incision, removal, suture, drainage, and healing.

If it is not treated, the nerve will always be compressed, which will become more and more serious, like the kind of hemp, and at the same time, the water vapor weight and temperature will be low, and nerve reflex pain will occur.

"Dongzhu Li, it doesn't feel very painful for you to press it once." Wang Xinshou gave feedback on his feelings.

"One is the environment, the car is warmer, and the other is a psychological factor. You know my medical skills are still good, and I will give myself psychological hints."

Li Yi now belongs to a doctor, speaking from a medical point of view.

Don't hide anything, let alone deceive each other, what's the use of cheating without making money? It's free.

Like him at that time, if you tell the registered expert that this patient is free.

The expert took a look and gave the result directly based on experience. It was just a matter of fact, and the physical examination had already judged it.

And the stethoscope, what is the stethoscope used for? After listening with a stethoscope, tell the patient you to take an X-ray of the lungs.

The patient went to take the film. After the filming, take a look at the film. No, you can take another tomography because the shadow is not very clear.

In other words, the stethoscope is not used at all, and the X-rays are useless, so why not let the patient take the tomography directly? At least save X-ray film money.

In fact, listening is almost the same. If you have to watch it, you don't need to make a film, and you know everything.

There are also oral ulcers. First, let’s take a panoramic view of the oral cavity.

It is not wrong to be stabbed to death by such a doctor.

There is also a torn cardia. After the gastroscopy, the person who has the gastroscopy said that he should not drink or smoke, and eat some soft food in the past two days.

Take this list and go back to an expert, and the expert will write a note to go to the hospital building of XX.

When I arrived at the inpatient building, it was so deserted, the other party said that you have to be hospitalized, otherwise it is easy to die.

It’s a lot of money to be hospitalized, don’t you think it’s so deserted? If I don’t die without being hospitalized, will you, a doctor, die?

Li Yi knows that in general, the third- and fourth-tier hospitals in third- and fourth-tier cities do such compelling tasks.

If you change to a big hospital in a provincial capital city, you won’t have time to be hospitalized.

I don’t have a bed. I advise you to go home as soon as possible. There is nothing wrong. Don’t feel like you can’t live anymore.

Don't be hospitalized, waste time, and delay us, our beds are tight.

In good public hospitals, experts will not prescribe medicine for oral ulcers.

Tell you to go back and spray some watermelon frost, eat vitamin B2, don't smoke or drink, eat spicy food, it will be fine in two days.

Li Yi is free now, and he can't let the other party over-diagnose and treat.

One leg has remnants from a war environment, is it going to an MRI?

If it weren't for teaching, he wouldn't shoot any film, just look at the location and look back to solve it.

Of course, you can also let other ‘nurses’ watch the perspective and explain together. If there is no film, the film will spend extra life.

With this lifespan, isn't it good to exchange peanuts, sweet potatoes, potatoes, kidney beans, tomatoes?

Like bronchiectasis, vomiting blood, and vomiting, it looks scary.

Some hospitals will ask you to take the tomography, which can actually be seen through the perspective.

Just tell you to go back to eat cephalosporin, cephalexin is better, this disease can not get rid of the root, just raise it, usually pay more attention.

To put it bluntly, all the problems are money, but Datang's doctors actually don't make much money.

They are always subsidized, bound by professional ethics, and also bound by public opinion.

They look at your family's financial situation, and if you have more money, they will prescribe good medicine for you, and you will earn a little more.

When I was too poor to eat, I tried to prescribe cheap medicines, and I didn't have to pay for medical visits.

Or you can charge a small amount of money symbolically, and then turn around and give you medicine as a subsidy.

Wang Xinshou didn't know what Li Yi was thinking, and he didn't even know how many doorways there were in the medical profession.

He is rich, and he doesn't want Li Yi to suffer.

"President Li, Wang has some savings in his family, so..."

"Can you have more money than me? Your injury, I can't ask for money.

When the injury is dealt with, you can bring your family to raise more horses, and I will help you conceive the mare.

Once you fought hard for Datang, and now Datang returns to you, you can't make the hero shed blood and tears. "

Li Yi could see that the other party's family had good conditions, which belonged to him.

"Dongzhu Li, I have no regrets with your words!" Wang Xinshou felt Li Yi's sincerity.

"I have no regrets! Because of of you."

Li Yi showed absolute respect to everyone who fought for the country.

Any industry can correct a mistake after making a mistake.

Only the soldiers, they paid the price of their lives for making mistakes, let alone the people who gave things to others and then got involved.

"Dongzhu Li, with your Datang, we are at ease." For a moment, Wang Xinshou felt that all his efforts were worthwhile.

In the future, when Datang needs it, there will be more children in the family, all of whom are skilled in bowing horses.

Not to mention, there can be a team of twenty scouts in the house, one person and five horses, capable of in-depth investigation.

Even if the horse is good and runs fast, people also train from an early age.

It is impossible to hide from the battlefield, and cannot hide the people in their own family. You can't keep up with the speed, what are you using to cover me?

"Your family is willing to try a new weapon? Baizhang away can knock down the enemy from the horse, I will give you a batch."

Li Yi wanted to support a family, at least this family has been thinking about Datang until now.

"Musket?" Wang Xinshou asked in a low voice. He actually knew about this.

"Or? Give it to you if you want it. You make contributions. But remember that you have to pay attention to Datang. I can also give you a binoculars."

Li Yi just saw that the members of the Wang family were very polite.

If such a family doesn't support it, can it please other aristocratic families and big clans?

Wang Xinshou clenched his fist: "Lord Li, as long as you can trust my family, my family can die in battle."

"Don't, why are you going to die? Our weapons are advanced and we hit the enemy ahead of time. The enemy can't hit us. The horses are all the same. Let's fly a kite at a distance."

Li Yi denied, why do you have to fight to death? When my Lijiazhuangzi's skills are not good?

After waiting for a few years, my field artillery hit more than ten miles, the enemy lined up?

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