Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1551: Encountering another love during the trial operation

"Bring melon seeds and longans, serve the third brother with wine, and put a plate of dried shrimps." Li Yi watched Li Longji drink, but didn't persuade him to eat.

   To eat for the sake of drinking, it is best to have snacks.

   Snacks do not occupy the stomach, eat melon seeds and drink beer, vomit, and recover quickly the next day.

   The more you drink and eat, the more uncomfortable you are when you are drunk. If you throw up a bunch of things, you won’t be able to slow down the next day.

  The longan is sweet and can help break down the alcohol.

   The dried longan is dried longan, and the fresh longan is the same thing. Sometimes the fresh one is called longan, and then the dried longan is called dried longan.

   Li Yi was drinking beer too. He waited until the drink was almost done, rested, and then had a bowl of noodles.

   If you are drunk, you can't eat it anymore.

   The ministers drank and drank rice wine. They needed alcohol to relax their nerves.

   I was scared today, when Li Yi came back from the sea, was he crazy? Do you want to make up for the strategy of the days when you went to sea?

   It feels like a super-saturated coverage attack by the sky monkey, and luckily survived, the head is buzzing.

   They eat vegetables slowly and occasionally in a daze.

   Ordinary people listen to Li Yi's words, and if they can remember after listening, they can remember. If you can't remember, you don't need to think about it.

   How can they not think about it, make decisions from the general direction, and then directly implement the specifics.

   I looked dull during the whole meal. When the meal was almost the time, one pot of toad oil, and then went back to rest after eating.

   The next day, Li Yi got up early at ten o'clock, took a bath, had a massage, and tossed till noon, eating a bowl of wontons, refreshed!

  He led the nurses to find condemned prisoners to practice their hands. The previous intervention techniques have been practiced on animals many times.

   The little girl is watching, she doesn't get started, she doesn't eat strings.

   The death row inmates are in good health, and some have some minor problems. The nurses and doctors who were left behind helped to treat them.

   They do not freeze a certain part of a person first, and then pour hot water to collect data.

  Any operation is traumatic, even if it is minimally invasive.

   Death row prisoners get a chance to live by giving. As long as they undergo a trial and then cultivate, they can become members of the dumb guns.

   Li Yi is welcome, but anyone who is given a chance to cast a dumb gun belongs to a person who has committed minor crimes to a certain extent.

   Those who are not qualified to arbitrate dumb guns are guilty of death.

   "Attention everyone, from the equipment scanning and radiography, this ‘patient’... he is indeed a patient, he should put a stent, and I have to live in it.

   This person... why is he... uh! Take it, give him a stand, one is enough. "

   Li Yi was giving a lecture, and found that the death row inmates lying there under general anesthesia needed a brace, otherwise they would easily hang up while working.

   The fake patient became a real patient, and he couldn't support the ball according to the treatment model of Xiaoyatou.

   "Let's finish practicing, don't care about him!" An imperial doctor nurse from the imperial medical office didn't treat the death row as a person.

  "He is an exchange. If he died while we were practicing targeted surgery, he deserved it!

   He is not that. There is no such statement in the contract. Even if he is going to behead his head tomorrow, he is sick today, we have to try to treat him first.

   He should have died of national law, not disease, unless we are really powerless. "

   Li Yi said the principle that a person who is about to be executed has a sudden myocardial infarction or cerebral hemorrhage, and he must first be saved.

   The death penalty is the death penalty, and humanity is humanity. Because of this, human beings can become civilization.

   So everyone was busy, making mistakes several times during the operation, but finally put the bracket in.

   This person can live a normal life, Li Yi doesn't care about any problems in the future, and it belongs to another department. It is another contract.

   As an EOD personnel, if there is an accident or sudden illness during the EOD process, the level of the local doctor can be rescued.

   "Me, am I alive?" After waking up after the operation, before Li Yi asked questions, the patient asked first.

   "Yes, I am alive now, what about the future?" Li Yide asked, usually asking logical questions, as well as preoperative memory.

   People who understand that one plus three equals four may lose other memories, such as his surname,

   "In the future, I will enter the place where the dumb cannons are lined up. If you make enough points, you will become a fixed-term imprisonment." The death inmate blinked and blinked while looking at the ceiling.

   "Do you have anything you want to say to your daughter-in-law and children?" Li Yi opened his hand and shook it in front of the death row.

   "The daughter-in-law you found for me? If you don't shake it, I always see things blurred. Am I going to be blind?" The death row's pupils were adjusting.

   "No, it's because my hand is too close to your eyes. Sorry, look, can you do this this time?" Li Yi was embarrassed and raised his hand up.

   "You have a fight on your thumb, circle, how do you say? You have the other hand, one fight for the poor and the second fight for the rich." The death row finally saw clearly.

   "First, you are neither nearsighted nor farsighted; second, you have a clear mind; third, you are more superstitious."

   Li Yi relieved, the operation was successful.

   Rest for an hour, everyone first, relax and relax. If you don't get the ball, you have to operate the bracket first.

   Whoever has the same problem in the future, the bracket will not be so rushed.

   The male and female nurses were soaked with sweat and collapsed.

   The requirements for interventional surgery are too strict, and the spirit is always tight.

   "Forget it, just this one today. Go back and think about the process. I'm not afraid of dreaming." Li Yi gave up and continued to the next experiment.

   He was worried that everyone had made too many mistakes and would kill people on death row.

   One less test subject died, and one less labor force.

  "Master, is there a curved path inside a bead, or a spiral, how to thread it?

   I thought that only ants tied a rope to find the mother homing method, UU reading only learned today that it can be through intervention. "

   The little girl summarized the analysis and concluded that there are two ways.

   "I'm a good apprentice, you look down on it as a teacher! Just put on a bead that ants can pass through and put on the intervention device?

  The transmitter is fine. The material determines the result. If the ants can pass, why bother to get involved? Ordinary is fine.

  There are also at least two methods, the ball buoyancy traction method and the vacuum suction method. "

   Li Yi has more methods, threading a thread, what a big deal.

   "Master, I...I don't understand." The little girl lowered her head, as if she felt too stupid.

   Li Yi looked around and found that it was indeed impossible to continue the surgical trial, so he simply took the older disciple to play.

   "You read the book first, arrange for the teacher, find Lao Bi, Lao Yao, and bully them."

   Li Yi is looking for fun, ministers are most suitable.

   Li Longji did not go to court, there is nothing he needs to solve, the four Zaifu, the money problem is no longer a problem.

   Li Longji is playing chess with his eldest daughter. At the moment, sweat is on his forehead and he is very anxious.

   There are six games, every game is a draw.

   At first, he wanted to let the girl win the last word a little bit.

   But it turned out to be, down and down, and make up.

   A tie and tie is obviously different. It shows a problem. I don’t want a tie instead of a tie. Whose chess skill is better?

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