Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1664: People's livelihood is like tide and rain

  Chapter 1646 People's livelihood is like tides and rains (first more)

  The speed of the yacht is controlled at about five or six knots, inland rivers, for fear of hitting other boats.

There are many small fishing boats in the water, throwing spinning nets.

  The fishing boat is usually a husband and wife. Without the help of children, they are all sent to school.

  The hats and clothes are placed in the boat, and the life jacket made of bamboo tube is put on the body.

  It will rain today, so there is no dew, and the morning glow is charming.

  The air pressure is usually low, and the fish go up from the bottom of the water. The spinning mesh is large and small fish are not allowed.

  Only use the small hole net when the air pressure is normal to catch fish that don't grow up at all.

  Catch the fish, see if the quantity is similar, row to Lijiazhuangzi and sell them.

  The price of Lijiazhuang's fish collection is half to 10% lower than that of Chang'an East and West. People who fish in Bashui are still willing to sell it to Lijiazhuang.

  No need to bring the fish to sell by yourself, save time, make a batch, and you can get another batch later.

   "Is Li Dong the main fish? I just caught a net. No money." A fishing boat in front of him saw the yacht and shouted.

  Li Yi pulled the blushing Princess Yongmu and stood on the deck, shouting back: "Sell Zhuangzi, not now."

  "Dongzhu Li, do you want snails? There is half a basket, no money." Another person with a long pole net shouted.

  "Wait a minute, stop the boat." Li Yi wanted to eat, stir-fry, and let the ladies taste it by the way.

  The ship stopped, the rope was thrown over, the other party tied the basket, and the **** pulled hard to the deck together.

  Pour into a large basin of light salt water with the sound of slamming, wait for the silt to be spit out, put the jar containing 200 pieces of fermented bean curd into it, and then give it to the opponent.

   "I said that I don't need money." The snail fisher saw something with embarrassment on his face.

   "No money." Li Yi shouted.

   "Thank you, Dongzhu Li, wait for me to get another basket and send it to Zhuangzi."

  The joy of catching snails, a jar of fermented bean curd can eat for many days, and it also earns a jar.

   "Okay!" Li Yi waved his hand, the boat moved forward again, and the other party would give money to Zhuangzi's dealer.

   "Li Lang, enough for one meal." Princess Yongmu looked at the snails and said, the water temperature changed and the snails did not show up.

  Wait for a while, the snails will start to vomit, do not eat raw, to ensure that there are parasites.

  When the sky says overcast, the overcast will come down, and then the wind will rise.

   "It's still a heavy rain, whose houses are not good for the people in the county?" Meng Haoran looked at the sky, thinking about the people's situation.

  As a county prime minister, he and Wang Wei have transferred the entire Lantian County to help other people’s children with names and characters.

  Catch up with married couples, do not give money, write a happy couplet, and eat a wedding banquet.

  The people are happy, thinking that the two county officials are high officials, they don’t know how much the words of Wang Wei and Meng Haoran will be worth in the future.

  As long as the two of them do their work well, the officials will get higher and higher. Li Yi will help out a collection of poems and paintings, and Xilian will be able to buy a house.

   "There is a row of houses on the south side of Liangpo Village. The main house of the old lame house in the sixteenth courtyard said that there was mud and water in the house when it rained last time."

  Han Xiangke thought of a family.

   "Written in the work schedule before arriving in Chang'an this time, it should be fixed early."

  Meng Haoran believes in the efficiency of yamen's affairs, and a small official who does not have a formal official position is responsible for such things.

  The little official went and stared, looking for the village Zheng, there are repair funds in the village.

  The village is keeping accounts and reporting it to the county government to tell how much the fund balance is and how to use it.

  Otherwise, the village will have someone to help with the repair, and if there is public funds, this money must be used.

  The work efficiency of the staff is high, which is directly proportional to the income. Lantian County has a lot of financial money, and the staff’s salary is higher than the previous master book.

  I have a few problems, and I am dismissed directly. Where can I find this good job?


  "It was repaired the day before yesterday. If the water leaks under heavy rain today, you will deduct the bonus from your village."

  In Liangpo Village, Lantian County, the official in charge of this matter accused the village chief Chen Mo.

   "Two hundred watts have been smashed. The report needs to be rewritten. The original money is not enough. It is not a leak. It is fine after two days."

  Chen Mo hugged, and he said that there was a problem in one place. As a result, the tiles were blown up, and the mud was washed out in many places below.

  There are many people who can’t get up to the house at a time. Two people are responsible for the tiles, a smear of mud and fineness, without leaving the slightest empty space, which is a work of labor.

  It’s easy to fool around, and let you go by yourself for a long time.

  Two people were on the top, and two people passed the ash from the bottom, and they worked for two full days.

  Chen Mo walked outside as he said, the little official followed: "What are you doing?"

   "Look for the grass curtain, what should I do if I missed it?" Chen Mo muttered angrily to speed up his pace.

  Waiting for him to find the grass curtain to the place, there is already something on the house, like grass curtain, linoleum paper.

  "Changsun inspector made you there?" Chen Mo knew the situation when he saw people. Changsun Xin stood outside the courtyard and looked up at the house.

  "The gravel ground next to it is too permeable, so I made some linoleum paper and dug a hole to store water.

  Preparing to go back, I heard that the house has just been smashed and there are leftover linoleum paper.

  After the rain, it’s been collected. I still want it. Don’t use it as firewood. "

  Chang Sun Xin briefly said that he cooperated with Li Yi and was busy looking at the ground all day.

   Wherever he encounters a situation, he will find a way to help solve it, and become addicted to doing good deeds.

  He didn’t go when he asked him to enter the political affairs hall. It’s boring. Even if he is a Zaifu, does his own words count?

  It's far better than staying in Lantian County. There is money and the smiling faces of the people. After the key is still there, the lady's belly is getting bigger.

   is a male baby, his concubine is born again, and he is a female baby, and continues to give birth to his wife.

  These are all accumulating virtues, where are the children who don’t accumulate virtue? There are too many officials without children, is Li Yi in charge?

  Like King Shen, he has no children. Look at Li Yi and he...he takes care of him.

  Don't mention him, change one.

  Chang Sun Xin thought this way, and emphasized ‘keep it away for me’ to take the team away.

   "Inspector Changsun, I will give you a memorial tablet for longevity and place it a little below the tablet for your majesty and Li Dong." The old man was grateful and shouted from behind.

   "Don't, you let me live for two more years." Chang Sun Xin turned around and clasped his fists in shock.

   "I remember it in my heart." The old man agreed.

   "Thank you!" Chang Sun Xin wiped a sweat and left quickly. UU reading

  Just out of the village, someone ran over: "Come on, Dongzhu Li is here, Feiqi Habayashi arrived early, and Dongzhu Li was walking in the water on a cruiser."

   "Quickly, go home, I can see on the boat when I get back early." Chang Sun Xin looked for a horse and stopped walking.

  Waiting for him to get to the place, the yacht hasn't arrived yet, the rain has arrived.

  The raindrops flew obliquely with the wind, and the sheds on the dock were crowded with people.

  Some sheds were unofficially constructed, and they were shaken by the blow, and everyone ran out to help find wooden supports.

  Officially sturdy, it is said that it is a shed, but it is actually a house, a brick house. After making money, it will start repairing. The original shed will not be demolished, but one more.

  Tie the horse's stable, untie the horse's rope, and the horse runs to the place where there is no rain.

  All the boats in the river are all pressed, tied with ropes and knotted, and people are not staying in the boat, even if it is a shack boat.

   "It's so misty and hazy, and the long sky showers are depicted with a few shades of ink. The boat is moving in the pavilion and the boat is moving, and the waves are pushing far away."

  Wang Wei, who was sitting in the car and waiting for Li Yi to arrive, was bored and improvised a poem.

  (End of this chapter)

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