Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1316: Analyze sentences of special construction department

"Tianzhu people eat curry, and Southwest Man also eats it." Li Yi once again worried about exporting.

???? Others do not have, you can change a lot of things.

???? There are many other spices in Tianzhu, which are not valuable locally, but they are very expensive in Datang.

???? Southwestern refers to a large area, including Thailand, which was called Siam after the Tang Dynasty.

???? Can you get a pound of chili noodles for a pound of various spices? Pepper, yes, especially pepper.

???? Qiongzhou needs to wait another year for the results, how much money did Tianzhu make this year?

???? No, the people of Tianzhu didn't make any money, all the money was picked up by the Yi merchants.

????Princess Yongmu listened to Li Yi mentioning Tianzhu, and continued to pinch the ice shell on the frozen autumn pear next to him: "There are many good things in Tianzhu?"

???? "A lot, I have to admit that the climate there is good, and the river is also good, that is... the dead people are thrown into the river."

???? Li Yi shuddered suddenly, and the floating corpse in the Ganges was frightening.

???? He is not afraid of corpses, but hygiene.

???? When Tang was fighting, he also knew that the enemy's corpses should be dealt with. They shouldn't be left in the open, because there would be plagues.

???? Everyday people will fish out all the bodies floating in the river, by the way, report to officials to see how they died, and then bury them.

???? Including corpses encountered in the wilderness, the same method is used to deal with.

???? The law of the Tang Dynasty stipulates that if a body is found to be buried, determine the cause of death, and those who died naturally, such as the elderly, should be buried on the spot.

???? Therefore, there are many missing persons. Even if they are murdered, such as those who are poisoned with drugs, ordinary people can't judge them at all, so they will help them as normal deaths.

???? "Water burial? I heard that there are many wild burials in Tubo." Princess Yongmu became easy to learn after seeing Li Yi.

???? "Yes, it is a wild burial. There is no way. Tubo has the same permafrost as ours in winter, and after years of freezing, the permafrost is thick, which is difficult for ordinary people to dig."

???? Li Yi analyzes from the technical aspect, there is no sky burial today, just called the wild burial.

????Because...Chapter 1316 Special Construction Department Analysis Sentence Second Update (page 1/4),. Because the relevant doctrines have not been passed on, so there is no such thing.

???? Land is planted wherever it can be digged, and barley is generally planted.

???? If there is no way to dig, put the body there.

???? "Oh!" Princess Yongmu replied and asked, "Can I grow cotton if it is cold in Tubo?"

???? "Yes, now that the climate is warming, cotton can be grown in some low-altitude areas, but how can cotton be compared to wheat?"

???? Li Yi knows where to grow cotton in Tubo, the location in the southeast.

???? If they couldn't grow food, Tubo would not have the ability to wage war against Datang.

???? "Li Lang, will Princess Jincheng believe in Tubo's teachings?" Princess Yongmu thought of another thing.

???? "I didn't know it before, but now I don't think it will. She believes in Datang even more.

???? As long as a country is strong enough and what it promotes, the people will believe in it.

???? Therefore, we must not blindly promote in the newspapers, including planting and breeding, and treat them separately in different regions. "

???? Li Yi got up and took another pot of cold water, and replaced the three frozen autumn pears in the previous pot into a new pot.

???? Xiaolan is also here, she doesn't speak, trying to record what Li Yi said.

???? The words of Confucius in the past were recorded by someone. In addition to the real records, they were also compiled and fabricated by later generations. They were all written in the Analects.

???? Confucius is concerned about politics, economics, humanities, and military affairs.

???? is really good, many aspects can be applied by future generations.

???? However, the prime minister of Datang and Li Longji and the others are more willing to record what Li Yi said.

???? Li Yi just talked about ideas, very practical.

???? It is possible that a certain sentence that Li Yi said inadvertently was a way to benefit the people.

???? He didn't think it was important, everyone would look at it, analyze it, and ask him if he finds which one works.

???? It is like the technique of artificially conceiving livestock. If the technique of hatching chicks comes out, ask more...Chapter 1316 Special Construction Department Analysis Statement The second update (page 2/4). The phrase ‘what can the horse do? ’, don’t you know in advance!

???? Li Yi didn't know it, Li Longji sent someone to set up a separate department to see what Li Yi said.

???? It was after Li Longji felt that the stallion was vaccinated a hundred years late, and he was distressed about time.

???? He wanted to put Li Yi in the small black room and do nothing, just to give me thoughts, thinking about all the things and techniques that you should remember.

???? "Proprietor, can I come in? What you told me last time, I think it can be used." Guo Ziyi's voice came from the door.

???? Li Yi looked up: "Did you bring your own frozen autumn pears? Soaked, I can eat them in a while, but there are only three."

???? "I won't eat." Guo Ziyi was helpless.

???? "Please come in." Li Yi relieved and didn't have to give Guo Ziyi his pear.

???? Princess Yongmu covered her mouth and smiled. She thought Li Yi was so interesting. Guo Changshi had serious questions to ask, but Li Yi was actually afraid of not having enough pears.

???? Guo Ziyi entered the ‘house’: "Proprietor, the way you said to close the small black house, I think it’s okay."

???? "Small black house? Ah! Actually it's useless." Li Yi admitted that he had said that and was confined.

???? "Why is it useless? Think about it, stay alone in one place for several days without others talking to him, and the room is still dark, and most people can't bear it."

After analysis, Guo Ziyi approved this method.

???? "Then you haven't met an internet writer. As long as you have the conditions to eat and go to the toilet, you will close them for a month, and you will have a complete outline after they come out.

???? Li Yi shook his head, you don't understand, some people are not afraid of small black houses.

???? "What?" Guo Ziyi didn't understand.

???? "I mean, for example, if you shut me up for a month and have food to eat, brown bread will do. If you don't want me to be malnourished, the meat sandwiches are better, and then you can drink water and provide a place to go to the toilet.

???? I don't need light in it, so I just lie down and sit thinking about what technology I can use. #......Chapter 1316 Special Construction Department Analysis Sentences Second (page 3/4),.

???? After one month of confinement is over, I estimate that at least 20 technologies will be available, as well as a large number of internal and external planning and layout. "

???? Li Yi put another he is not afraid.

???? "Really?" Guo Ziyi stared at Li Yi's eyes.

???? "Really!" Li Yi was sure.

???? "I'll tell someone else and lock you up." Guo Ziyi said to leave.

???? "Stop." Princess Yongmu said: "What should I do if Li Lang is locked up for a month?"

???? Guo Ziyi patted his forehead, yes, forgot, you can't shut Li Yi off for a month, who will your Majesty and others talk to?

???? Li Yi motioned to Guo Ziyi to sit down: "Guardian people don't care about the small black house.

????Let's Yulin Feiqi teaches tactics and command. Once locked, we can simulate various battles in our minds.

???? After going back, talk to the brothers, and then try it. Let it be closed for three days as part of the training.

???? Ziyi, brothers Yulin Feiqi want to thank you for providing this idea. "

???? Li Yi was very happy. Look, he found another way to cultivate his will. Thanks to Guo Ziyi, he is indeed a capable person.

???? Guo Ziyi: "..."

???? He felt that the hair on the back of his neck suddenly rose: "Proprietor, you want to tell them that I made the idea?"

???? "Yes, you are a good person, we Datang needs people like you, the more the better." Li Yi praised again.

???? "Didn't you mention it?" Guo Ziyi traced the roots.

???? "I don't want to take credit, it's you." Li Yi waved his hand.

???? "This is gong? They will hate me." Guo Ziyi looked at Li Yi with that kind of eyes, do you really don't understand, or pretend to be stupid?

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