Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1510: If the ship flies in a straight line without stopping

The fish fillets were tumbling in a frying pan, with garlic chili sauce, tomato sauce, onion black pepper sauce, vinegar, tahini, sweet garlic, salted garlic, oyster sauce, and **** sauce.

   The people of Datang used chopsticks to hold it, and the indigenous people grasped it with their hands.

   The reason for eating this kind of food is to take care of the indigenous people.

   If it is made into braised fish, how to catch it?

   Hard catch? Juice on your hands?

   What about boiled fish? Or is it hard to catch? The upper layer of slick oil, the temperature can be high, and it can be cooked.

   Grilled fish, fried fish, and fried fish steaks are just right. Catch it.

   The natives are eating old and happily. Why is this meat wrapped in a layer of stuff and can it be boiled in that kind of water? It's fragrant as soon as it is cooked?

   What was dipped in, various flavors, what was the person eating, and what was rolled in, crunchy.

   ‘Crunchy’ "Proprietor, I have to follow you when I go out to sea. I said I’ve always had a bad stomach lately, because I didn’t eat green onions."

   One of the six officials is from Laizhou, Henan Province, not Penglai. Penglai belongs to Dengzhou.

   He started having diarrhea last night and was about to collapse.

   To another place, even in Chang'an, he was scared and didn't know what illness he had. He had seen too many people who died of diarrhea when he was a child.

   On the yacht, he was not afraid. He took advantage of the gap after releasing the ‘water’ to find Li Yi.

   Li Yi drank light salt water for him, and when he went to the toilet again, he personally took samples and tested them.

After   , he didn't prescribe medicine, but gave him popsicles, the frozen popsicles on the yacht.

   After eating, he continued to crash again. He woke up in the morning, feeling a lot more comfortable, not prostration, and eating pancakes with green onions.

   I am much better now, still eating pancakes and green onions, without touching any medicine, Li Yi won't write a prescription.

   "I will let you die in the sea if you eat anything blindly. Who told you that you can eat raw conch in secret?

   The Bohai Bay is at least in the cold water area. You dare to eat raw food here? The seawater temperature in this place is high.

   Not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs, self-righteous. "

   Li Yi eats kidney bean shreds and copied small loin shreds, and said with a calm face that the official who ate pancakes and green onions.

   "In the team, whoever has one more time, don't go back, go back and die." Princess Yongmu grabbed half of a pig's hoof and said.

   Li Yi uses a pressure cooker to make braised pork knuckles, and then freezes them to cool down, otherwise it’s too late.

   The layer of solidified collagen around the braised trotters is called jelly.

   "Yes!" Several people said.

   "Yes!" The others followed.

   They are afraid, they are not afraid to offend Li Yi, Li Yi is sometimes milder.

  Princess Yongmu let out a word and went back to promise her death, unless Li Yi interceded, but it was obviously impossible. Li Yi would never betray the princess in such matters.

   Aboriginal nearby: "..."

   They are a little dazed, they don't understand.

   Who has the final say on this team? They can't understand the words, but they can see everyone's attitude.

   For a while, the man surrounded by others, and the woman was talking for a while, the others were all afraid.

  They are in the matrilineal clan society, and it is difficult for them to understand the class culture of the Tang Dynasty.

   "Master, give me pig tails! I see you are marinated."

   The little girl eats braised pork liver, cut into slices, and eaten with garlic sauce.

   She wanted to eat less, and then gnawed pig tails.

   "The back one-third will be reserved for you, and two-thirds will be braised for Wen Tian and Xiaolan." Li Yi nodded.

   Nowadays, pigs have large tails and a lot of brittle bones. Other places are still a bit fat.

   "Ah, Master, you are so kind. The small intestine is made sausage? I didn't see it. Where is the large intestine? I want to eat with Sister Wen Tian and Sister Xiaolan for nine revolutions, and remove a little oil."

   The little girl is thinking about the various parts of the pig's head.

   The other people on the boat have no pork to eat, only pork bone soup to drink.

   When they return to the yacht, they will eat again. There are too many people and it is not easy to divide the pork.

   The aboriginals eat fried food, it's fragrant!

   If someone invites to dinner, the aboriginal people have a good impression of the person who treats it.

   After the meal, Li Yi brought his eldest disciple to get to know things on the island, and everyone helped dig wild vegetables.

   When the sky was dark, a net of fish was left behind, dispelling Li Yi's desire to build a lighthouse on the island immediately.

  Go straight this time, without stopping on the road, from Easter Island to Nauru, at the speed of a yacht, without accidents, five and a half days.

   There is no possibility of arriving early, only late.

   If Li Yi thought on the way, he even went directly west to New Zealand and Australia, then turned north, and returned to Datang.

   The distance is so far, there is no time to waste.

   The sun rises and the sun sets again, say five and a half days, and it really took five days, with the wind and the current, a little faster.

   "In another half an hour, let's arrive. I don't know how much water the locals reserve?" Li Yi wanted to rest on the land.

   It is more than 30 kilometers away from Nauru, and the sun hangs in the middle of the sky.

   Don’t look at the sailing time of five days, the position of the sun is not the same point, across several time zones.

   The Nauru people mentioned by Li Yi are now giving others water, fresh water.

  On the sea outside the island, forty big ships dropped anchor.

   "With our speed, I may not meet Dongzhu Li who came back from digging potatoes a month later. What are the beans grown in the soil? How is it rain?"

  The talkative officials found that the fresh water on the island was not good, and the people on the island caught the rainwater.

   For the aboriginal people, it’s not bad to have a large wooden barrel for water.

   They put the wooden barrels in a cool place, wait until it rains to mix them up, and then put the lid on to prevent the ash from falling in, and live a happy life.

   The taste of rainwater is obviously not as good as the water in the river or lake.

   Some people are also willing to drink tea, UU reading will pick up rainwater in a big tank and leave it for at least one year, saying that the taste is not good.

   "There is only one lake in the area, a saltwater lake. How to survive without rainwater?" Liu Tingguang got the letter left by Li Yi.

   The letter emphasized that you should not drink the water in the lake, especially if you jump to swim, it will waste fresh water.

  The talkative official drank another sip of rainwater: "If you want me to say, Doctor Li should teach the local area to dig a large pit, store water in the pit, and filter the sand in the pit.

   Liu Tingguang slammed the letter on the official face: "Dongzhu Li is smarter than you."

   "What?" The official covered the letter on his face with his hand, and took it down to look at it.

   "The ground can't store water? Find a stone slab and glue it with tree glue, won't it become a pond?" The official was still unwilling and suggested another way.

   "Okay, you stay, look for suitable stones, and then get gum."

   Ruan Jin pulled the officials aside, looked at the more than 200 people on the island, and bowed his fists.

   The local people took out all the barrels, and never thought of keeping them for themselves.

   Others started to give things away. Pottery and silk, metal tools, iron pots, cutting boards, whetstones...

   The aboriginals watched, the craftsmen were in charge of teaching, and they started to learn how to operate. Once they met, they smiled happily.

   The sailor continued to fish, and it was only a lot of effort. Wherever he sent the fish, the other party was happy.

   A net of fish came up, and the indigenous people looked for salt and prepared to marinate.

   The fish Li Yilai gave last time, I haven't eaten it yet.

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