Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1501: Returning new seedlings

The yacht sails at full speed, and the people on the boat try not to eat too watery things and eat three points full.

   The so-called three-point satiety refers to the state when you really want to eat after eating a few bites. A bowl of noodles is just full, and one third of it is eaten.

   "Potatoes, sweet potatoes and other crops grow seedlings slowly first, without delay, go back and plant them immediately." Li Yi ran to the place where the'seeds' were installed.

   I used to hate potato sprouts when I ate potatoes, but now Li Yi hates the potato sprouts without cracks.

   Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan are here to help. They belong to the family's property. Li's family is called home, but Datang is still home.

   They knew that if there were any yachts and weapons exchanged, Datang would eventually be able to plant new crops.

   Li Yi gave the order to die. Without the steam engine ship, the Datang sailboat sailed across the oceans, willing to die, and the seeds promised to be brought back to Datang.

   They heard Li Yi say in a dream once: I am a systematic person, so why not use it? Can't change history, I come to Datang as an audience? Humph! In fact, I am just as good without a system.

   "Li Lang, if you don't write that many seeds are soaked in lime water before planting, who knows, it will be easy to use after soaking."

  Princess Yongmu listened to Li Yi's muttering operation, waited for a gap, and praised her.

   Xiaolan keeps up: "There are mineral fertilizers and farmyard manure, the people are grateful to you.

  The pavilion of Jingzhao Mansion collected cow dung and horse dung and sent it to the official wasteland where there was not enough manure to grow soybeans and raise the land well.

   Now I am afraid of the drought in the upper reaches of the Yellow River and the lack of water in the water network. It is difficult to raise fish for food and irrigate. Irrigation with wells consumes too much labor. "

   When Xiaolan considers a problem, he will start from the overall situation and take the details into consideration.

   Once the court saw a drought and thought about digging a well, thinking that the well could be dug out, and all the troubles would be solved.

  Usually, it is not possible to dig a sufficient number of wells. Without more advanced digging tools, the people are expected to dig their own wells. How can the people have a way?

   At present, the prime ministers have to calculate the wasted labor time of pumping well water, which consumes too much on one hand and reduces in other aspects.

   For example, handicraft industry, gathering industry, and domestic breeding industry. When the entire Guanzhong is severely affected by drought and the upper reaches of the Yellow River is dry, the economic development speed of the entire Jingzhao Prefecture is guaranteed to slow down.

  Therefore, taxation is affected. When considering local fiscal appropriations, variables are included in the calculation.

   The normal warehouse does not need to be opened deliberately. Normally, the old grain is released every year and the new grain is collected.

   Green and yellow do not accept old grains. Purchase new grains when the grain is harvested. The selling price of ordinary old grains is higher than that of the new grains. As long as the storage costs are subtracted without loss, it is a successful operation.

  , etc., when it is really necessary to open and close the warehouse, it can not only just put the old grain, but also directly smash it out, and limit the number of people's household registration purchases.

   In this way, people want to hoard maliciously and drive up food prices.

   Things seem simple, but Yao Chong did not do it when he was in office.

   From the big point of view, Yao Chong is right. He mainly controls the overall situation and calls for local implementation of policies.

   How can the task be directly carried out to the place above? What if something happens if you don’t know the local situation?

   "Trees should be planted at the source of the Yellow River, and artificial intervention should be carried out according to the local plant conditions. The water of the Yellow River also comes from glaciers and further northwest. There is no need to worry about it in recent years."

   Li Yi doesn't know the vegetation around the sister lake, but he knows that Tubo can grow wheat and rice.

  The only ones who have said it can only grow highland barley. Due to climate warming, many crops can be grown in other places.

   Obviously, there are more vegetation at the source of the Yellow River today than he was then, and man-made destruction is basically non-existent.


   "Wow~Wow~" With the cry of the child, Lijiazhuang was very happy.

   The King and Queen are born, and they are full-term.

   As it was last time, the birth of the child went smoothly. Queen Wang had the blood taken and packed up to feed the child.

   Li Yi was not there, people from Zongzheng Temple ran over, registered, and another one.

   The little princess was just like her brother, she was just born with a wrinkled face and she couldn't see her cuteness.

   "Reward, reward, reward to me, one person from the Li Family Zhuangzi will give... a hundred.

   To buy sheep, buy poultry, buy pigs, buy fish, I want to invite the people of Jingzhao Mansion to drink soup and put more meat. I have too much money.

   It’s not easy to promote consumption and supplement the people’s health by the way. "

   Li Longji didn't go to court yesterday. He just went today. He just arrived at the gate and ran back when he heard the news.

   The ministers directly told the people below to work freely, and they also ran over.

   They are worried that Li Yi's inspection is not allowed. What if there is a prince?

  When the princess was born, my heart fell completely.

  Good princess, how cute the princess is, and princess Yongmu is so cute. You can let Li Yi cook. Who is the average girl?

   "Your Majesty, do you want to amnesty the world?" Song Jing proposed while happy.

   "Pardon...what? If you don't pardon, you still expect death row prisoners to work. There is no pardon except death row prisoners. After some time, the prince will speak out, but the pardon can't come."

   Li Longji was about to agree, but suddenly changed his words. Why did he want an amnesty? If the criminal encounters something in my family, he won’t be punished?

   The blessings that the princess needs do not need to be given by criminals. When Brother Yi comes back, the name hasn't gotten up yet, and the name is Dudu, which Brother Yi said when she left.

   Dudu doesn't know how many people are concerned about her birth, she is not worried about food anyway, and she drinks milk with her eyes closed.

   After drinking and drinking, the tuck became wet, and she paused, obviously uncomfortable.

The Taohong beside    kept staring at him. As soon as he saw the situation, he immediately replaced it with a new one. When changing, Cui Liu wiped it with a wet towel.

   Dudu regained the expression of continue to drink.

   Outside the yard, the little guy took a marshmallow to Guo Ziyi, who was guarding the yard: "My sister can't eat it. Give it to you. You teach me to shoot."

   "Do you want to learn to shoot?" Guo Ziyi put his hand on the throwing knife around his waist. This speed is faster than a pistol, and it can really fly out of an arc.

   "Well! Who will bully Dudu in the future, I will shoot with a gun, sniper gun." The little guy looked serious.

   "If someone is bullying Dudu, don't they need to ask you to take action? Does the bullying you mean includes staring?"

   Guo Ziyi can't let the little guy practice guns now, and still use sniper guns?

   "You don't need to sniper and dig your eyes when you stare." The little guy showed that he was not killing innocent people indiscriminately.

   "When Li Yi comes back, tell him this." Guo Ziyi didn't want to teach, he knew the little guy did it on purpose.

   "I just want to use a toy gun with little power to play with Dudu." The little guy told the truth.

   also looked up at the sky: "When will brother-in-law be back? I miss him."

   "The proprietor went to find seeds and came back to plant for the people of Datang. The people would have enough food, and the people's security would be stable." Guo Ziyi actually thought a little too.

   He was worried that the letter in His Majesty's box was not enough. Recently, when something happened, His Majesty immediately looked through the box to find the corresponding letter.

  Involving diplomacy, local politics, economic operations, railroad tracks, new education policies, and new arrivals from the outside world...

   It can be said that everything is fine. There were so many officials at the time, and the strategies they came up with were compared with those in the letter. That's it, burn it.

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