Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1298: Keep it at Zhongguan Temple

The latest website: "Why is it called the Buddha jumped over the wall?" Li Longji was curious about the name of the dish.

"Some Buddhist children will ban meat and fish, and the Buddha jumps over the wall. There is meat and fish. It means that because the taste is too good, Buddhist monks who have banned the meat and fish will cross that belief and eat. It can also be said that children jumped the wall and eat.

Li Yi briefly introduced that in Datang Buddhism, some people ate meat and drank alcohol.

Some people do not eat. It is said that they do not eat meat and fish, but they were added to the doctrine by the order of the previous emperor.

Government and doctrine have mutual influence.

Strong teaching power means weak government, and the government needs to act in accordance with the people in charge of the local teaching power.

Anyone who holds political power does not obey the words of those who hold teaching power, and then picks it up.

On the other hand, religion is controlled by the government, and it is banned if it is said to be banned.

"The temple occupies a large area, and there are many monks." Li Yi thought of the temple when he considered whoever has the most power.

"There is a lot of land used in the temple, and no rent is paid." Li Longji has restricted the Buddha and drove some people out of the temple.

But he still wanted to go further. He didn't need Buddhism or Taoism.

The newspapers are always propagating Chinese civilization and Datang.

The people of Jingzhao Mansion went to the temple to see fewer and fewer people, and they no longer paid for sesame oil.

He even stole other people's incense and went home to use his and Yi brother's longevity tablets.

The land once designated by the temple is still harvested year after year, and loans are being issued to the outside world.

Some people can only give their Yongyetian to the temple because they can't repay the money they borrowed, so that the land of the temple keeps increasing.

Now the people in Jingzhao Mansion and the surrounding area don't care about borrowing money, and their interest is high.

People are more willing to take charge of Lijiazhuang's borrowing money, such as buying clothes, building new houses, and buying livestock.

The people who borrowed money to buy food have enough food, and the people have made money in things such as picking tea, wormwood, and storing ice.

Only the big items are not enough money, and Lijiazhuangzi is in charge of borrowing them, and Lijiazhuangzi sends people to provide livestock to Jian and.

The expenses of Lijiazhuangzi are low, and the people will repay it in installments at the normal price.

It belongs to the suppression of the temple, but only in Jingzhao Mansion and its surroundings, and beyond the reach of farther places.

Thinking this way, Li Longji's mood became bad.

"Let them raise pigs." Li Yi is in a good mood. He has a place and manpower to raise pigs.

"Raising pigs?" Li Longji was puzzled, why suddenly he wanted to ask others to raise pigs?

"They are relatively leisurely, chanting and memorizing doctrines, and memorizing them while raising pigs. They also have good fields for growing indica rice."

Li Yi said that I was very concerned about the expressions of the children of Buddhism and Taoism, and said, the kind of compassion and compassion.

If it weren't for his eyes narrowing unconsciously, the others would have believed.

"A good way." Li Chengqi uttered his support. Yes, he told Siguan people to raise pigs a lot and the people need to eat meat.

Cooking pig food, cutting pig grass, and cleaning pig dung will not affect the chanting. It is a happy thing to chant the scriptures to serve the pigs.

Queen Wang touched her belly and said, "Yes, they won't go to war, and they won't pay rent. Beitianfang will no longer ask them to take care of them. They should always do something for Datang."

"Good!" Li Dan said.

"It should have been so long ago." Concubine Doulu echoed.

"How to raise?" Li Longji began to consider specific aspects, and the matter of asking the monk and Taoist priest to raise pigs has been determined.

"Cooperate, don't make them suffer. Let Simong Temple... Lijiazhuangzi, I am worried about the people in Simong Temple for their favoritism."

Li Yi wanted to use the government to operate it, but he thought that the official personnel were unreliable, and he would have to clean up the people at that time, which would be troublesome.

"My Zhuangzi produces piglets, and they are responsible for raising them. They raise a pig and give me 100 catties of pork, and the rest counts as their profits.

For the reserved seeds, a litter of piglets must be produced before the sow piglets are raised and slaughtered.

The piglets that came out are still mine, and continue to be handed over to them, and the extra piglets are distributed to the people. "

Li Yi began to talk about the specific data. He only gave out piglets. Others helped raise them. He took meat and new piglets.

Princess Yongmu likes to eat pork and knows something about it.

She frowned when she heard one hundred catties of pork: "Li Lang, is it slightly less if only one hundred catties are needed?"

Xiaolan nodded on the other side of Li Yi, less, it should cost two hundred jin.

"It's pork, without bones and water." Li Yi emphasized the words he said.

From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, how old can the pigs grow? What is the meat yield rate after killing?

If there is no litter, the sow will get rid of it, and the weight gain will be fast, but the litter will be slow, and so are the boars.

According to the conditions he put forward, the monks and Taoist priests can't get back their capital, and they need subsidies every year.

Fortunately, he doesn't pursue the lean meat ratio. The people of Datang don't like to eat lean meat and have no oil and water.

If you want more lean meat, the pig has to exercise, run, and swim.

"They have all their incense money!" Li Chengqi was gloating, and he was happy.

Those who believe in Buddhism will still give money, just because they give it to the temple, Yi brother uses it to turn into pork and piggy.

Turning to subsidize the people, Brother Yi didn't make this money.

It is equivalent to the labor of monks and Taoists, making contributions to the Tang Dynasty.

Who disagrees, look at Yulin Feiqi, Sixteen Guards and 30,000 recruits, I believe they will fully understand.

"If you pay, there will be rewards. I want to translate more scriptures and print out a batch of them for learning and preaching."

When Li Yi bullied others, he was thinking of giving them a little benefit.

Datang is still working hard to translate scriptures, especially Buddhist scriptures.

By his time, after generations of translations and annotations, the content of the scriptures became broader and deeper.

Especially in terms of interpretation, whether Buddhism or Taoism, the different opinions given by later generations are the most precious.

In terms of debating the scriptures, Li Yi could use the scriptural ideas of the time to give the current monks to the debate circle.

Copy one or two scriptures in a year, I believe that people who raise pigs will be satisfied.

Just like a medical book, given the medical book, the learner has to see a doctor for others for free as tuition.

Only acupuncture, massage, and medicinal materials can make money.

"Brother Yi bothered too much." Li Longji thanked.

Starting from the beginning of the spring next year, a large area of ​​temples and temples will start raising pigs. By the end of next year, the results will be produced and then they will be promoted further.

Li Yi eats food: "There are many lazy people in the monk's way. The fields belong to the temple and temples. They don't work on farming, but the tenants and other people."

Li Yi mentions another Temples and Taoist temples, the monks and Taoist priests inside, enjoy blessings and classes all day long.

The lower you get, the more tired you get. When you get to the top, you eat well, sleep well, and don't work at all.

There is no such thing as self-cultivation and self-watering.

The land they circled up is leased to others, and they collect a lot of rent without paying rent at the same time.

There is still no mediocrity, which is equivalent to a big landlord who does not pay taxes.

Some of them had frequent contacts with the royal family and aristocrats, and even committed suspenseful things.

Li Yi is considering continuing to change. With so many tenants working for the monk and Taoist priests, it is better to contribute to Lijiazhuangzi.

"Move the people who are farming for them to my hands. The people are too bitter. I will take care of them. I don't want their renters."

After Li Yi finished speaking, I looked at everyone, everyone saw Li Yi nodded, meaning that you are willing to take it.

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