Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1829: Anxiety Heatstroke Seafood Back

"Broiled pork must be simmered over a slow fire. When it's simmered, it won't be greasy to eat."

Princess Yongmu ate a large piece of fragrant braised pork and did not forget to introduce it to others.

The braised pork she ate was one inch in size, and the braised pork was serious.

It's not like Li Yi's restaurant at that time cuts it into small pieces and freezes it. Whoever eats it, melts it and stews it with other dishes.

Some even buy the raw material package, which is full of braised pork like this, which is cheaper than buying the meat yourself.

The braised pork in Lijiazhuangzi Food Street in the south of the city is always big, and the soup is thick and rich, and can be eaten with rice, dipped picture rolls and steamed buns.

Seeing Princess Yongmu eat, everyone else is greedy, so she has an appetite.

"Princess Yongmu, Princess Yongmu, I want to see Princess Yongmu, I am Luo Wanli, my daughter-in-law is blind today? The sweet-scented osmanthus cake seller, let me ask, where are the people?"

Princess Yongmu was eating incense, and some tens of meters away, someone was yelling, and a wheelbarrow was crooked beside.

"Put it in." Princess Yongmu got up.

Guo Ziyi searched there. After searching, he put one hand on the back of the neck of the man who claimed to be Luo Wanli, that is, on the neck, and brought him here.

"Sit down first, let me ask." Princess Yongmu understood the other party's mood, took out the walkie-talkie, and dialed: "Song, what's the situation of the person sent by the eye disease?"

"When I went back to my mistress, the proprietor had seen it and said that it was an occlusion of the central retinal artery, thrombolysis was an emergency operation, and the operation was successful. I just talked to the Luo family.

The proprietor said that the eyesight will not be affected, because the time is short, it will be better after a few days, and some places need to be absorbed slowly.

In addition, Zhuangzi found out that the cause of the disease was caused by the cheating of people who pulled their feet into buying so-called phosphate rock collectively.

Lijiazhuangzi bought it all at the original price and had to be deceived into taking the initiative to transport it to Bashui Qiaotou. "

Song De directly called the mistress, and then introduced the situation.

"Just won't be blind?" Princess Yongmu asked the most critical question.

"The proprietor makes a move, naturally worry-free." Song De said eight words.

"Okay, Song Guan has worked hard!" Princess Yong Mu looked at Luo Wanli.

"The mistress has worked hard!" Song De replied instantly.

"Hmm!" Princess Yongmu hung up, she did not hang up, Song De did not dare to hang up.

The leader is talking to you on the phone, you need to wait for the leader to hang up first.

One is that some people don't like the sudden silence, and the other is that if the leader remembers what to say, can you hang up?

Luo Wanli didn't understand what is called central retinal artery occlusion and thrombolysis, but he knew that his wife was in Lijiazhuang, and Li Dongzhu personally took care of it.

Okay, just keep it for a few days. To raise it, I have to go to Lijiazhuang to see my daughter-in-law.

"Are you cheated? Buy phosphate rock? Have you eaten?"

Princess Yongmu became curious, and she wanted to ask how the other party was deceived. Interesting!

Anyway, the operation was successful, and Stone Lijiazhuangzi bought it. It was nothing more than a little money.

"Eat, oh, no, I can't eat anymore."

Luo Wanli wanted to make a polite remark, and suddenly remembered who was facing him, he had to tell the truth.

"Bring it here with braised pork, Luo Wanli, sit down, have a good meal, and I will take you into Zhuangzi with me when I go back."

Princess Yongmu thinks that she loves braised pork, and others will love it.

"Princess Yongmu, I will kowtow to you. Huh? It hurts!"

Luo Wanli was about to kneel, Guo Ziyi's hand was slightly tight, and Luo Wanli instantly felt black in front of his eyes.

It seemed that after a long time, and as if there was no breath, he was seated, the blackness in front of him turned into small stars, and his limbs were numb.

At this moment, he realized how powerful the hands behind his neck were, which could make him die.

"First come to the cold noodle soup in Wanjingshui Town. The person who pulls the feet is in good health and is not afraid of the cold."

Princess Yongmu looked like she was also a healer and ordered that she was always learning.

When I change to a woman, I can't easily drink the cold noodle soup in Jingshui Town in this state during menstruation, and my stomach hurts after drinking.

Sure enough, a bowl of cold noodle soup was poured down by Luo Wanli, and he felt like he had come back to life again.

In fact, it has nothing to do with the cold noodle soup. When he drank it, he thought about it again. His wife's eye disease was healed, and the deceived stone Li Jiazhuang took it away.

"Princess Yongmu, I will give things to Lijiazhuangzi in the future, I don't want any money." Luo Wanli said gratefully.

"Are you trying to trap Li Chuangzi in an unrighteous place?" Guo Ziyi's hand was once again placed behind Luo Wanli's neck.

"If you want money, isn't it okay to ask for money? It's as much as you want."

Luo Wanli changed his mind and put it aside if he didn't fall into Lijiazhuang's place. He didn't want to fall into the darkness again.

Why can't I move my neck by grabbing my hand? How do you use it?

"Don't think about it, don't find someone to try, it will kill you." Guo Ziyi let go and warned.

"If you don't try, then it's killing! Why use this to kill, you can kill no matter what. I want to live a good life, I don't want to die."

Luo Wanli hiccuped as he said, the cold noodle soup irritated his stomach.

Braised pork and other vegetables, rice, and steamed buns were brought up, and he was set aside.

He was really hungry. He was in a state of excitement after he knew that his wife had a problem. He didn't feel hungry or even tired.

After the excitement, in a period of fatigue, a bowl of cold noodle soup made my stomach even hungry.

He was taking a big mouthful, his expression still a little dazed.

After eating, the sun moved a lot to the west, and the team began to return.

Luo Wanli pushed his wheelbarrow to follow behind him. After UU read excited, he ate again, the blood supply to the brain was reduced, and the weather was still hot.

He wants to sleep now, throwing things down and going to sleep without thinking about anything.

‘Wow~~’ A bucket of water poured from the top of his head, and he woke up in an instant.

Guo Ziyi grabbed Luo Wanli and went to a public toilet next to him. He went in and came back after a while. Someone was waiting for him with water. Luo Wanli rinsed his mouth and vomited it.

An iced watermelon was handed out from Princess Yongmu's carriage. Luo Wanli's jacket was untied. He lay on a covered car and someone watered him.

"I have heat stroke?" Luo Wanli actually knew the situation.

"Running all the way consumes a lot of water, is tired, and has a lot of psychological pressure. After relaxing, I eat too much and get out of the sun. It's fine."

When Guo Ziyi spoke, he didn't push the car in Wanli, and he continued to be vigilant.

The person next to him took over: "Luo Wanli, I will push it once and ask for it."

"The car is here for you." Luo Wanli yelled while lying there, and the people around laughed.

From the south of the city, pass the train station.

‘Oh~~Oh~~’ It happened that a train came into the station and returned from Haizhou with four wagons.

The common people were watching the locomotive that hadn't gone out under the shed, and when they saw an active one, they stretched their necks to look at it.

The people of Lijiazhuangzi had prepared utensils long ago, and waterwheels with large wooden barrels lined up.

The carriages separated first one after another and got stuck.

A group of people surrounded them, climbed, tied ropes, opened the sheltered shed, and lifted off a layer of fishing nets, carrying something like a big dung spoon to fish in.

Put a shelf underneath, and put a wooden trough, like a slide, with a bucket of a carriage at the bottom, and there is half a bucket of cold water in the bucket.

Spoon after spoon of fish and shrimp were scooped out and slid into the barrel along the trough.

Some fish and shrimps jump out directly when sliding in the trough, most of them are more obedient or hang in smoothly.

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