Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1491: Shortcut to sail through the wind and waves

  The people in the team all tasted peanuts, and the local natives gave all the peanuts they used to eat to Li Yi.

   Li Yi’s team helped the opponent make a lot of dried salted fish, more than ten times more than peanuts.

   There are dried shrimp, dried berk, wolf skin, smoked wolf meat...

   Yulin Fei rode into the jungle, helping to clean up a large number of beasts, by the way, collecting plant seeds and seedlings in the jungle by himself.

   built many big houses for the locals, as well as cut wood.

   Li Yi makes hanging peanuts, boiled peanuts, salt-popped peanuts, fried peanuts, and boiled peanuts in shell.

  The boiled peanuts are divided into spiced and sauced ones. By the way, some peanut oil is squeezed, and then some sugar is added to the squeezed peanuts to turn them into peanut crisps.

  Princess Yongmu tasted a little like that, but I didn’t want to eat it anymore.

   She knows that delicious things should be taken back as seeds, especially the people in the team.

   "Let’s eat, there is a lot in the next place. The peanuts are too greasy to eat, and they can be made into peanut juice when they are ground.

The desert next to    contains a lot of saltpeter. When we have more ships following Datang, we will refine it locally and then ship it back.

   The cherry seedlings are ready, wait until the place in front is suitable for the environment, talk to the locals, and ask them to help plant them.

   The cost of our off-season cherries is too high. They are planted here, and they can be transported to Datang after the technology is improved. "

   Li Yi deliberately brought the big cherries from Tang Ludi, and he also planted them in Zhuangzi. They are big and sweet.

   This is Chile, and the translated name of Chilean cherry almost makes people beat up.

  Many people actually know what the name is. It is the same thing. The reason is that they don’t want to admit their mistakes.

   There are no cherries in the local area, and Indians of different ethnic groups live.

   is still in the matriarchal clan stage, relatively friendly to outsiders, willing to trade and contact.

   Of course, they wanted to take the land and order them to work, but they didn't agree.

   "Oh, then I will eat more, besides saltpeter, what good things are there now in this place?"

   Princess Yongmu could add it, and then pinched a pill with her finger.

  "Copper ore, a lot of copper ore, as long as part of it can be mined, Datang's copper price will be reduced by half.

   In addition, there are silver and gold. Silver should not be too valuable, because gold is scarce in the world. "

   Li Yi can check the information casually. Even if he doesn’t check, he still knows how high the local copper reserves and output are.

   "Digging in the future, don't expect to change money, our industry needs it."

   Princess Yongmu thinks very well, and she doesn't treat copper as money now.

   Copper seal, copper pipe, copper faucet, copper hot pot...

   "Let the locals pick them, let's change with them."

   Li Yi said as he grabbed a handful of fried peanuts, rubbed his hands, picked up the peeled peanuts and ate them.

   I saw someone at noon, so I went to the next net and brought a fish as a meeting ceremony.

   When the local Indians saw such a big ship, they stood on the shore one after another.

   Where there is water, they grow things and fish by the way. There are still people inside, too far to get through.

   The same routine, the locals took cherry seedlings to plant them, waiting to see the ripe cherries in the tablet computer one day.

   Two days later, everyone waved goodbye, the yacht took the Drake Strait, made a big circle, and then passed through the Strait of Magellan when they returned.

   In the past belonged to Li Yishi's Argentina, Li Yi didn't want to stay too long. If he met someone, he would meet and give something.

   The yacht is fast, so you can go wherever you want.

   The speed of the sailing ship depends on how the wind blows. Thirty-seven large sailing ships surrounded the three steam engine ships and sailed at sea for more than 20 days before finally arriving in Guam.

  The leader of the team is Ruan Jin of Yulin Feiqi, most of his assistants are also Yulin Feiqi, and the other is the Datang Navy.

   The captain of the water army was called Liu Tingguang. He was almost out of position before. Datang did not need to fight at sea. Later, he was helped by Song Wang Li Chengqi.

   The entire navy is grateful to King Song and Li Yi at the same time.

   Twenty officials were accompanied by the imperial court, all of whom were of good physical quality. They carried a hundred catties of rice and climbed the sixth floor without breathing.

   The sick seedlings with weak literature are not selected for fear of dying at sea.

   Even so, twenty officials still vomit, and they are used to it.

   They didn't go to Yakushima at all. Looking at the sea chart, they found that this wind direction can go directly to the next place.

   There are a lot of supplies. The wind blows from the front, and chooses the route to go down diagonally. I never saw the islands such as Bird Island and Iwo Jima.

   rushed out more than 3,000 kilometers in one bite, and the sailing line happened to be a big slash.

   "Too enthusiastic, they are too enthusiastic." The seamen of Datang got off the boat to supply fresh water and were warmly welcomed by the locals.

   The female leader wore the Sanchen flag, but she still did not choose the flag of Datang.

   People from Datang saw that they knew that the contact time was short, but there were many local beauties.

  The question is, how do many beautiful women wear sacks?

   Piles of coconuts were brought over, and the female leader found Ruan Jin, who was most used to speaking in Datang, and made gestures.

   She pointed to the clothes on her body and asked for something. Li Yi said it was ready, and the boat coming back would change it to something.

   "Need silk silk? It's easy to say." Ruan Jin understood. The other party was wearing a gorgeous Shu brocade, and he ordered people to row a small wooden boat to take silk silk.

   Five pieces of silk were laid out, and the aboriginal people on the island could not pull it out instantly.

   The leader’s clothes look better, but there are two sets, both worn by the leader.

   She is still wearing comfortable sack clothing, which is cool.

   The fresh water on the island has long been ready, and the aboriginal people are looking forward to it every day, they are looking forward to a good life.

   Seeing the five silks unfolded at this moment, they were at a loss for a while, and they didn't know what to exchange for.

   Shells obviously don’t want them, so just give them some water and food?

   "Doctor Li was a good person in front, and things are not arranged to understand, and silk does not have scissors and needles, how do they use it?" An official suddenly complained.

   He fell in love with the female leader, and he was stared back by Yu Lin! More people looked at him, Ruan Jin put his hand on the scabbard.

   "I mean, Dongzhu Li really made arrangements, trust me to wait, knowing that we will obey orders and bring scissors and other tools."

   The official lost interest in the female leader for a moment and returned to his normal state.

   "Bring other things here, Daozi is in a key position and it has a huge effect."

   Ruan Jin's hand left the scabbard and ignored the official.

   Don't kill people first, and when you go back, settle the accounts slowly.

   Bring more daily necessities, and an extra piece of silk as a demonstration item, and Feiqi Habayashi simply cut and sew.

   Other people fill the boat with water. Fresh water is important. If the fresh water on the boat is poured, replace it with new ones.

   The female leader took a look, and also picked up the stitches, her movements were a bit awkward.

   "Why is she so skilled?" A navy was puzzled.

   The Shuijun next to him gestured with his chin: "Look over there, someone's leg should have been injured. It was stitched, but it was not infected. I think Dongzhu Li will teach it.

   "Should we bring embroidery workers on board in the future? Just for fear of injury."

   The other navy frowned at the stitched look, which was too bad.


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