Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1553: Life is hard to find sunshine

The officials looked for their own places to work, and Lijiazhuang had their courtyard.

   Except for so many court ladies and eunuchs, officials of the fifth rank and above can find their place in Lijiazhuangzi.

   Under normal circumstances, they are not allowed to come in casually, and when things happen, they can come and go through the zipline.

   Two poles were erected from Lijiazhuangzi, one high and one low, the same on the other side.

   Some documents were sent over, Lijiazhuangzi’s high-pole cableway slid to the opposite side, and there were documents from there, which slid to the lower pole of Lijiazhuangzi.

   Save the distance from the Baqiao, the shortest line between two points.

   If the zipline has its own weight and is not easy to stretch, you can slide things back and forth directly with Xingqing Palace from Lijiazhuang.

  Don't talk about the zipline, the kite-flying line, it is light enough, but it still makes a big arc when it is high.

   "Wait for Qingdai and everyone to get well treated, I will make a wired phone, and pull the wire into the imperial city, so that Laobi can work.

   Li Yizai, Princess Yongmu and others are basking in the sun through glass. Whether it can block ultraviolet rays depends on what glass it is. Lead glass has very low permeability.

   A large group of children are in Lijiazhuangzi, more than twenty, princes and princesses.

   Since the other kings moved in, Li Longji's women have also moved to the imperial village in the north.

   A large group of palace ladies and eunuchs come and go.

   The palace maids and eunuchs in their own palace rotate over, half at a time.

  In the original palace, it feels gloomy. When I get to Lijiazhuangzi, the sun shines.

   After Li Longji killed Princess Taiping after Xuanwumen, he didn't dare to live in the imperial city and went to live in Xingqing Palace.

   Now everyone takes turns to Huangzhuang and Lijiazhuang, the mentality is better, healthier, and the people in the palaces smile sincerely when they meet.

   In the past, the intrigue was to fight for Li Longji and fight for the position of women.

   Now the status of the king and queen is stable, she can clean up the harem without Li Yi, let alone Li Yi teaches her?

   Can't compete for position, strive for advantage.

   There is no need to argue about the benefits, you have everything you want.

   Li Longji is not looking for extra women now, he is too busy, and there are a lot of children.

   Li Yi told him to look for a woman again. If he worked too hard, he would lose his life, so he believed.

   Li Longji is very comfortable at the moment. He once dreamed and never dared to dream about his life now.

   Lijia Zhuangzi can heal all pains, mainly psychologically, and everyone in the Zhuang household is happy all day.

   The circle that a person comes into contact with is very important, especially in life. Others have a lot of smiles, and they also have smiles on their faces.

   Change into a circle of people sighing and making trouble.

   If you are with a group of patients with mental illness, do you have to emphasize that I am not mentally ill, I really am not, they are.

   Then I heard several patients next to me say: I am not mentally ill, I really am not, they are.

   So, am I, or am I not?

   Li Longji does not understand the problem of the mental hospital, he is analyzing the situation of Lijiazhuangzi.

   "Brother Yi, why are the dealers always happy?" Li Longji shook the bag in the cradle.

   "Because of the contrast, life is better than those outside, and there is hope.

   There is little social pressure, no worries about material aspects, and Zhuangzi's system management.

  Management is the most important. A Zhuangzi has a sense of superiority and is more willing to accept management.

   The people of a country have a sense of superiority, and they will support the regime even more.

   Three brothers, look at the family. If the husband and wife have hope for life and encourage and comfort each other, the family life will be good.

   If a husband and wife, one party feels depressed for the other for a long time.

   Complaining, complaining, cold violence, verbal violence, and even in general, men beat women with their hands, and women beat men in some cases.

   This person is guaranteed to be inferior to the former, whether it is economic, social exchange, or even the growth and learning of children. "

   Li Yi lay on the rocking chair and said, it is his duty and responsibility to advise His Majesty to promote the positive development of Datang society.

   While talking, he raised his leg to stop Li Longji from continuing to shake Bao'er. Bao'er is already asleep, why are you shaking him?

   He motioned to the palace lady to push the cradle farther away, trying not to be affected by the voice of adults.

   There is a rule in Zhuangzi, when the child is sleeping, the child is not allowed to hear the voice of the adult, and the distance is kept well.

   Other places where the children sleep, the adults chat with the neighbors visiting, wow, wow, the parents are short.

   The child is sleeping comfortably, especially when he is awakened during a nap.

   The child is young, and I don’t know why, but he is very irritable and a little scared, crying.

   The adult came over to hug Huan, and said loudly to the neighbors while he was coaxing: This kid doesn't know what's going on, he is stunned, and crying after sleeping well.

   The neighbor said loudly: You can drink cinnabar for the child, but it is easy to use, then whoever owns it, his family...

   The child itself is irritable, the source of the noise is closer, the sound is louder, and it is uncomfortable! Crying more painfully.

   There is no such thing as Lijiazhuangzi, Li Yi understands.

   Children who are awakened from a nap usually hear elongated sounds when they wake up. Adults speak normally, but children hear three to four times slower.

   is the same as the brain hypoxia, the feeling of waking up from a brief faint, listening to others speaks very slowly.

   Li Yi has studied before, not by himself, he does research on a subject, invests money in it, and others help.

   In this state, the nerve response is actually too fast, not slow. If you are slow, you should hear the speed of speech passing quickly, and you can't hear it clearly.

   People’s vision is sometimes the same, seeing other people’s movements slow down.

   To put it another way, call it ‘Bullet If you can make your movements faster...

   The project is over. I don’t have any money. People are doing research by the country, so I’m a shit?

   can't study that, he analyzes the state of the child, this is simple, both psychology and biology.

   Bao'er was pushed away, and he covered his face under the glass in the distance to bask in the sun. It couldn't be put outside. The rain stopped at midnight last night, and it was cold today.

   The temperature in the room is right, the bag is exposed with ***, lying in the baby bassinet, sleeping soundly, his mouth moves from time to time.

   Mouth movement is a physiological reaction, and he still drinks milk.

   When is the most comfortable, most comfortable for the baby when eating, comfortable to be held by the mother, sleeping in the sun, there will be conditioned reflexes, mouth movement.

   "Cut the cucumber strips, I dipped it in hot sauce and drank beer. At noon I was half full and hungry."

   Li Longji relaxed, touched his stomach, and wanted to drink.

   "Get another handful of green onions, I'll drink some too, do you still have the crumbled peanuts?"

   Li Yi ate half a bowl of rice at noon. He was too much affected by the operation on death row in the morning.

   He has never done this type of operation before, and the nurses have never done this operation before. He is the backbone.

   It was the first time he operated on a human body. The moment he succeeded under the stent, his adrenaline soared and he was ready for interventional surgery.

   The endocrine is disordered, and the gastric acid secretes too much, and on the contrary, I can't eat anything.

   Now look at the cute look of Bao'er, basking in the sun, he wants to relax with a drink.

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