Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1519: Currency because of credibility

The yacht rides the wind and waves without stopping on the way, and goes directly to the place where the red coral is fished.

   The journey of more than two days is much closer than from Easter Island to Nauru.

   "Ready, dive, put on scuba, light up, choose a good coral rope, and then clean the bottom with a waterproof electric shovel."

   Li Yi wants to go down to fish for coral by himself, double breathing bottle, in addition to oxygen, he has to protect his lungs and resist pressure.

   Why is coral so expensive? Here is the price.

   It is expensive in history, but it is not easy to catch, especially the intact large coral branch.

   By the time the Qing Dynasty was able to sink the net, it wouldn’t work. Fishing for one was invaluable.

   Later, the technology was enough, the water area was restricted by others, and most of the profits were turned in.

  If you want to mine, apply for a license first and have a share at the same time.

  The black golden abalone from the Kangaroo area and the tuna from North America are not what you want to pick.

  The same is true for corals. They are not red corals. Red corals are managed more strictly.

   A great blood coral intact, 10,000 yuan is the starting price.

   The edge material that was brought up with insufficient color, processed it, and sold dozens of pieces.

   Li Yi wanted to fish out tens of millions of red corals, put them in Zhuangzi as collateral, and issue exchange coupons.

   Lijiazhuangzi’s currency is never over-issued, and it can be issued using technology. Li Yi insists on issuing collateral for equivalent or appreciation.

   He is not afraid of a run. Anyone who has the ability to collect all the exchange coupons, and then exchange them at Lijiazhuang, he will give them all at once.

   This run exists theoretically, but it is actually impossible.

   When collecting currency, the larger the amount, the higher the cost of collecting.

   What to collect? Gold, silver, brass, grain, silk...

  Considering the relationship between supply and demand? Take enough gold and throw it out, the gold will depreciate.

   Lijia Zhuangzi used one million yuan worth of gold to issue a one million yuan exchange voucher, and other people exchange the same gold for less than one million yuan exchange voucher.

   The redemption coupons are in circulation, and the people accept it. The gold people are busy and troublesome, and they cannot make small purchases.

   Unless the enemy can attack the main body of the Lijiazhuang exchange coupon issuance system, for example, when Lijiazhuang is finished, it is captured and destroyed.

   The most interesting thing is that Li Yi has always insisted on issuing the standard currency of mortgage equivalents, but the people have always felt that it is the credit currency of Lijiazhuangzi.

   The people never thought of taking money to Lijiazhuang for a run, they believed in Lijiazhuang.

   Everyone acquiesces that the purchasing power of Lijiazhuang's exchange vouchers is more trustworthy than copper, gold and silver.

   Where the distance is far away, the exchange voucher is more valuable, just like the land of Shu.

   People and merchants in Jingzhao Mansion and surrounding prefectures recognized the exchange voucher, and the entire Datang recognized it.

  Proprietor Li can fly, even Yan Wangye and the judge can cut, and beat him to death.

   In order to clean up the underworld, Li Dongzhu specially gave out many medical books, and there were countless lives.

   Lijiazhuang's redemption voucher may be able to change life, believe it or not?

   Don’t say it’s Datang, where Li Yi had at that time, the master said that getting a baby can help prevent the robbery, how many people would pay a big price?

   There are also people who go to temples, temples, and watch for symbols. They say that there is always an accident when driving. They ask for a symbol and put it behind the license plate. They are used to it.

   If anyone says that the other party is feudal and superstitious, the other party immediately stares at him and tells you: how I used to be, how I have been since I put the talisman, don’t believe it...

   The exchange voucher of Lijiazhuangzi is just like this, the collateral people do not understand, anyway, the owner of Li is in charge, just the exchange voucher.

What? The imperial court also issues similar things? What is it issued for?

   Is it the guarantee of Li proprietor? Isn't it? Didn't you let me use it? You want to kill me? Did you lie to me for money?

  What is issued by the court? What's wrong with the beautiful mountains? It's just a piece of paper. Why should paper buy things?

what? Lijiazhuangzi's exchange voucher is also paper? Are you blind? Look at this mountain, how beautiful it is, can your paper be so beautiful?

  Don’t tell me that the mountain on the court paper is the same as the mountain on the exchange voucher, I know you still want to lie to me. I know!

   Li Yi himself ignored this situation, he was looking for coral underwater.

   I found one, tied the rope first, digging and digging around, it was almost cleared, and the rope was tightened and pulled hard three times.

   began to move the winch above, he was pulled up a little while guarding the coral.

  The same goes for other Yulin Feiqi, others are not allowed to get off.

   It's easy to get down, but it's troublesome when you get up for a while, you have to stop and decompress.

   The female doll is not uncomfortable, so the bottle is removed and replaced with oral medicine to consolidate it.

   She was standing at the railing of the ship's side, holding the vertical railing with her two small hands and looking down worriedly, watching, big drops of tears fell.

   She doesn't know about oxygen cylinders, she only knows that people will die if they don't come out for such a long time.

   Finally she couldn't help but cried out.

   "Oh my god! Get the master up quickly." The little girl was helpless, pulling the rope vigorously, continuously.

   About ten minutes, Li Yi raised his head and looked up on the water.

   "Master, she thought you were hanging up, and she cried endlessly." The little girl pointed to the female doll who stopped crying next to her.

   The girl sucked the snot that ran to her mouth, her eyes widened and she was overjoyed.

   "Pull me up and change the gas cylinder." Li Yi was not angry, and the gas cylinder could hold on for five minutes.

   As soon as he came up, the doll opened her arms and ran towards him with her short legs.

   "Don't cry, I will make you a coral bracelet. It should be bigger. Your small arms are too thin to grow."

   Li Yi helped wipe his nose, and more snot flowed out.

   "You see, those with permanent property have perseverance, and those who can abandon their wives and children are ruthless. Therefore, Datang's selection of officials is primarily the responsibility."

   Li Yi picked up the doll to look for something to wipe her nose, and said to Princess Yongmu and others.

   He thought of a huge earthquake that recalled his mind.

  Some of the officials just watched their relatives calling for help and ignored them, insisting on saving others, and finally their relatives...

   The ending is that such officials will not be reused, UU Reading will definitely not!

   Today you sacrifice your relatives for performance, and tomorrow you have to sacrifice for performance, what else can you not sacrifice?

   In private, I am your superior, I promote you, you sacrifice me at the critical moment?

   The Grand Duke said, today you don’t love your loved ones, will you be patriotic in the Ming Dynasty?

   Therefore, the Tang law, pay attention to mutual concealment.

   Such a person can be safely sent out as a foreign official. If he is unfaithful, he will kill his relatives.

   If he is righteous to destroy his relatives, it would be great, a good official, just stay there and don’t move, commend you and call you a censer.

   Go and clean up other officials, even if a friend who has helped you study, he has a problem, you clean up for me.

  Don't be greedy for ink, otherwise...

   As a Shangguan, he faced the same mistakes as his subordinates, father and son.

   One child accused his father, saying that the father was wrong, and another child said that his father was wrong.

   Then, in the end, a small penalty is given, who do you reuse next?

   Now Li Yi wants to train the female dolls. The female dolls look silly, but they are heart-warming.

   "What do you want to eat at night?" Li Yi asked the girl gently to deal with her nose.

   "Red, braised pork!" The girl swallowed, blinking her big eyes, and answered earnestly.

   "I know who you have had more contact with in the past two days." Li Yi sighed, feeling helpless.

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