Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1448: No letter flying pigeon in the box

The first thousand and forty-eight chapters of the text, there is no letter flying pigeon in the box (first more)

"Goodbye, goodbye!" As the sun gradually moved, the yacht set off.

The female leader led the people to wave their hands like Li Yi and others, and many aboriginal people showed a look of reluctance.

They have new tools, wood that has been cut to dry, and fish that will last for a few days.

They are looking forward to seeing each other again.

Li Yi stood on the deck, as the distance gradually got farther, he was still shaking his arms there.

"It should be the same when they bid farewell to Magellan's team? The Spaniards and Portuguese promised to bring them a good life."

Li Yi murmured and put down his hands.

"Li Lang, will we still meet with them?" Princess Yong Mu found that the people on the island were the same as the people of Datang.

In her perception, the people are kind, hardworking, and simple.

She thinks she will not come again, how can she go out to sea casually, this time she is looking for seeds.

"Yes." Li Yi determined: "Bring the third brother and the others for a stroll next time. For example, if the people on the island hung the banner of Datang, we will be rewarded again."

Li Yi believes that there will be such a day, and it will not take too long. As long as there are more ships in the steam engine fleet, he can go farther.

Datang's social development is good. He exchanges for faster and larger yachts. If he doesn't exchange for warships, he won't use it, let alone use it.

The yacht at your feet is invincible in front of any race.

Even during the great voyages, yachts can still knock down the fleets of other countries.

"This time it is estimated that it will take a little time. The next destination is an archipelago reef. You need to know the situation of the reefs below."

\\Mi\\mi reading\\\\!

Li Yi changed the subject and talked about the work to be done.

Datang’s islands and reefs are different from the ‘before’. The yacht takes a trip first, shuttles between the islands and reefs, and records.

Going back to build houses on key islands and reefs, and put the charts in the houses to provide reference for the later Datang Fleet.

This area belongs to the Federated States of Micronesia, with many islands and reefs.

There are people above, and the indigenous people of Guam will trade with them.

"Time will be delayed, too late to plant new crops?" Princess Yongmu counted the time when she knew it, fearing that it would not be enough.

"At the beginning, I wanted to board the ship in Haizhou, and when I came back, I would go to Haizhou to move the goods down and transport them by land.

Without careful consideration, if we go back, there will be water in the Yellow River, and our yacht is fast, so we can take back the lost time. "

Li Yi admitted that he had made a mistake in his plan. In Haizhou, Yu Lin Fei was training while waiting for him to return.

When he went back, he passed by and told Yu Lin Feiqi that he was not leaving on land, so you should leave by yourself.

Princess Yongmu apparently thought: "Fly the pigeons and fly to Chang'an. Chang'an will send someone to Haizhou to tell in advance."

"No, don't tell me in advance, it gives a false impression that I will land in Haizhou. If anyone wants to do something against me, they will definitely arrange it."

Li Yi refused, he is broken, whether he is going to hurt himself, see who can toss him?

Yu Lin Feiqi was waiting at the beach, just to swim, eat seafood, and help the local work by the way.

The yacht speeds up and heads for the destination.

Day and night, as the yacht shuttled, the situation of the islands and reefs of the Federated States of Micronesia was recorded.

The yacht walked back to the islands and reefs in front, and arrived just after noon.

There were people on the relatively large island here, and they saw that something that should be a boat had come.

At that time, I was in a trance, the boat was too big, was it dazzled by myself?

When they saw it again, they still couldn't believe it was a real boat, and the boat was closer.

The yacht couldn't move forward, so the fishing net turned around, caught the fish when it came, and gave gifts.

Li Yike was reluctant to send silk or something, and simply used the resources in the sea.

They disembarked, people from the island gathered around, and Li Yi held a tablet.

This time the communication is easier, similar to the language on the island before.

After a few words, amidst the cheers, the people on the island ran to catch the fish.

Li Yi presented them with refined salt, saying that in the future, others would come over to exchange better things and they would need to build a few houses.

The people on the island said that there is no problem, let's build a house, we can help, and wait for your people to come over.

The craftsman took Yulin Feiqi to find the wood. Two of the woods had to be hollowed out and stuffed into the chart.

There will be writing on the wall of the house, telling Yulin Feiqi which piece of wood has a chart in it.

Another nautical chart was given to the leader on the island, and asked him to transfer it to Datang People. If he didn’t hand it in, there would still be a chart in the house.

When the house is built and it gets dark, Li Yi and others will not stay for dinner, go back to the yacht, and go to the next place, at a slower speed.

Contact with each other at dawn, still give gifts, build houses, and introduce the situation of changing good things in the future.

In the afternoon, I went to a new island with people. As for Yulin Fei riding over and unable to communicate with each other, it didn't matter, the gesture was just enough.

One day passed, and Li Yi could teach the little girl to learn only when he was sailing.


Changan Lijiazhuangzi, Li Longji did not go to work in the afternoon.

The memorials have rarely needed him to approve them. Most of the memorials in the past were for money, and there was a border situation that required the mobilization of the army.

This year's money matters are worrying about the Zaifu, the court has money, see if it is suitable, give it right.

Can the locals lie and swindle money? Isn't that there are inspectors!

There is also information from the newspaper printing station, go to the post, and send someone to ask.

If money is really needed for local construction, it will not delay many days back and forth.

There was nothing wrong at the border, but they did not agree to the Turk’s request for peace. Will the Turks dare to use swords and provoke?

He won't go in the afternoon, Bi Gou and others are here, there is something to do.

As mentioned before, needs to add ships to Sanmenxia and strengthen the plank road at the same time.

After estimation, with the result, they ran over to get Li Longji to agree.

When it comes to water transportation, things are big, and your Majesty doesn't know that it won't work.

"Your Majesty, the minister is worried about the Yellow River transportation, so I want to make Sanmenxia where a new law is adopted."

Song Jing first said to Li Longji, who had just slept for a whole afternoon.

"Sanmenxia? Oh, I see." Li Longji hadn't slept enough yet, and was a little confused when he was called out.

As soon as he said that he knew, Song Jing's heart twitched, got it?

"Your Majesty, is there a sure-fire solution?" Song Jing asked in a low voice, the kind that had no confidence.

"Ah? Oh, never, Lux." Li Longji rubbed his face and called Gao Lux.

Gao Lishi quickly took the box, and Li Longji opened it and searched for it to see if there was a letter about it.

Zaifu waited and couldn't say what it was like.

I hope I can't find it, and I hope to find it.

They can't find proof that they are great, so they should be happy.

But if you can't find it, does it mean that Li Yi is not truly omnipotent?

Li Longji searched it again, no, he searched it again, still no.

Simply take out the letters in the box, divide them into categories, and look at the catalogues one by one.

After reading it twice, Li Longji silently put the letter back and raised his head: "Yi Di Xu thinks something..."

When he said this, he couldn't go on, the four Zaifu looked complicated.

"Report~~ pigeons, ten pigeons, Li Dongzhu's letter box, pigeons, ten." At this moment, there was movement coming in from outside.

"Quick pass! But there is danger at sea?" Li Longji, regardless of whether he believes it or not, looks at the pigeons first.

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