Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1307: Falling Leaves Zhiqiu Service Week

Guan Yinde was the magistrate of Datang Hongnong County, not the county secretary of Li Yi's party and government at that time.

He was quite at a loss, he didn't understand forms or anything at all.

I don't know how to cheat even more. If I learn a lesson later, I might be able to cheat with my cleverness.

Cheating once, thinking that others will not be able to find out.

Depends on who is looking at the data, Li Yi sees, he will laugh and get on the ground, too fake, can't he be serious?

At least let me see the degree of excellence in compliance with fraud. What is fake is fake, and if it doesn't exist, it becomes real.

"Dongzhu Li, Dongzhu Li, I dug it up, there is water here, one foot down, the water is full after the ice soaks out."

There were shouts from the working crowd, and they were very excited.

"Guanming Mansion, do you know what's going on? A foot of ice."

Li Yi didn't look at it, so he had to dig a little longer to dig the entire hole to the size of a person who could enter it.

Guan Yinde was asked: "Dongzhu Li, what do you mean by..."

"The current terrain, the current season, and a foot of ice, what's the situation below?" Li Yi changed his opinion.

"Where do I know? There is a saying?" Guan Yinde was anxious, really didn't understand.

"In the twelfth lunar month, how thick is the ice in other rivers? Is the ice thicker in the higher the terrain?" Li Yi led.

"Yes!" Guan Yinde nodded.

"It's a fart, the water in the highlands flows down, and the water can't hold it. This is a small river. Where does the thick ice come from? The ice in low-lying places is thick.

Be normal, don't think about other things, don't be stressed.

If you are greedy for money, I will tell the Zaifu people, as long as you don’t use it for gambling and playing with money, and spend the money on your wife, parents, and children, I forgive you. "

Li Yi gave the other party a reassurance. He took care of it, the local logistics became better, and the promised roads were all repaired.

The working people get the benefits, the taxpayers are less mediocre, and the names are carved on the road monument.

That's it. Guan Yinde made some money to make his family's life easier. From the perspective of human nature, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Yes, yes, yes..."

"Don't be right, right, you calm down, think carefully, how thick normal ice should be now? Is there any problem with the thickness of the ice in front?"

Li Yi guide, don't let you lose your judgment because of my identity.

You are a county magistrate, and you can't be a response bug.

You don't need to bow and bow in front of me to show respect.

As long as you improve the living standards of the people, I will toast you.

Guan Yinde took a deep breath. The newspaper said that taking a deep breath increases the oxygen content, but if you can’t take too much deep breath, you will get drunk.

Guan Yinde was not drunk, but took a cold breath. Li Yi considered giving him a bowl of **** syrup and brown sugar before dinner.

"Lord Li, I see, this place is where the Yin and Yang are gathered."

It took five minutes for Guan Yinde to give such an answer.

"There is a low-temperature hot spring below, and the water temperature is maintained at more than ten degrees all year round, and there is a large underground lake inside."

Li Yi said it himself, so Guan Yinde was not asked to analyze it again.

I'm talking about geological and hydrological structure, would you tell me about Feng Shui?

Of course, Feng Shui can explain this situation. Obviously you have not learned Feng Shui.

You should say that the four yin converge, the cathode yang grows, the earth is lacking, the moisture increases, the winter and summer flow, and it becomes constant due to the festival.

This is called Feng Shui, what are you talking about?

To put it bluntly, the groundwater temperature is high and zero degrees Celsius.

At the same time, the pressure level of this water is just below this foot. When it is not freezing, this location can be connected to the river above.

The water is high and the pressure is strong. In winter, there is less water and the pressure is weakened, and the pressure of the surrounding groundwater is not enough to press the water out, which is the formation of a fountain.

Therefore, the water surface below is maintained at a height, and it is impossible to form thicker ice.

It belongs to a special geographical structure, what's the use?

Sampling and testing can be directly filled according to the current water temperature.

Many of Li Yi's mineral water at that time, the most common one that was a little sweet, had a filling temperature of four degrees Celsius above zero.

The density of water is the highest at four degrees Celsius above zero. After filling, any change in warmth will leave the bottle with no excess air.

When many people drink this water, they will find that the water will burst out after twisting it off.

No problem, because of the temperature, people have considered this problem when filling.

There are no air bubbles in this mineral water. Any mineral water, pure water, soda water, cool white water and so on with air bubbles will be unqualified.

"Take that pressure well, bring out the water, and irrigate the vegetables in the greenhouse. There are many minerals in it.

It looks like cucumber and eggplant, and it's sweeter.

As the county magistrate, you have to separately promote this kind of water-irrigated vegetables at a high price. "

Li Yi is slowly explaining and teaching, as long as you are willing to learn, I will tell you what to do.

"Li Dongzhu, I will return all the money I took." Guan Yinde was ashamed.

He found that he was too poor in the specific matters of governing the place.

This is the crushing of knowledge, and there is no ice at a depth of one foot in the low-lying area.

Dongzhu Li immediately gave the answer here. Obviously the ice elsewhere is not a foot thick, it should be two or three feet thick.

Judge the local situation through the thickness of one foot of ice, and give the development propaganda method.

This is the knowledge of "seeing a leaf fall, and knowing the age of the general twilight"?

No, it should be said, ‘I heard that the ice is thick, and the root of Xiaotan’s water. ’

Guan Yinde admitted that he was incomparable, and he was unreasonably strong.

I shouted over there, and I even figured out how to make money here.

How can one achieve this level? What did you come to say? People know what they are going to say and they understand at the same time.

"Lord Li!" Guan Yinde wanted to apprentice.

"So don't worry, Lao Bi, I will hold you back. The money collected this year will be kept by yourself, and you won't be able to collect it again next year.

If you don’t want to be promoted, do things for the people well. The next year you will have a lot of money. I will tell you how to do it. There are too many flaws in your tactics.

According to the form I gave you, you doubled the living standards of the people, and I will give you at least one thousand extra income the next year.

The key money, if others can't find out the problem, I will arrange it properly. "

Li Yi is arguing with Guan Yinde for the common people, because no matter what you do, the last person is the place to execute it.

You can't go around, local things have to be done according to local methods.

I have never said what you say, the place is what it is, unrealistic, unless you live in a dream.

His Li Family Zhuangzi is already utopian enough and looks very floating.

In fact, Huaxi Village was the same at the time, but the situation changed later on when there were always mistakes.

The policies of the imperial court must be implemented in the end when the rule of man is the rule.

In Li Yi's opinion, Guan Yinde is not bad, make some money, get things done, and support you.

What makes people hate is the kind of money that doesn't do things, such as the country where there are kangaroos.

At the beginning, it was said that it was good to buy various things, and then invest, as well as tourism and study abroad funds.

As a result, the kangaroo's place has a lot of benefits, and he will bully you when he turns his head.

They must think that you are afraid of me and that I should make your money. If you scold you, you are not allowed to fight back. If I beat you, you are not allowed to fight back.

Because of what? Because I am more noble than you.

If you didn't make a mistake, I'll find your fault, and you have to explain it to me.

I made a mistake, you can’t speak, you know?

So there are too many people living in dreams, and Lijiazhuangzi has a face in the same dream.

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