Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1666: Habits to live forever

  Chapter 1648 Habits to live forever (third more)

   "Block it, block it, I picked up the lamp to paint last night, it's not dry, don't let the rain wash."

  "These shoes are all wiped. May I have hot pot with you at noon?"

   "Sold it cheaply, sell it cheaply, give me two dollars, take all a piece of meat, the bones are not good, I donated the bones, and make free soup."

   "Load the food, the money you gave yesterday, not to mention the rain, give me a knife and shield."

  The city of Chang’an is lively, calligraphy and painting contest, those who are selected for the next round are allowed to paint and write poems on the wall.

  The painting needs to be drawn on paper first. The walls of other people's homes are not well painted, and they do not agree with them, especially in poems.

  After painting, cover it when it rains, and paint it for fear of not drying it.

  Shoe-shine children are invited by other children to go home and wipe them. Many of the leather shoes in the family have been wiped and wrapped, and then turned out and wiped again. In fact, they rubbed a little, mainly for chat.

  The vegetable sellers shouted discounts and dealt with the price reduction, or they would also reduce the price. The ones that were not sold last night were placed on the ice. The price was low early in the morning and not fresh enough.

  If you still can’t sell it, you’ll have to send it to a deli shop. Usually it’s delivered to Lijiazhuang. It’s made into bacon and sausage, and it can be sold for two more days.

  The green vegetables will not be preserved tomorrow. It seems that the rain will not stop in a short time, and it will sell cheaply.

   really can't sell it, but it is sent to the shop of Lijiazhuangzi, and the shop is taken back to the Zhuanghu and the southwestern captives to eat.

  Restaurants and other places, some ordered food last night, some came in the morning, and the money must be delivered.

  A shed is built on the carriage, and the driver continues to run. The horse is not afraid of rain or heat.

  As long as the expectations are adequate, it doesn’t matter if the horse runs in the rain.

  Change to a sunny day, the horse must rest after a run, rinse with water to cool down, and run for a long time, only bleeding.

  Like when Li Yi was there, in the summer, the horse was kept pulling the cart with people. The horse fell down and didn’t know how to bleed at all.

  A horse that fell to the ground due to heat and fatigue can live by bleeding in time.

  It is a pity that people who make money with horses don’t know how to love horses, and they don’t know how to deal with emergencies. Will they let them be let go?

  The coachmen who run the railcar, they understand, always observe the state of the horse, and when the situation is not right, unload the truck and put it aside, pulling the horse for disposal.

   Rub the body, massage with a brush, feed green vegetables, cooked bean cakes...

  Clean up, lead the horse to the stable on the haystack, and the horse will lie on its side to rest.

  A few more raw eggs and a handful of peppercorns would be even better. The horse will rub his head against the coachman.


   "Li Lang, do you want to increase the number of sheds?" Above the Bashui, the yacht moved slowly.

   Yu Lin Fei riding a shirtless standing on the deck to throw things at the fishing boat docked on the shore, throwing the transmitter, Li Yi exchanged it.

  There are calculations for how much weight, what density, volume, wind speed and direction.

  The things thrown are smoked chickens, and the smoked chickens were prepared early, just to give them to others on the road.

  Li Dongzhu travels once, and all the people seen along the way should benefit.

  Hatched chickens, young roosters, eat for half a year, and smoked chickens are the most suitable.

  A chicken wrapped in oil paper was thrown on the shore, and the people who stopped the boat knew what it meant.

  Pick it up in the past and can eat it. It's cold in the rain. Eating to replenish calories makes the heart warmer.

  Princess Yongmu was on the top floor. Looking through the window at the shed on the shore, she found that there were too many people crowded. Some people could only squat and drink hot soup in rain gear outside the shed.

  "Today, under special circumstances, the yacht is slow. They knew the news in advance and came to see that it would be okay to build larger sheds, but not because of this."

  Li Yi pursues the essence. Usually there are not so many people, all of whom watch yachts.

  Take a mouthful of hot soup, there will be no loss of body heat and death.

  There are oily water and salt in the soup. Even if you drink it like this in winter, it is difficult to freeze to death.

  Xiaolan co-operated and asked: "Because of what?"

  "Because of increased demand, increased transportation, and temporary storage."

  Li Yi looked at other places, the man squatted to drink soup, looked here.

  Li Yi has no sympathy for the other party. In addition to soup, he also has braised sheep's hooves. Are you poor? Just watch it!

   "In front, is the food transport team in front? It's also stopped. The car is covered with tarpaulin. Seeing the unevenness of the tarpaulin, it is a sack, not taut."

  Xiaolan took the binoculars to look farther, and there were many cars parked beside a shed in front.

  "Wheat, this year's indica rice is not yet time, only last year's winter wheat, which is transported with the husk after harvest.

  Sinong Temple’s new hybrid crops will have to wait a year before the output will increase except for indica rice.

   and other industrial and commercial systems have come up, and agricultural practitioners have to subsidize them. "

  Li Yi analyzes the way the car is **** and the things that can now be produced, just like before the field has nothing to grow, he can judge what the people want to grow through factors such as ridges and furrows.

  When you grow rice and wheat, you obviously cannot grow deep ridges. You can grow eggplants, cucumbers, cowpeas, etc., and ask the other side to scramble things on the side of the ground.

  Grow watermelon and cantaloupe, the terrain should be higher than other vegetables, otherwise it will rain and accumulate more water.

   "Li Lang, I heard people say that indica seeds and Sinong Temple do not provide people with food for free, so they should not be grateful. The money for food is earned by themselves."

  Princess Yongmu suddenly talked about what she had heard.

  "Yes, the money you buy grain is earned by yourself, but the price is not controlled by yourself. Production technology is transformed into productivity, and grain yield is high and price is low.

  If there is no grain to sell, how much would you pay to buy it? When Datang’s grain reserves have been reduced due to reduced output, you will have to starve to death with gold and silver.

  Sinong Temple's research on hybrid varieties cannot give you free grain, but it gives you a reduction in grain prices and the possibility of filling you up.

  I can’t provide others with short-curved ploughs and shellers for free, I can only let others pay a small price to get more income.

  So the people gave me a longevity tablet, willing to send me fish and snails to eat. "

  Li Yi does not deny the fact that other people make money to buy food. He analyzes it from another angle.

   "It's the turning point, adjust the angle, so close, throw it over, I'll come."

  On the outer deck, the shirtless Guo Ziyi commanded the launch vehicle. When he arrived at the turning point, he found that the equipment was not well adjusted and required a large elevation angle, and then dropped.

  He estimated the distance, which was more than 30 meters. What equipment was used then?

  He grabbed a roast chicken wrapped in fat, and estimated that, in a round of arms, the roast chicken passed through the rain and fell into someone else’s boat.

  "Okay, okay~~" A group of people Niubi, it is indeed the existence of different kinds of martial arts, too accurate.

  The people on the boat wanted to go ashore to pick them up. He was taken aback. He looked at this side, stretched out his hands and gave a thumbs up.

   "Throw the grenade full score." Guo Ziyi made a sample and ordered.

   "Yes!" Dozens of people step forward at the same time, and they throw the grenades far and accurately.

  The rain does not affect their performance. Who ruled that it should rain and not fight?

  There are many boats at the turning point, and it is easy to catch fish here.

  They saw oily paper bags flying over, and some were thrown a little farther on the shore, some just got into the boat, and some fell into the water.

  Those who fall into the water are not afraid, they have long poles to dip the net, just stretch it out.

   "Work, work hard, if one of the chickens is not caught, I will take him to play alone when I look back."

  Li Yi couldn't laugh or cry, that was meat.

    is gone today, thank you brothers and sisters for subscribing, monthly tickets, rewards, recommendations, and collections! The farmer bowed!



  (End of this chapter)

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