Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1319: All struggles in life are thoughts

"Xiao Yi, you must let me live a few more years."

Li Dan, who was not afraid of death in history, or wanted to die quickly, begged Li Yi again.

Li Yi put his hand on his knee and he felt a warm current appear.

"Therefore, sometimes a small aid can also cause the people to explode with infinite power."

Li Yi gently massaged, using his palm, the entire palm did not leave Li Dan's knee position.

Some girls, or young girls, young women, etc., sometimes get back pain.

Men are actually too, many men always feel that their left waist is sore.

Some are caused by muscles when fatigued, such as the position where the **** is always needled, the left and right sides, and the intramuscular injection.

It feels like a backache, but actually it is a pain in the butt. Massage the position of the needle and feel comfortable.

The other is lower abdomen pain, women sometimes have uterus, and men have vaginal cavity.

The baby boy’s ** is not at the bottom, but at the top, usually on the left side, in the groin.

Then the birth slipped down, so many men felt that their left back hurts.

A man with such a certain symptom, put his hand in front of him and heat it.

Put the woman's uterus behind and put her hands up.

It's like a lie, just get a piece of tin foil like cigarette paper in a cigarette case, spit, stick it on the body, and ask: Is it hot?

The deceived person feels hot, yes, hot.

The heat is right, because that place is not air-tight, and other skins are dissipating heat, and the place where the tin foil is attached cannot get the heat out.

But the liar said that he was doing gong, he was old and powerful, and he was doing gong far away to make you feel hot.

In fact, changing to plastic wrap is the same, how about a quicklime heating paste with iron oxide in it?

The principle of heating paste is very simple, activated carbon, iron oxide, quicklime.

Quicklime heats up when it encounters water, and then becomes mature lime.

Since it obtains less hydrogen and oxygen in the air, activated carbon, salt, and iron oxide powder are added to be used as a catalyst.

The same principle applies to insoles including one-time heating. The more developed the sweat glands of the feet, the hotter the insoles will be in a short period of time, and the sweat will get in directly.

Many people complained that the insole was black after wearing the socks.

Normal, because there are iron oxide and activated carbon inside, they are all black.

The problem lies in the outer packaging, the material of the outer packaging is not good enough, so it is missed.

For things of poor quality, the heat-generating material itself is no problem, but the problem lies in the packaging that leaks the material of the package.

Li Yi knows this very well. He massaged Li Dan and said to himself: "What can I use to make it? The key is glue.

In the case of low strength requirements, eucommia gum can be substituted, even isinglass, gum, and teng gum.

I can’t use it for my own people. For export, the cost, profit, publicity, local agency..."

Li Yi was distracted by himself, muttering, and at the same time he kept moving his hands, giving Li Dan a massage.

The court ladies and eunuchs around are writing, even if Li Yi fart, they have to record it.

Then a dedicated team researched, why did Li Yi fart? Did he fart deliberately, or did he not hold back?

What is the central idea and general idea of ​​the fart he put in?

Li Yi thought for a while again, he thought of some articles against the eight-legged essay.

Those articles said: First, what is the form of the eight-legged essay; secondly, what is the structure of the eight-legged essay; thirdly, what is the pretentiousness of the eight-legged essay; and finally, the dross of the eight-legged essay seems like.

In addition, because, though, it criticized the stereotypical essay as useless.

Then criticizing the style of the eight-legged essay, isn’t it another form of eight-legged essay?

After Li Yi was distracted, the court ladies and eunuchs were very happy. Just now Li Yi spoke fast, and they were afraid that they would not be able to remember.

Li Yi was taken aback and quickly wrote, just like Li Yi had when he copied the teacher's words.

The difference is that Li Yi’s children at that time quickly recorded what the teacher said, and would not go to see it again after recording.

Now the records of the court ladies and eunuchs are written, and there is a special department to study them.

"Dragon slayers will eventually become evil dragons. Because they didn't remember their heart. Humans, the most terrifying thing is getting lost.

For example, if you think this is the prosperous age of Kaiyuan, you really think that the people's life is better.

When the grain price of Jingzhao Mansion has fallen, when does it represent the prosperity?

Since it is the prosperous period of Kaiyuan, why are you afraid of the drought in Guanzhong and the large locusts in Shandong in the past two years? "

Li Yi is playing logistics for Datang, and always keeps Datang's development on the right path.

He controls Datang's car, there are no corners, and no drift, he always cut corners on the line.

On high-speed roads, all motor units must walk arcs, and Datang controlled by Li Yi is walking tangents.

The shortest line segment between two points is an axiom.

Li Yi took this to the extreme, and the series of technology and mineral distribution maps he produced looked like a space jump.

I mark two points on the paper, and then I want to find the closest distance.

Li Yi just marked the two points, then folded the paper, and touched it.

The locust in Shandong naturally refers to the locust plague east of Taihang Mountain. Li Longji had no feelings about this before.

Now I recall that Brother Yi was dispatched personally. If he did not suppress it, the consequences would be...

Li Longji's memories look back again. The relationship between himself and Yi brother that year didn't seem to be what it is now.

"Brother Yi, let the past happen, and now look back. What do you want?" Li Longji suddenly became emotional.

He felt that Li Yi paid too much, but got little.

"What about you?" Li Yi didn't answer Li Longji's words, but turned to look at Princess Thank Buddha, thank Dao Zun, thank father... Father, let me meet you. "Princess Yongmu blushed from her face to her neck.

Li Yi: "..."

Is this what I asked? What are you doing...

Damn! Oh my god.

"Me too, the moment I first met you, the days and nights I missed you, I thought a lot, and when I didn't dare to think about it, it was like a dream when I looked back, and my heart is still the same when I look back."

Li Yi said in his heart, he knew how to cherish.

There is no princess in his heart, and imperial power is a joke. He defends imperial power because he helps the people the fastest.

What Zaifu, what emperor, now depends on his mood.

Only Princess Yongmu cannot proceed from the perspective of interest.

Some people marry a princess to improve their status. Li Yi knows that marrying a princess is to give some people peace of mind.

This is called a compromise between politics and interests.

But he actually likes Princess Yongmu, this is the most important thing.

Some people like a woman's appearance, some like a woman's family background, and some like a woman's tenderness.

Li Yi felt that the happy smile of Princess Yongmu was the cutest when she ate braised pork, and at the same time Princess Yongmu also worked hard to learn to make her favorite braised pork.

"Brother Yi, when will you get there?" Li Longji suddenly said.

"Third brother, you will ask Yulin Feiqi about such things in the future."

Li Yi is upset, what about your old husband? My wife and I have a relationship, believe it or not I will give you medicine?

"What? Ask you if you can't?" Li Longji shouted out in dialect, you grabbed my girl's hand, can I say something?

"Ask Yulin Feiqi." Princess Yongmu told Li Longji.

"Yes, ask... Guo Ziyi, when did you arrive at that cave?"

Li Longji stared at Li Yi, feeling that he had lost a lot of things after losing more than a hundred years before.

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