Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1537: Changing habits is more important

"Huainan is orange, Huaibei is citrus." Song Jing, who was unwilling to be ignored, said.

   Li Yi didn't even look at him: "Orange and Citrus aurantium are not the same thing at all, they are all Citrus aurantium everywhere."

   Song Jing: "Huh, Huh..."

   "Yes, we still grow trifoliate in many places, especially wild trifoliate. Grafting, write back in the newspaper, autumn grafting, you can successfully pass the winter."

   Li Yi didn't have time to control Song Jing's mood. He thought of the Citrus aurantium on the mountain or around the people's yard. The Citrus aurantium was actually quite delicious and used as medicine.

   You can eat grapefruit until the skin is tasted, and the texture is similar to that of orange.

   "There are citrus trees in the south. Let them graft grapefruits. The grapefruits are large and have a long shelf life. When they are harvested, they will be transported slowly and they will not be damaged."

   Li Yi thought of grapefruit again, but it is a pity that grapefruit cannot grow in cold places.

   Princess Yongmu also ignored Song Jing: "Li Lang, Citrus aurantium is different from Tangerine?"

   "Looking back, I will list these, divided into divisions and genus, you will know at a glance, there are pictures." Li Yi said to Princess Yongmu with a soft expression on his face.

   "Wow!" Princess Yongmu is happy and can learn new knowledge again.

   Song Jing hides back over there, you can't afford to hide, right?

   He knew that he couldn't find his majesty to judge, and he could also find his colleagues.

   Li Yi didn't speak reason, just a word, and began to think of ways to help the people and prove that they are full of people's livelihood.

   The villagers took notes, waited for the newspaper to come out, and hurriedly looked for the orange branches, and looked back for the orange tree grafting.

   Even in the mountains a few miles away, the wild trifoliate trees grafted oranges to the branches of Xiangyang.

  When mature, pick it by yourself, and people who pass by can also pick it. When it comes to helping others.

   A sign should be set up to tell others who grafted it. Don’t let all the light while eating, let alone break the grafted branches.

   In front of a large group of children playing under the care of adults, from the village, Zhuangzi, and wealthy people.

   The wealthy and wealthy people regard Zhangjiacun as a high-quality kindergarten and elementary school, the kind that can be boarded, don't worry.

  The education received is the same as that of Lijiazhuangzi, including food and game content.

   Adults in the village are not allowed to approach, and there is a habayashi flying ride to stop them, and the children do not care.

   Li Longji took a look and found that the children were all dressed well. After leaving Jingzhao Mansion and seeing children in other villages, they would see another one.

   Li Longji saw him when he went out last time, and felt uncomfortable.

   Those children have big noses, corner inflammations, smudges on their faces and hands, dirty hair, and black necks.

   Looking at the child in front of me, even if it is not winter, I can see the difference, with a flushed face, tender, tidy hair, and well-fitted clothes.

   "Brother Yi, this winter, the children of the people of Datang..." Li Longji could not go on talking.

  "Three brothers, some of them are habitual problems. They are not used to using soap. Adults don't have time to take care of their children.

   It’s easy to boil hot water, wash it with hot water, rub the soap a few times, and then wipe the by-product glycerin from soap making.

   I advertised in the newspapers a lot, saying that protection can increase life expectancy, and the adults in the family pay more attention to it and teach the children more. "

   Li Yi was helpless. Some people saw the clothes that were not bad. The children had runny nose and didn't know how to keep warm and blow.

   If you have a runny nose, it means you have a cold. Drink **** syrup immediately.

   Li Longji's mood improved after hearing this: "So, Datang is not too bad?"

   "Uh... better than before." Li Yi wanted to say that compared with me, living conditions are far worse.

   However, the current Datang people are more willing to improve the economic situation at home through hard work and let their children study.

   I have never wanted to compare with others by borrowing money to buy things, my faith is still good.

  Indebtedness is usually caused by sickness, or borrowing money to buy food when it is out of time. It is not used for splurge and luxury consumption.

   "Wait for another two years, the new crops will spread, the people have surplus grain in their homes, and the court can't borrow money even if they want to borrow money." Li Yi mentioned public money again.

   In the name of the court, the local government must guarantee that the money can receive interest.

  Interest is used to pay local officials' salaries. Generally, if ordinary people do not borrow, it should be borne by the local wealthy households, even if the wealthy households do not need to borrow money.

   There is still public money, and the interest is very low. Li Yi is not allowed to lend to other private lenders.

   Yao Chong and the others checked and checked, and they always found local officials' violations of discipline.

  The people who join the regiment are different from the usual ones, so it's a cruel one to deal with officials.

   Talking and turning, the sky is getting darker, everyone goes to eat.

   The main ingredients are seafood, and the children’s hairtail is braised in brown sauce.

   They don’t use chopsticks, they wash their hands clean, grab them to eat, rub one hand and face.

   Only the main thorn, all the burrs will be dealt with by the adults.

   "Red Coral is going to issue exchange coupons?" Bi Gou asked nonsense.

   "First publicize the preciousness of red coral, and make twigs into jewelry, earrings, pendants, rings, bracelets, and sell them in the Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion."

   Li Yi glanced at Princess Yongmu. Father Yongmu had work, and Wen Tianlanxiang Pavilion had been closed for a long time.

   The ring in Tang's jewelry belongs to Li Yiqiang, and it is individually given a special meaning.

   Princess Yongmu smiled sweetly and can make money again!

   Bi Gou clicked his lips: "You can get a lot of money at once, but it's a pity..."

   He wanted to say that the princess did not pay taxes, so he watched it by himself. The princess donating money has nothing to do with him.

   Li Yi shook his head: "Wen Tianlan Xiangge makes money, not a one-time, biological treasures such as pearls, corals, tortoiseshell, etc., lies in the follow-up maintenance.

   Including the fur products and silk cotton velvet fabrics sold by Wentian Lanxiangge. The maintenance is a long-term profit. Even if the clothes are sold out, we can still **** them. "

   "A high price alone? The old man understands!" Bi Gou thought he understood the essence.

   Princess Yongmu laughed: "Bi Zaifu, Li Lang said maintenance and darning, UU reading is free, and what I earn is the new product sales money when I came to maintain and darn.

   Wen Tianlan Xiangge sells goods, free maintenance for life, otherwise why is it so expensive?

   If you don’t buy things from Wentianlanxiangge, we don’t maintain them, even if you give them a high price.

   Such as darning, the clothes are broken with a hole, we can repair it to the extent that we can't see the damage, and then..."

   Princess Yongmu introduced that she accidentally made a hole in the clothes she bought. Let's **** it.

   The color of the clothes thread is different from the color of the thread at the time of production due to its use. At this time, the thread needs to be worn out.

   After darning, the person who bought it can even tell others to look at the bad parts of their clothes, and they can see it inside.

   It's not ashamed, because your clothes are broken, and you didn't buy them at Wen Tian Lan Xiangge. If you don't get this treatment, the darning has darned out your identity.

   So when I found something new during maintenance and darning, I naturally had to buy it.

   Selling some health-preserving medicines, it won’t work if the money is less, it doesn’t show dignity.

   Bi Gou looked at Princess Yongmu in surprise, then turned to stare at Li Yi, as if he wanted to see something from Li Yi's face.

   He wants to say: What a wonderful princess once, I was taught by you to become like this. Doesn't your conscience hurt?

   "I give some people dental implants and dental cleaning for free. I still don't sell products. Some people enjoy them, but they are not grateful. Can't my conscience?"

   Li Yi actually saw the meaning in Bi Gou's eyes, and he glared back.

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