Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1562: Past events are like yesterday

"Proprietor, he asked if there is any work that can be done now. If the dock doesn't want him, he won't carry the work. He used to fish at the beach, and his relatives disappeared five years ago. He is sixteen."

   The maid jumped down with the armrest again and came back to report that the man wanted to dry goods today.

   "Nothing on the pier at the beach? Sixteen? Eleven-year-old family members are gone? Fishing? No boats? No real estate and fields?"

   Li Yi puts the keywords together and has questions.

   "I'll ask." The maid nodded, turned and rushed to the stairs.

   "If you go down, it's not clear whose maid you are? Do you think you are a fairy? You fly and fly."

   Li Yi called out in time, twice, do you still dare to learn from me?

   "I'll get a discount again, I watched." Xiaolan helped to speak again, but she didn't say a word. It is estimated that the maid will be cleaned up when she turns around.

   "Don't put the rules of other places on me, I'm afraid of falling." Li Yi understood instantly, unhappy.

   When I say something to someone else, do you still need to find that person behind your back?

   The maid changed her posture in an instant, and she raised her frame, feeling the movement of her feet very smooth, and she floated downstairs.

  Long skirt, small broken steps are fast and stable, the upper body stays still, and it looks like a float when you walk.

   After a short while, the maid floated up and didn't pant at all: "Proprietor, he said that he had beaten someone, and someone else took his home. He beat him with a stick. I don't know if he killed someone and ran away."

   Li Yi looked down, the man, or the older boy, stood there and waited.

   "Send someone to investigate. Li Jiazhuangzi sent things to the south of the city, he followed the car and unloaded the goods." Li Yi gave another job as a temporary worker.

   Earn a little money today, and we will weave straw shoes tomorrow.

   Another maid floats down, I can’t be tired!

   The women who ate close to each other looked at each other and recognized Li Yi more and more. Today, they saw how Li Yi treats the people.

   It turns out that Li Yi is such a person. He cooks food for women, brings them personally, and thinks of a solution when the people don’t have shoes.

   There is a rumor that Li Yi kills people without blinking, how can it be? Look at such a delicate Li Dongzhu, can he kill people? It is estimated that you will be dizzy when you see blood!

   Princess Yongmu doesn't know what other women think. She understands her future husband, and the weapon she has developed is a big kill.

   Why do you see blood faint? Li Lang always speaks nonsense, others still believe it.

   It is the broken artery, and the blood spurts on his face. He can perform hemostasis operation with no expression on his face, without shaking his hands.

   "Li Lang, you are scared at all when you see a big wound, how did you practice?" Princess Yongmu asked Li Yi in a whisper.

   Li Yi frowned, some memories are not good.

   He has met many times. At the beginning, he didn't dare to fight, and his face was cut off.

  How to stitch? I feel the same when I look at the wound, it's over.

   The director took the shot himself. He stood by and looked at it. The mouth under the mask was grinning and teeth clenched.

   Increased blood circulation, shortness of breath, hypoxia, increased gastric pressure, pale, cold, trembling fingers, unresponsiveness, hands trembling when handing the needle holder.

   Then... I got used to it, talking about the sky while stitching up the wounded. It was a light topic.

   It is not that the doctor is numb. Such a doctor will give the patient a sense of peace of mind.

   A patient is about to undergo an operation. Li Yi is in charge of the operation. No matter what he thinks, his face is not revealed. At the same time, he said: minor surgery, simple.

   Of course, it would be different if he was in another state: minor surgery, don't be afraid, no problem, you can do it, you will not die, don't worry.

   The palliative family members who are about to enter the operating room are at ease. Li Yi continued: Although it is the first time that you have performed operations on someone else, you have seen a lot of them, and there are teachers teaching by the side. Now it is the director who will help you.

   Family members and patients estimate that it is: "..."

   This chest surgery is different from the nurse's needle injection, isn't it? The nurse gave the patient a needle for the first time. If it is wrong, it will be wrong. Intravenous drip injection. Two more times will always find the blood vessel.

   Li Yi raised his hands and rubbed his face: "It's natural to get used to it. There is nothing to do with chickens, and you can know if there are any eggs."

   "Huh?" The women including Xiaolan and the surrounding women looked at Li Yi in amazement. They had a good life and had been in the palace since they were young. How can they understand the situation of the poultry in the common people's home?

   "I don't know? People raise ducks and geese at home, and they usually know whether they have lost their eggs." Li Yi continued to popularize science.

   "It can be felt. The egg is soft before it is laid, but it can be felt. It bulges, and the egg shell appears, soft and slowly hardening. If the calcium supplement is low, the soft shell egg will come down.

   Before the chickens, ducks and geese are released, they have to touch them, knowing which one just lays eggs.

   Chickens usually lay their eggs in the henhouse, and occasionally under the haystack outside, they can’t hold back.

   Ducks and geese are guaranteed to be outside free-range. When they come back, they will touch them again. If the eggs are gone, they will be picked up. If there are not enough eggs, they will be thrown away. "

   Li Yi shook his head helplessly after seeing everyone's learned expressions.

   I was all from the city at that time. I don’t know if these things can be understood, nor do we ancient people?

   "Lord Li, I heard that blind people go to the river to pick up duck and goose eggs. They can pick them up. They are better than people who are not blind. What's the matter?"

   Finally a woman couldn't help it, she just wanted to figure out something.

  "Ducks and geese have to choose a place to lay their eggs, such as humidity, temperature, and hardness of the ground. People who are blind have been familiar with it since they were young. This is the distance between life and death and must be mastered.

   In fact, blind people are not better than normal people, but when blind people do something that normal people can do, others exalt the blind people. "

   Li Yi was stunned again, looking at the concrete floor outside.

  "Remember, draw the blind road, turn around and do it around Chang'an City first, tell the blind how to distinguish teach them to step on the blind road.

   Where the blind path is located, there should be no accumulation of debris. But there are blind people walking, and everyone else can let them go.

   At key intersections, blind people pass by, and carriages have to give way. "

   Li Yi is very guilty and self-blame. There are a large number of blind people in Datang, which are caused by various reasons, especially after his thirties, he has vision problems.

   Because the child was sick, he didn't get timely treatment and couldn't see anything.

   I only want to improve the living standards of the people, and I forgot that there are some special groups. As doctors, you shouldn't.

   Li Yi has his own ideas on the understanding of medicine. Many doctors are actually not good at literature and belong to science.

The word    medicine contains a lot of things.

  Doctor, decompose it, it is 匚, arrow, 殳, 酉.

   Seen alone, there are several explanations, but it is actually a curse, a kind of ritual.

   Ya is a needle, acupuncture needle.

  殳, it has edges and no blades, what is it for? Gua Sha! Can't scrape with blades? Blades are called fading, should I use the razor blade to shave?

  酉 is a soup, a boiled soup.

   is a medical word, which contains the means to treat diseases.

  Rather than the so-called medical explanation, putting things in a vessel, what kind of war is taken out and the arrow is still in a certain jar, can be translated into such a person...Haha!

   Let's put it this way, but anyone who can understand the ancient music subtracted characters will not understand the meaning of "medicine".

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