Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1466: Steam quake on Changdao Island

"Let's go! Let's go! Moving!" As the morning sun rises, everyone has eaten fish porridge, and the little girl greets excitedly.

Exchange good books, friendship camp]. Pay attention now and receive cash red envelopes!

Three hundred and ninety people boarded the yacht together with ‘furniture’, and the yacht’s waterline changed significantly.

The aborigines dared not move casually and tried to squeeze on the upper and lower decks.

The island is no longer inhabited, and the aboriginal boats are dragged by another place.

Li Yi told them that this island shouldn't be big, it's not very suitable, it has a good place.

I usually plant the land, come here to plant, and some rest houses, and then go back. There are many plains over there, and the harbor can be sheltered from the wind.

As far as the boat is concerned, it doesn't matter if the wind is strong or the wind is small. They are all towed to the shore and can be carried away.

In the future, Datang's fleet must find a good place to come.

The third largest island in the Hawaiian Islands, Oahu.

There are Pearl Harbor and Honolulu Harbor, which goes along the coast from Pearl Harbor to the northeast. The two ports are useful to Li Yi.

As long as the ship is big, I like these two ports.

In the summer, Pearl Harbor is very windy, so you can go to Honolulu Harbor if you are afraid of the wind.

Datang's fleet needs a place to sprint for the last time. When the supplies are ready, the state is adjusted, and it rushes to Mexico in one breath.

From then on, go southeast, not directly east, because there is a trade wind, blowing from the northeast, just within this latitude range.

The sail-carrying ship needs to be angled to face the wind, so it slanted to the southeast. When it came back, it was full of sails from the Strait of Magellan and was blown all the way home.

A little further down, it is called Drake Strait. It depends on whether you need to walk a little longer. If you walk, you will run a sea way against the wind.

At noon, the yacht rushed into Honolulu Harbor, and the aboriginal people on board were always excited, too fast.

From their point of view, it is unbelievable. The boat has not seen anyone rowing, and it hasn't sailed, so it's bluffing and going to the place?

Without waiting for them to slow down, Li Yi urged them to go down and hurry.

I will build a bunch of houses for you, and I will leave tomorrow, go to Mexico, find the seeds, and grab the time to go home and plant them.

The aboriginals reluctantly got on the boat, brought their tools, looked at a loss, and changed places to work.

Yulin Feiqi took a chain saw to find dry wood. Li Yi chose Honolulu because of the relative dryness of the area.

Then there are more dead dry trees that can be used directly.

In Pearl Harbor, there may be fungus on the wood.

When the sunset rose again, the smoke was still burning, and the aboriginal people who had changed their homes waved to the yacht with melancholy expressions.

Li Yi is gone. He has a lot of things. In addition to collecting seeds, he also has to deal with people on the other side to get the stronghold.


On the last day of the imperial examination, some candidates have already turned in their papers in advance.

All the expressions were the same, some were triumphant, some were downcast, and some had blank eyes.

People who haven't handed in papers are almost the same. Even if they don't answer well, there are still people who don't want to hand in. What if they suddenly have inspiration?

There was no great court meeting today. Li Longji listened to the report of the Zaifu and ran to the Fanglin Garden and sat on the heights to drink tea.

On the fifth day of February, the sky was gloomy early in the morning, and the wind gradually became stronger.

The people brought their hats and robes to go out, and the farmers needed to topdress the turned wheat.

Those who are going to grow rice will transport the fertilizer to the field and pile it up. After a few days, they will plow in with the fertilizer.

The people who carry the work at the pier go to work, and there are already boats on the Yellow River.

The hunters went into the mountain to check the hut, and now they are not hunting.

People who really don't have anything to do, go to the river and the foot of the mountain to dig out wild vegetables.

Many flowers bloom, and the bees that have survived the winter fly out.

Li Longji looked through the binoculars, with no joy or sorrow on his face.

"Third brother, three steam engine ships will sail tomorrow and meet other sailing sculls and paddle boats at the beach."

Li Chengqi looked around and saw Li Longji here.

"That ship hasn't been repaired yet?" Li Longji frowned, and Li Jiazhuang built four steam engine ships, which will sail with other ships.

"Xiao Yi is not there. I don't know what went wrong. The craftsmen said it might be about the sealing. It is too late to make a new sealing kit."

Li Chengqi doesn't know much about the ship's technology, and he does what others say.

"The three steam engine ships use less coal, so some coal can be reduced." Li Longji began to settle accounts.

It turned out that four steam engine ships were prepared to cooperate with forty ordinary ships, and the ordinary ships were responsible for loading coal.

At the same time, boats that can be thrown away are reserved. If the situation is not good, people will be concentrated on other boats, and one boat will not be used.

Boats are equal to money. If you don't have it, you can make money, and you can't come back to life if you die.

"Master Zhuang meant to take it, wait until other islands, unload the coal on the island, and replenish it in the future.

By the way, cut down more wood on the island and throw it to dry, and the wood can be burned as well.

Seafarers on steam engines repeatedly practice semaphores and the use of instruments, including handling emergencies. "

Li Chengqi didn't support his younger brother, and the people in Zhuangzi made sense.

It will work as a replenishment point, which is now across the ocean, and it will also be useful to go to other places in the future.

"Yeah!" Li Longji nodded: "Make arrangements. Tomorrow will be a good trip for them. I don't know how many difficulties I have to face along the way."

Li Longji was not at ease with other people, worried that they would be in danger, and they would not be able to change things.


The next day no hundreds of people ran to the shore to watch. Three steam engine ships without sails and billowing black smoke drove towards the canal amidst the sound of siren.

The envoys of the various tribes were there, staring wide-eyed.

I don't feel so much where there is no big river. The minds of the envoys who can pass by the river are constantly changing.

This thing seems to be unable to beat, it is too big, and when he hits them with a boat, it obviously breaks when he touches his own boat.

The faces of Tubo and others are the most ugly. They are in a complicated mood and will not fight for the time being. Peace has come.

Of course, this peace was obtained at the expense of one's own side, and the site was taken by Datang.

Both the Yangtze River and the Yellow River lead to themselves. They used to be upstream and it was not convenient for ships to fight.

This is a steam engine ship. It doesn't care how the water flows, there are other ships.

The people of Tubo looked at the ship, looked at their own people, and then looked at the Japanese people.

The Japanese kingdom is next to the sea, and there are envoys from Bohai and Khitan. They have the sea.

Logically speaking, they should be more anxious. What should they do if Da Tang wants to completely control the Qidan and Bohai?

Tengyuan Mayang and the others are really eye-catching. Last year they saw only one ship, and it was on trial voyage. Three ships this year. This ship looks better to build.

There are dozens of ships in my country...

They are tempted. They have dozens of ships, and they feel like they can fight wherever they want, except for Datang.

"You can get what you can get with your feet." Abe Nakamaro didn't expect to get the current steam engine ship, he wanted to retreat.

"I heard that it can be rented." Xia Dao Zhenbei obtained useful information through a series of methods.

"The ship is large and it is convenient to load cargo. Japan and Datang can increase our contacts."

Tengyuan Mayang looked at the next level and thought about whether to rent a big boat to make money first, then rent more boats when the money is more, and then...

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