Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1566: Song Wang found a profit that year

Long Sun Xin considers the rate of return of borrowing money. He has done this before and can earn 20% to 30% a year.

   It's not easy to make money now, and he doesn't want to spend any more money, he wants to do business, lend money to the people, it is better to find a job for the people.

   Li Yi filled Changsun Xin with wine: "The quarrying area of ​​Lantian County has been there for many years, and there are many gravel, and the people are unwilling to cultivate on it."

   "It's a pity that the land is barren. If there is some soil in the house, spring and grow grass." Chang Sun Xin showed a sad expression.

   If it's all stones, it's easier to do, paving the road, burning cement that can burn cement, and burning glass that can burn glass.

  There are stones, sand, and soil. The grass can grow, but it is impossible to grow food.

  "Plant according to the normal greenhouse, off-season vegetables, cucumbers, watermelons, or direct watermelon.

   can guarantee watering, we grow soybeans, the yield is not bad.

  Use a greenhouse to grow seedlings on the ground in advance, transplant them out, and grab half a month's time, and the price is much higher.

   There are other kinds of medicinal materials, and all the medicine shops collect them. Because Lantian County is not always dry, water is sometimes distributed and the soil is invested in money, which can be slowly improved. "

   Li Yi has a picture in his mind, what he saw.

   The large mine behind Zui Xianju draws water from Xu’s house, builds pavilions and corridors, and raises lotus and fish.

   Few people are willing to throw money in the gravel, the input-output ratio is different.

   Long Sun Xin rubbed his hands: "There are more than 50,000 acres."

   "Huh? You count the scattered ones, as well as the hillsides?" Li Yi converted it to 30 square kilometers.

   Five kilometers by six kilometers, or three kilometers by ten kilometers, Lantian County does not have such a large rocky place.

   "Yes!" Chang Sun Xin admired Li Yi's point and could guess everything.

   "Do you have enough money?" Li Yi didn't think about the greenhouse. How much silk do I need for a greenhouse of 30 square kilometers?

   No glass, watermelon grown in a greenhouse, small in size.

   If you replace it with a 30-square-kilometer glass greenhouse... Isn’t it good to sell glass?

  Chang Sun Xin shook his head: "I want to choose a place to try first, which can make money, and the rich will follow along when they meet.

   People who are mining in Lantian County, I have looked for them, and they are not relieved.

  They raise pigs, and now they raise rabbits. You let them do it and they believe it. "

  "You contract all the land, plant part of the soybeans, leave the greenhouse, and raise the land first.

   Plant alfalfa again, if it is too late, the seeds are available everywhere, hire more people, fertilize and water.

  Buy a large number of bees. This year, many of them are dividing nests. They are bought and raised with alfalfa flowers.

   An extra layer of fertile soil is covered in winter. Cucumbers and eggplants are planted piece by piece. Old Bi will give you tax-free. "

   Li Yi didn't dare to ask Changsun Xin to plant a greenhouse. He couldn't afford it.

   Long Sun Xin narrowed his eyes and shook his head: "The money is not enough, the fat is the most expensive, and the labor cost is a bit worse. I want to plant 5,000 mu first."

   "You are not allowed to put base fertilizer, water fertilizer, and honey will not charge you tax. As long as you grow things on such ground, you will be tax-free." Li Yi decided for Bi Gou.

   Long Sun Xin counts again: "Do you still raise bean worms?"

   "Oh? Beanworm? Raise, your family has a special bean hawk moth pupae, right?" Li Yi quickly forgot about the bean worm.

   Chang Sun Xin smiled: "I told a lot of people that they have no place to put it, and they don't care. I will find someone to deal with it specifically and throw it into their ground when the time comes.

   You used to throw bean worm pupae that hatched into other people’s bean fields, and you could be killed. Now people are grateful to you. "

   "I will invest in fertilizer and tools, 70% of them, more than 50,000 acres, and they operate at the same time.

   You hire the manpower, but I appoint it. I said you hire who you hire, and the price is low.

   For other people’s work with twenty or thirty dollars a day, you give me ten dollars to the person I designate. "

   Li Yi thought of a new way to reduce costs as much as possible, while having other goals.

   Chang Sun Xin looked at Li Yi carefully and stared at him.

   "What do you think of my Li Lang?" Princess Yongmu is upset, and you are my elder.

   "Your Li Lang is going to ruin his reputation? Is your majesty worried, or who is dissatisfied with the ministers?" Chang Sun Xin looked at the old men.

   "I heard you say, how can I be dissatisfied with Xiao Yi? Xiao Yi said no taxes, did I speak?" Bi Go stared back.

  "How could your Majesty deal with Li Yi? You forgot that Li Yi had slaves from the Southwestern barbarian and his family?

   Their family members work, take less wages, and help men earn more points without complaining.

   just teaches them how to plant, and later they will have more skills on their own. "

   Song Jing thought of the whole set of operations in an instant. As Zaifu, he was still a little capable.

   "Song Xiang is great." Li Yi admitted, yes.

   "Oh! I paid the seeds, the money and wages for the contracted land? Ten years to pay back?"

  Chang Sun Xin takes into consideration his own investment, he doesn't care how many components are accounted for, and he can pay back his money in ten years.

   "What ten years? Make money this year, let's pay dividends." Li Yi waved his hand.

  唰, a group of people looked at him at the same time.

   Chang Sun Xin looked at it as if there were tears in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth moved, as if he was about to cry and feel wronged.

   Bi Gou took a sip of the wine, suppressed his surprise, and exhaled: "Xiao Yi, be kind. You say ten years when others spend money. You have participated in it, and you have made a profit?"

   "How did I know that it was such a land? Just plant it here, tell the yamen, don't give money, and don't care about the government's subsidy.

   Tax exemption, for others to see, as long as the wasteland can be planted with something, there will be benefits.

   The matter of the Changsun inspector has been resolved. Tell me about yours, you won’t really come to me for a meal, will you? "

   Li Yi said, taking a draught beer, taking a sip, and then making a long hiccup.

   "It's not a big deal, you are not going to sea! Bring back a lot of things, UU reading heard that some things have to be grown in hot places, don't you worry?"

   Bi Gou held a cucumber dipped in sauce, and said to Li Yi.

   The others nodded. They were afraid that the seeds would be broken after the time passed. Wouldn't they go there for nothing?

   "Do you arrange for someone to plant it? Or should I do it?" Li Yi is not afraid of seed problems. The seed storage period is long.

   "Ask you!" Yao Chong said.

   "If I go out, you make arrangements in advance. If I don't go out, do you have to make arrangements?"

   Now Li Yi reacted, he always forgot the status.

   He is not in Chang'an, everyone needs to deal with it specially.

   There must be regulations for road safety issues and imperial court emergency liaison issues.

   "Xiao Yi, you have to know how you got your position. You are at ease and must fulfill your obligations." Bi Gou said.

   "If you want to wear a crown, you must take advantage of it? Good! Send someone to plant it. I will stay in Chang'an and won't stroll anywhere." Li Yi gave the answer.

   Everyone smiled, right! You stay honestly.

   We don’t need to ask you if we have any questions. We can’t find you when we need to ask you.

   咚咚咚 came the sound of footsteps upstairs, and everyone looked at the entrance together.

   It doesn't take long for a person to appear, Li Chengqi.

   "Are you all here? I heard that Brother Yi needs craftsmen to make things. It just so happened that I didn't eat and talked while eating. I'm fine."

   Li Chengqi wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, showing that I was not in a hurry, really.

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