Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1462: Time flies and tonight

Old man Ban looked at his grandson, raised his hand with many scars and calluses and touched his head: "We want to have the ability to give soup, so how can the surname Bi dare to bully our family?"

"Give Bi Zai money?" Regardless of the boys being older than Feng Qingdai, their IQ and EQ are absolutely incomparable.

"Bi Zai? Huh! Lijia Zhuangzi is in Chang'an, where Angelica is under the management of Wannian County, and Chang'an County can also make a sound, do they dare?"

The old man taught his grandson that what the people want is like the water of a pontoon.

In the entire Jingzhao Mansion, Lijiazhuangzi paid the most.

In Jingzhao Mansion, Lijiazhuangzi did not allow anyone to die because of hunger, hunger and thirst.

I paid a lot of money, but what did I get?

"Jingzhao Mansion 22 counties, if there is a county magistrate who dares to say that he wants to arrest Li Dongzhu, do you know the result?" the old man said patiently to his grandson.

"Whoever wants to speak ill of the proprietor's brother in front of me, I will hit him." The boy is upset and wants to catch him? Can't say it.

"Soup drinkers think so." The old man touched his grandson's forehead again.


"Li Lang, under one person, above ten thousand people, can you pursue life?" The yacht was sailing, and Princess Yongmu was eating wontons.

Datang was less than ten o'clock, earlier here, the sun had just risen.

She ate another kind of wonton, with less filling, thinner skin and smaller size.

Li Yi likes to eat this. He had another one at that time, and now it is also sold in Chang'an Chengnan, and it is also provided by Lijiazhuangzi Canteen.

There are a lot of fillings, and the skin of the wonton is a little thicker.

At his time, such wontons were usually chained, focusing on buying noodles, seasonings, meat, vegetables, fungi...

But this kind of wonton has a shortcoming, its thick skin.

According to the analysis of value, it is guaranteed that this kind of wonton is cost-effective to buy.

But people can't always calculate the cost price and sales price of eating a wonton while alive, right?

Li Yi can accept either, and he knows the cost of each.

Today at noon, Datang did not arrive at noon, the position of the yacht is regarded as noon.

It’s hot, the thicker the dough, the less appetite, so Li Yi makes thin-skinned wontons, putting as much stuffing and fish as possible.

This way he prefers to eat, so what he eats now is...sorghum rice and garlic eggplant.

He didn't eat wontons at all, it was too hot, so Princess Yongmu would eat it.

Because Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan were doing it at the same time, they couldn't eat cold.

"There is no pursuit. The pursuit of power and desire can only explain one thing. It is this person who cannot truly control a power.

Look, if I were from a county in Datang Henan Province, I would have a family.

For the development and continuation of the family, I will bribe the county magistrate.

The county magistrate took the money and wanted to be an official in the state. The officials in the state had money to give to the court officials.

It proves that they are all for themselves, and they don't care whether Datang is good or not.

This is true for officials and so is for people. Where is the root cause? Quite simple, the root is..."

Li Yi analyzes the essence of social existence for Princess Yongmu, in a little bit, starting from nothing.

According to the theory of evolution, everyone was initially an animal.

It began to evolve, and primitive tribes appeared.

They are wolves, elephants, wild horses, and so on.

Listen to whoever is the strongest, no problem.

Later, I found out that being strong is not enough. Some people know how to get tools. Whoever knows more tools will listen to them.

After that, whoever can count other animals or other groups similar to oneself is the leader.

When a leader leads a group to fight against one enemy after another, the leader actually has more resources.

The first resource is food, and the second resource is mating rights.

Continuing to multiply, what is shown is the desire to control, the purpose of survival is sublimated, and it becomes a desire that is more acceptable or unacceptable.

The first desire is to live, then rights, and then so-called democracy, the so-called democratic evolution of class and race struggle.

If the struggle between classes and races cannot be quelled, it will inevitably be war. After the war, there will be a contradiction between individual rights and overall rights.

When the war expands, the weapons of war will be more advanced. Everyone will coerce the people for their own political rights, and the ultimate strategic weapon war will occur.

After so many years, everyone's desire is... to live.

It seems incomprehensible to others, it is a cycle of life and society.

Is there any solution? I have to ask, how many countries have inherited civilization and culture by Li Yi's time?

Obviously, there is only one, the Chinese nation.

So Taoism seems to be in line with the rules of the development of things, and any other religion is a joke.

"Li Lang, what shall we do? Will it be worse in the future?"

Princess Yongmu struggled after hearing Li Yi's explanation of human development in words she could understand.

She feels so messy, can't find the simplest thing, oh, basic, no, platform, wrong, oops, what.

Li Yi smiled: "Do you want to ask, who am I?"

"Who am I?" Princess Yongmu repeated, then nodded.

She wants to cry, these three words are too difficult, who am I?

"You are my daughter-in-law, and I am your future husband. No one can stop you.

Some people worry about the next meal, some worry about lovesickness for men and women, some worry about the borders of the country, some people have cultivated immortals, and even more worry. "

Li Yi directly lists the analysis and tells you what's going on.

He had encountered scammers before, and it didn't matter how much money he asked him to buy.

So he gave them a dime coin and replaced them with a so-called opened copper plated iron sheet.

Obviously it is not right. The cost is high. If it is more than seven cents, you just give one cent?

It doesn't matter, let you write down your name and phone number.

Why do you write fake names and phone numbers?

So several times in a row, some ‘high monks’ were found and wanted to explain. ,

Because everything is given during the promotion, what beads are, and the cost is high, you don't pay at all?

After that, Li Yi started to fight, and the opponent was bruised and swollen. The money was robbed, which was more than seven thousand yuan.

People threatened to call the police, so Li Yi didn't call the police and called the chief of the police station.

It's not more than seven thousand questions. Scams, intimidation, quarrels, etc., are all being put on people's heads.

It's is illegal, but why do many people think Li Yi's methods are enjoyable?

This is from the perspective of human nature. What kind of social system do you want to maintain and what position you are in it, then you speak for your position.

As for someone who transcends this, that is definitely not ordinary.

Life has only been in these decades. Do you follow other people's rules to restrain yourself, or follow your own struggle to find people who are like you to resonate?

Who is the most correct? Ethics, morality, existence, existence, majority, minority...

I feel at a loss when I think about it. Why are there so many theories? Do I want to live? Does my death also belong to another rule of universe evolution?

"It's all shit, I'm full, enjoy the moment, and cherish the moment is important. We want to promote positive energy, Xiaolan, what are you doing?"

Li Yi analyzed a lot of philosophical thoughts and asked Xiao Lan, who was doing continuous cross-leg squatting there.

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