Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1833: How does human nature change in the past?

As the sky got darker, Luo Wanli's parents and two children were taken to Lijiazhuangzi.

He almost fell due to heatstroke, so he didn't use him to transport stones.

The others made three times as much money together, and they simply hired a boat to pull to Lijiazhuangzi.

Luo Wanli didn't arrive, so he helped him get on the boat, thanks to his wife who was suddenly blinded by Princess Yongmu.

The third manager was responsible for this and sent it to the pharmacies in Jingzhaofu and surrounding states. The doctor knew what it was, and there was a picture in the medical book.

The drug store in Chang'an City was the first to get it, and some of them had already explored it themselves.

Suddenly a lot of them came out, and the apprentices were instructed to concoct them and make them into powder for use.

Lijiazhuang didn't receive the money, it was considered a gift.

Sometimes pharmacies give out cheap medicinal materials to patients, and then prescribe good medicines to wealthy families to earn the difference and maintain balance.

After another three years, they will set prices freely, and they will charge as much as they want to see a doctor.

At present, it belongs to paying tuition fees and paying tuition fees to Li Yi. Medical books should not be read in vain.

Three years later, Li Yiwei's little girl, Feng Qingdai, began to grow more medicinal materials in various places in Datang, and only five years could be used for medicinal purposes.

Like northern Hebei Province, Khitan and Bohai Kingdoms, Li Yi was thinking about growing ginseng for five years, eight years, and how much he would continue to raise.

The number of people eating in restaurants and restaurants increased tonight, and live seafood was a gimmick.

The wife of the official’s home cooked fish and shrimp according to the treatment method written in the newspaper, and the things sent were for the official’s welfare.

Officials are always enjoying welfare benefits. Today, when they eat seafood, they first consider that they can't get rid of them.

Corruption and bribery can make more money, so buying fresh fish and shrimp is not a problem.

Of course! How to evade supervision and auditing is a problem.

Being caught does not mean that the welfare disappears, and those who disappear together are still dead.

Some of the extra benefits are not easy to get, and they have to make money. Some colleagues think that the current life is good and they are willing to be stable. They have to report them, and they will be cleaned up together if they don't report.

"Hui'er, don't worry, Li Dongzhu said in the past few days that he could still see things as usual.

Take a bite of mutton liver porridge and earn three times the stone you bought from thousands of miles. Don't be greedy for these in the future, and live in peace.

When we came, the person who borrowed money from our family said, don’t blame our family, who doesn’t want more money. "

Luo Wanli's mother, Luo family's mother-in-law fed her daughter-in-law to eat, and said words of relief.

On weekdays, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is good, and they are rushing to work for fear that the other party will be tired.

The Luo family made good cakes, and the life at home was hoped by selling cakes and Luo Wanli's footsteps.

Since the two children went to Jingzhaofu and went to school to study, they were able to get scholarships every ten days.

"Mother, I can eat by myself." The Luo family's lady stretched out her hand to touch the bowl.

"You can't carry a bowl. I'm tired. I'm blind when I try hard. Where we came, the second kid from the fifth family of Luo was able to tie the rope and drag the big wood. As a result, he was blind."

As an example of being a mother-in-law, it seems that the current rice bowl is as heavy as a big wood.

Around the table next to him sat Luo Wanli, his father, his daughter and son.

The two children asked over and over again whether their mother's eyes could be good, their eyes were red, and they were frightened when they got the news, and they kept crying.

"Take a rest two days after tomorrow, accompany Huier, and don't push things. I would rather not have a lot of this money at home than worry about it. If Huier has something to do, the family will be over."

Luo Wanli's father told his son, and he got angry too, waiting for the meal to drink medicine.

The other people involved also changed from great sadness to great joy, and decided not to work tomorrow and take a good rest.

It's a pity that the man who coaxed them to buy the stone ran away, that absolutely-->>

It's a gang with a liar.

Caught and beaten to death, no one cares about killing.

The people of Lijiazhuangzi are also eating fish and shrimps, and they have more cooking methods.

Princess Yuzhen and Princess Jinxian saw their own people, a large group of court ladies and eunuchs, busy serving others, with a smile on their faces.

The two of them are puzzled! After two or three days, how could his men be so sensible?

"Chunling." Princess Yuzhen greeted her next door maid.

The person who was shouted stepped backwards and came to Princess Yuzhen: "Princess! I'm here." Chunling bent over to speak.

"What did you do today?" Princess Yuzhen asked softly. This palace lady knows a lot and is clever, and she is not too harsh on weekdays.

"Watching the flowers in the imperial village, watching the bees gather nectar, the bees are industrious and do not talk much." Chunling responded with a natural expression.

"Xiaolan will take you to enjoy the flowers?" Princess Yuzhen didn't believe it very much.

"Xiaolan didn't enjoy the flowers, she personally removed the grass, exposed to the sun, not crying bitterly, not tired.

After we saw it, we were really embarrassed, so we followed Xiaolan to do some assistance as we could.

Xiaolan worked very attentively and even forgot to eat. We reminded and strongly asked her to eat before she drank two sips of water. "

Chunling said ‘truth’ with a sincere expression.

"You... um... what happened? Have you been beaten?" Princess Yuzhen still didn't believe it.

"No, absolutely not. No one beat me, let alone anything. We didn't see or hear anything. Maybe it's a hot day in our memory. You shouldn't forget it all. If you don't believe me, the princess, ask others."

Chunling promised, it was almost time to swear.

"Letter! Go ahead!" Princess Yuzhen had an idea in her heart and waved her hand. UU reading

"Listen to the princess' orders." Chunling retreats obediently and continues to work. She hasn't eaten until now.

Princess Jinxian looked at the whole process and found someone of her own. The result was the same. Everyone admired the flowers and Xiaolan was hardworking.

When she arranged her to leave, Princess Jin Xian whispered to Princess Yuzhen: "Sister, Xiao Lan has the ability!"

"I can see it. Obviously, our people have not eaten anything until now, except for a day's grass in the Huangzhuang Flower Garden.

Otherwise, why would you feel weak at your feet and swallow when you deliver food to others?

The person you asked also answered that they didn't know anything, had a bad memory, and many things were forgotten. "

Princess Yuzhen knows her own personality, and she praises Xiaolan for being abnormal.

They used to be arrogant in the past, even their own face, they would follow that.

"Yes! What happened today, what have they experienced?"

Princess Jinxian wondered, she found that Lijiazhuang had a sense of mystery.

"Go and ask Xiaolan, inquire from the side, it is not easy to question." Princess Yuzhen took her sister to find Xiaolan.

Xiaolan ate snacks, she was also hungry. In order to keep getting too fat, after seeing Li Yi, she went to pick water and exercise by herself.

Xiaolan is eating, braised pork and seafood, she currently doesn't like it, but Li Yi personally made this braised pork and went to the big stove to burn wood.

When the two princesses found Xiaolan, Xiaolan ate a small bowl of braised pork and half a bowl of rice, and began to peel the shrimps instead of eating the staple food.

"Xiaolan is eating prawns? Just so, let's eat together." Princess Jin Xian sat down and stretched out her hand to catch the prawns.

Princess Yuzhen looked at Xiaolan carefully, trying to see something.

Xiao Lan swallowed the food in her mouth: "The two princesses, are you asking about weeding in the Huangzhuang flower garden? Li Lang went there for a while, and then..."

Xiaolan guessed it, and said to herself, on the bright side, yes, it is the one who took care of you, and it was allowed by your majesty.

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