Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1823: Knowing things is limited

The woman surnamed Luo was sent away by Princess Yongmu's women's special operations team in a car, and the sweet-scented osmanthus cake was naturally brought back to Lijiazhuangzi.

Princess Yongmu took out the walkie-talkie and talked to Li Yi about the situation. Suddenly, the woman couldn't see anything in her eyes.

"Fuck, class is suspended, you learn first, I go to the operating room, it won't be the central block? I hope the time is short enough, **** it!"

Li Yi's swear words and other voices came from Princess Yongmu's walkie-talkie, and she hurriedly ended, Li Lang was gentle.

"Do you know what kind of illness it is?" Princess Jin Xian didn't think Li Yi's words were cursing, she was just anxious.

She wanted to know if Li Yi could tell by a few words what disease the woman surnamed Luo had.

"I don't know! Anyway, the medical equipment at home is the best. If Li Lang can't help it, the whole world can't help it, no matter how amazing the other genius doctors are."

Princess Yongmu firmly believes that her Li Lang is the best in medicine. He wrote so many medical books, and he corrected many mistakes.

"Is there any medicine for insects? Recently, some monks from outside have given them to eat."

Princess Jin Xian didn't have time to go to the doctor's book to find out what kind of prescription to fight what insects, she asked directly.

"Yes. There are several kinds, eat them all."

Princess Yongmu is even more powerful, regardless of whether others have bugs or what bugs, anyway, the medicines collected and made are readily available.

"Yuanyuan, I heard that there was a family named Guan in the Yellow River, who had a kind of medicine to help the Datang army win the battle, and they have been there to treat people and accept apprentices."

When Princess Jincheng heard the genius doctor, she remembered something. People who returned from Tubo to Datang always said the genius doctor, and the news reached the Red and White Palace.

"Guan Lin? Yes, Li Lang sent a lot of books. They said they would come back after the apprentices were almost able to get stable and stable.

Many medicinal materials have also been delivered, as well as simple medical equipment. Anyone who has appendicitis, or a small disease such as intestinal carbuncle, can be done by Guan Lin's family. Anyway, there is no way to die. "

Princess Yongmu knew about this situation. She was in the Fanying heart to Tang, and became addicted to many people at the critical moment.

I was not taken away, and I dug it for several years.

There is also a poison that seals the throat, but Li Lang said that in front of him, the poison will not exceed ten minutes, and he is sure to save it.

Used on the battlefield, there is basically no solution, and there are sequelae if the amount is small.

Now I know that Guan Lin's family undergoes a simple surgical operation, the intestinal carbuncle, the operation may die, not moving will inevitably die.

The difficulty lies in the degree of intestinal carbuncle. The infection is the most difficult to deal with. In addition, you need to wait to fart after the operation, otherwise you can't eat, and there is no nutrient solution, what should I do if I die of thirst?

Fortunately, things were delivered later, and the glass bottles, tubes, and needles for intravenous drip injection all needed to be reused.

The physiological saline is prepared in a pressure cooker, and the salt is given separately, and there is no local purification.

According to Li Lang's words, change to another place and dare to be so dare. The healer will not be wronged by Ling Chi. In Datang, let's do it.

The other place should be the fairy palace? Anyway, Li Lang didn't mention anything specific.

If you encounter eye problems, you will selectively forget the previous things and continue to wander around and wander around.

Compared with the number of shops in the East Market, the number of stalls in the West Market has doubled.

But even in the horse market, the smell is not very big, there is cement on the ground, livestock feces and urine, and there is a special person to clean it.

The ground of the entire horse market is gradually dented in one place, which is not obvious when walking.

When I walked all the way to the recessed place, I suddenly realized that it was two inches lower than elsewhere.

Someone took the tools and put the things washed with water into the big buckets and drove away. There were trucks and trucks, and they didn't know where to go.

Princess Jincheng, who had milked her baby, looked in the distance and asked Princess Yongmu: "Yuanyuan, where did you send it?"

"The fermentation tank of Sinong Temple has biogas equipment there, and other places are useless if they are not useful.

There are many ponds, some are sent in every day, and some are taken out every day without biogas.

The Sinong Temple keeps accounts, reports how much feces it collects and how to use it to the Ministry of Households.

The Ministry of Household pays wages to the cleaning staff in the city, which is deducted from the general ledger appropriation of the Sinong Temple.

The deduction is the fertilizer fee. Otherwise, the fertilizer fee will not be sent to Sinong Temple. The accounts are clear. "

Princess Yongmu knows the situation, including how it works.

Princess Jincheng was envious: "Yuanyuan, have you learned so much?"

"I didn't deliberately learn it. I was always with Li Lang. As soon as Li Lang said, I would remember it when I heard it.

Don't officials at home who are unwilling to talk about things in the courtroom, for fear that the family members will not disclose it strictly and cause trouble.

Li Lang in my family only has loose officials and does not participate in court affairs. No one will be held accountable for any circumstances. "

Princess Yongmu said seriously, as if it was indeed the case.

Princess Jincheng: "..."

She looked at her cousin hard, are you sure you are serious?

Does your Li Yi not participate in court affairs? Dismissal? Your Li Lang's dismissal is amazing.

I also read history books, why didn't I find such a casual official? Excuse me!

Princess Yongmu was embarrassed to be read, so she whispered: "I read the book, and when I meet someone I don’t understand, I will ask Li Lang. The book Li Lang writes always speaks beyond what is written in the book."

"For example?" Princess Jincheng was curious.

"For example, at a gold and silver shop, you put money in the gold and silver shop before UU Reading, and you have to give money to the gold and silver shop every month, and the gold and silver shop uses money to lend again.

Li Lang said that if he was engaged in finance, he could bankrupt all other gold and silver shops.

Once the finance is in operation, it will produce several times or even dozens of times the amount of money in and out.

Individual loans are small means, one-to-one, and high risks, unless administrative orders are used to entrap the people.

In Li Lang's hands, he could use a piece of money as a hundred pieces.

For example, the public money is gone now. In the past few years, it was still paid by the merchants. The amount is 50,000 yuan, and the monthly settlement is 4,000 yuan.

50,000 yuan in a year can earn 48,000 yuan in interest. This is how others think.

In fact, the monthly settlement, the four thousand dollars settled, as long as they make up to 12.5 places, it is another fifty thousand dollars, and you can continue to put it away. "

Princess Yongmu told Princess Jincheng about the original public money. Datang didn't play that way, and the public money had a fixed amount every year.

It is not a month to draw out the money from the 12:5 place to lend again, because the money is quickly paid to the local officials.

"I know!" Princess Jincheng expressed his understanding.

This matter began in the Sui Dynasty. The financial revenue of the Tang Dynasty could only cover most of the court, and the local government relied on public money to maintain it.

"Li Lang said, changing to his operation is another way. He can use the 50,000 yuan as 500,000 yuan.

What is called the reserve ratio and account designation, fund supervision and approval, so that existing funds can be used at multiple rates. "

Princess Yongmu repeats it, but she doesn't know the specifics.

"It's just that Li Lang said that he wouldn't do that, unless the people of Datang are all over their lives and need financial products to appear, he is responsible for the operation, and he must hold the last pass."

Princess Yongmu added again, feeling that this is a big matter, and Li Lang is restricting it.

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