Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1310: Guoqiang will not be Liang Fuyin

In Li Yi's view, some countries are nouveau riche and cannot see through history.

How many civilizations have disappeared in five thousand years? Why is his own civilization still there?

There has never been a religion or dynasty that stands proud forever.

Religious factions will become more and more divided, and the tendency of regime change is that they have no roots.

Lean toward this system for a while, and lean toward another system for a while.

The ruler was at a loss, only thinking about Li Yi in front of him, never thinking about the foundation of the nation.

This is the sorrow of those countries, not as good as Li Yi's countries.

The orthodox ethnic group is the Han nationality. At the end of its development, the Han nationality is not a pure Han nationality, it has long been integrated.

Genes can fuse, civilization is always there.

In the beginning, the Central Plains was just a little place in Henan Mansion of Datang, which was called Central Plains.

Later, it was not called Zhongyuan, but Zhonghua.

If you just look at the moment and define a civilized country, no country in the entire world has the right to speak.

The power of the Han nationality has been lost time and time again, and what has not been lost is the tradition.

It has been normal for hundreds of years to lose it, but is it not merged in the end?

Decades of sinking, is that a problem?

So I can’t learn from others, what freedom, all kinds of adventures, the more dangerous they are, the more they go up.

This kind of freedom is selfish and does not conform to the theory of human development.

Mankind defeated other beasts in the struggle of nature. Is it because of selfish freedom and democracy that has emerged as a white-skinned population?

The key to the reproduction of human beings at the top of the food chain lies in unity, sacrifice, dedication, struggle, and hard work.

When African lions and hyenas were fighting for a prey that was brought down by a lioness, an African man walked over with a big stick, dragged the prey and walked back.

At that time, the lions and hyenas watched eagerly, watching the food being dragged away by others, and were afraid to grab them.

It's not weakness, but something in their genes tells them not to snatch, **** it and guarantee it will be cleaned up.

Now that they are all portrayed in their genes, it is possible to imagine how humans have united in history to fight lions and hunting dogs.

Lions and hyenas bite the cubs in the zebra herd, and other zebras will avoid them.

When they bite human cubs, humans will not escape, humans will fight frantically, and will not even give you the opportunity to bite the child.

The adults will rush up to resist the children, even if they die.

Turning his head, he immediately tried to organize a manpower to destroy this group of lions or hyenas.

This is the responsibility, this is the responsibility.

Li Yi wanted to continue playing, but when he found that there were so many holes, he held back.

"Continue to send Yulin to ride down. There is no need to add nitrogen. There is enough oxygen, and the depth is less than forty meters."

Li Yi chose to stay on the shore. He looked at the people around him. A large group of people were all worried for him before.

He cannot pursue freedom, and many people have made their lives easier because of him.

At this moment, any of his adventures are selfish.

It's just that he felt that he had a bit of sad publicity at that time.

Those who contribute silently to the family and society and work hard every day will not be promoted.

The so-called self-seeking people who have abandoned their families, went on adventures, and went to dangerous places without getting the safeguards in place have become Internet celebrities.

Then, because the safeguards were not enough, many people praised him.

Is this freedom? In Li Yi's view, this is selfish, selfish, unaccountable, and not conducive to social development.

People who praise this kind of existence are full of food. They should be brought to war-torn countries, or South Africa. Praise it, you can’t get enough food and starve to death.

Being able to eat enough in this country allows you to praise people who have no family and social responsibility on the Internet. It is definitely not because of the status quo provided by the people you like.

The father of hybrid rice, will he venture on the glacier?

What? Social division of labor is different? What work does the adventurous person have? Work regardless of parents' family responsibilities?

He hasn't contacted his family for many years, so he is awesome?

Than the sanitation workers who sweep the streets to earn living expenses for their parents and children?

If such a person is really admired, then the outlook on life, world outlook, and values ​​will be completely ruined.

Is it different from a president who knows nothing better than me?

Oh, yes, he is the president, and tens of millions of people are fooled to follow another Civil War.

"Oh!" Li Yi thought, sighing heavily, unwilling to think about his affairs at that time.

He looked at Wang Wei and Meng Haoran, these two things were wrong, these two people did not have any administrative things in history.

"Two, what do you think?" Li Yi asked two people who went to Lantian County to become the second and third county leaders after the Chinese New Year.

Wang Wei and Meng Haoran looked at each other.

Meng Haoran took a deep breath and said, "The water is flowing deep in the spring and autumn, Zhou Anyuan is looking for traces. The ox hoof is not there, and Yufeng sinks into the net."

Pastoral style, straight out, improvisation.

When Meng Haoran's voice just fell, Wang Wei said: "Four rivers meet in No. 1 Middle School, green grass and clouds are reflected. The sun is frosty and the plumbing is steaming."

He is also improvised, with pictures in his poems.

If two people are asked to paint, Meng Haoran still paints the countryside, and Wang Wei has poems in his paintings.

Li Yi nodded, there is nothing to say, the two of them are in this style.

He was looking forward to Li Bai, and replaced him with Li Bai, writing an impromptu poem, which was absolutely different.

It is estimated that Li Bai wrote back: Swans and feathers are full of snow, and the pool is deep and thousands of feet down. Leisurely fishing Yingzhang fish, meticulously save pen and ink.

If it were replaced by Du Fu, it would be another style.

Du Fu is expected to write: Zhumen catches the cold, leisurely and cheerful smiles. If you look at the neighbors, food and clothing become difficult.

Li Yi listened and thought, a personal style, if he doesn't write a poem, he doesn't seem to be a good literati.

If an official doesn’t write poems, it’s absolutely impossible.

Pay attention to the public account: book friends base camp, pay attention to send cash and coins!

In fact, Li Yi is particularly disgusted with administrative staff writing poems. Are they idle?

At the time like him, there were some leaders who were shy about writing so-called "Pear Flower Style" poems, and they could be complacent after writing them.

You let people who have been studying Chinese literature hard since they were three or four years Why do you feel so embarrassed?

Do you think these people can't write modern poetry? A person who can write poems, words, songs, fus, tunes, couplets, modern poems, and prose can't write "Pear Flower Style"?

"It's almost New Year, Lao Bi didn't write a letter? It's not his style, I have prepared delicious food for them."

Li Yi didn't give any comment on the impromptu poems written by Wang Wei and Meng Haoran. He thought of Bi Gou.

Isn’t it about the New Year, what do you want? Say it quickly, you used to write a jingle to me, I miss it very much now.

"No!" Princess Yongmu took Li Yi's arm naturally.

She didn't care about the impromptu poems written by Wang Wei and Meng Haoran. She could write it without any difficulty.

What she values ​​more is the local people's life, and the children are very happy today.

They were also watching and saw a big fish.

The carp and black fish are big enough to give children a taste.

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