Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1477: Sudden crisis comes one after another

The headlights on the yacht were shining, and all the Indians of this tribe attended the party.

Li Yi prepares barbecue sauce, one part garlic chili sauce and two parts sweet noodle sauce, and stir them together.

First, the princess Yongmu roasted the sprouts, pierced the grains, one ear was too big, and the cooked sprouts, brushed with some sauce, can be eaten directly.

It will be more chewy if you bake it for a while.

Li Yi used to eat corn. He likes to eat the older ones. They can rub the grains and compare each other to see who rubs the grains together.

Seventy-one people in the entire team ate corn first, but none.

"Sweet." Princess Yongmu can actually taste the sweetness in the sauce.

"The crops cultivated by the locals have higher yields than all the food crops on our side. Relatively speaking, they are more drought-tolerant, even if they are too drought."

Li Yike doesn't think that the corn will be left alone after planting. Sometimes it is drought, and it is necessary to dig wells and buy submersible pumps for farming.

"Is it more drought-resistant than wheat?" Princess Yongmu asked if she didn't understand.

"Not necessarily, depending on the variety, but after harvesting the wheat and then planting corn, winter wheat is harvested to plant corn, and the corn can be harvested for silage."

Li Yi thought about it and couldn't determine which one was more drought-tolerant.

"After the wheat is harvested, let's grow beans and raise bean worms." Princess Yongmu said and glanced at the yacht, which had bean worms on it.

She has learned a lot now, and secretly takes notes.

"Raising bean worms requires a lot of manpower and time consuming, so growing corn is easier than raising bean worms.

From the perspective of product value, bean worms make money; from the perspective of overall social demand, corn is suitable.

There are also potatoes. Potatoes are managed with little human participation and can be eaten as staple food. "

Li Yi compares it from two aspects: economic value and social demand.

Eating Peas, protein supplements, but no matter you are full, corn can be fed to poultry and livestock even if people do not eat it, and the stomach is sore.

Xiaolan listened to the side and couldn't help but say: "Aquaculture and planting should be diversified and complementary, and at the same time avoid a kind of pests and diseases that will reduce the production of current crops and livestock.

"Xiao Lan is getting smarter and smarter." Li Yi didn't even think about it, so he just boasted.

Xiaolan looked at Princess Yongmu: "It's my little mother who taught me well."

Princess Yongmu gave her a white look: "I didn't teach it."

"Teach, then teach. Oh, hurry up and eat." Xiao Lan instantly changed the subject.

The leader next to him ate the sauce and felt a familiar taste. He shouted a few times and someone ran away.

The little girl frowned again: "It should be for people to pick chili peppers. I found that any language has common words, and there are many repetitive words."

"Language experts want to drop like this too." Li Yi is no longer jealous, he is numb.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

Not long after speaking, with the shouting, the person who had just left ran back hurriedly with a chili in his hand.

"It should be for help." The little girl translated again.

"I saw it, there was a bear chasing him, and he was still holding a pepper." Li Yi was not nervous.

There is a bear behind the person who came back. I can't see the specific color, but I think it should be a black bear. It can't be a bear that grows up like this, right?

The aboriginal people stood up with a clutter and fumbled around for their weapons. They came over to eat without weapons.

The wise one directly smoked the torch of the campfire and shouted to respond.

‘Boom~~’ ‘Boom~~’ Two dull voices sounded one after another.

The black bear, who was chasing people, rolled directly to the ground, his legs moved, as if he was still thinking of it, and suddenly lost all his strength and stopped moving.

At approximately 20 steps on the left and right of Li Yi, there was a sniper rifle with a sniper barrel on the shoulder of Yu Lin Feiqi, and the man holding the gun behind him.

Six Yulin Feiqi ran over carrying tactical sabers. The natives with the torch went to the place first, circled the bear twice, and then pounded the torch, but the bear didn't respond.

They squatted down and observed carefully and saw that there was a big hole in the bear's head, and there was a hole on the bear's left front paw, even on the left chest.

They couldn't help but look back to see Li Yi and others.

They are not stupid, they know that they have good things and can catch many fish at once.

Yu Lin Fei rode to the place, and also took a look, bumped, and dragged back while holding the limbs of the bear. The natives with the torch followed behind, with a shocked expression on his face.

When Yulin Feiqi dragged the dead bear to Li Yi, Li Yi said: "For the leader, don't grab the prey."

The **** bear was placed at the feet of the indigenous leader, and Yulin flew back to the team.

The leader continued to examine the body, look at the wound, look at it for a while, look at the gun, just two times, there happened to be two long sticks with holes resting on the shoulders of people.

He looks complicated, Li Yi spread his hands, yes, we have very powerful weapons, you are right.

The leader looked at the assault rifle again and realized that he thought these people didn't have weapons.

Thanks to the fact that I didn't start a fight when I met, it was so dangerous that I lost my life.

The other indigenous people lined up to see them, with surprises.

The natural surprise is that people who give good things can also kill. What I like is that they don't beat themselves, and they also harvest a lot of meat. Bear meat is delicious, and the skin can be used for clothes and cushions.

"They are very united, do bears eat people?"

Princess Yongmu praised the indigenous people. Just now the bear appeared, and the indigenous people bravely greeted them to save their own people.

"Disunity has been eliminated. The bears cannibalize people. You must be careful. When we encounter them, as long as the bears don't leave within the range, they will all be shot."

Li Yi emphasized the security issue. According to information, black bears do not take the initiative to attack humans.

Li Yi doesn’t believe it. It’s less credible than the dog owner who said that my dog ​​doesn’t bite.

After speaking, Li Yi took his tactical saber over, holding the knife in both hands, the blade facing him, and handing it to the leader.

Needless to say, this kind of action basically understands it completely, expresses goodwill, and gives weapons.

The leader is smart, and also holds the handle with both hands instead of holding the hilt with one hand.

After receiving the hand, he carefully touched the knife and looked at Li Yi. Li Yi nodded and sent you off.

The leader held the knife and thrust it into the bear's body. There was no hilt. The knife was so sharp and well-sharpened.

When the leader was happy, he dug out the bear's heart and gave it to Li Yi.

Li Yi: "..."

He didn't want it, it was bloody, he couldn't see this, he was bloody.

Of course, the hospitality was difficult, he still took it without gloves, put it on the cutting board next to it, and cut it with a knife.

After cutting, put the seasoning in the basin and grab it.

The nurses came over with the lottery, put them on the skewers, and grilled them. You can't eat them raw, right?

Li Yi washed his hands, and Princess Yongmu asked next to him, "What does Xiongxin smell like?"

"It's the same as the pig's heart. Since it is wild, it might be a bit fishy. Use the seasoning to suppress it.

There are many local wild animals, as well as poisonous vipers, blood toxins, and non-neurotoxins.

The poisonous snake blood toxins and neurotoxins that we have in Datang coexist, and it will kill you if you bite it. "

Li Yi doesn't like the Americas now. There are too many jungles and a lot of poisonous things. Soldiers must be careful when they come over.

"Wow, wow, wow..." As soon as Li Yi's voice fell, someone shouted again, and the shouting sounded terrified.

Immediately more people yelled, crying very sadly.

The leader whizzed and ran over, and after a short time, he brought back a child and a snake.

"Come whatever you say. This is a viper. I'll go back and get an antivenom. It should be almost the same."

As Li Yi said, he stepped on the aircraft next to him and flew towards the yacht in a harsh sound.

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