Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1839: Long flow of border trade

"General Guan, eat meat." Zhang Zhiyun picked up half a fan of lamb chops from the large iron pan next to him, and tore off two of them and placed them on the tarp on the ground.

They do not enter the room, eat on the sunshade net outside, drink lamb soup shirtless, and sweat again.

Guan Yujin sat on the plate, tore off a rib, took a knife and stroked it along the top, the meat on the ribs fell on the tarp, grabbed it and drank it with salt.

"General Guan, you sit here, I'll wait for peace of mind. After the military merits have been established, I will give you the bulk of it."

Zhang Jiazhen first talked about letting military merits and avoiding instability of people's hearts.

Guan Yujin swallowed, "We have already had military exploits when we came here. The military exploits for killing the enemy have nothing to do with us."

He dispels other people's worries, and gives you all his military merits, and Yulin Feiqi doesn't need it.

"Is this thing sturdy?" Wang Han glanced at the telegraph next to him from time to time, feeling that he wanted to use it.

There is a relay station in his home. He thought about sending a telegram to his home. The people on the site would send a message to his home. Then he asked what was happening at his home, and he immediately sent it back.

Think about it and feel enjoyable. Who else can?

So the sheep eaten today are counted on him.

The soldiers on the front line came back from hunting, and many people didn’t need it, so they changed it to him. He was transporting it home and looking for someone to reprocess it. There was a profit in it.

The extra profit is exchanged for extra things and counts as his reward.

Including things from the Yokoye Army and the Xi clan. The handling methods of others are not comparable to him.

Originally, he wanted to change canned food, fermented bean curd from Lijiazhuang, hot sauce, fermented black bean sauce and other items, which he sold elsewhere at high prices.

In this way, the sergeants earn it, and his family earns it, which is a win-win situation.

But he heard that this is a sale of military assets. Can he sell the canned food today, and will he sell explosive packages tomorrow?

Being caught, Zhang Jiazhen, Zhang Zhiyun, and himself all have their heads off.

Knowing how to do business, he changed his approach. In the current season, there is a lot of grass on the grassland.

The teams that came back to rest in rotation went out to mow the grass and came back with horses.

He then makes silage according to the method in the newspaper, and waits for the winter to make money with the dried grass.

I agreed with Zhang Jiazhen and Zhang Zhiyun, and the family made half of the money, and no one suffered a loss.

"Sturdy, you can't report damage, and you can't use it if you report it." Guan Yujin guessed Wang Han's thoughts.

"I...I don't use it." Wang Han was very sorry.

"General Sun Yi is back." Someone suddenly shouted. Not long after, a group of horses and people appeared.

One person rides three times, each horse is carrying something, and people follow along.

Sheaves of grass like a hill, skins of wild animals, meat cured with a lot of salt, pheasant feathers in net bags, and air-dried chickens.

Someone nearby came to help unload the things, and piled up the hay, together with other things, ready to be transported away.

Naturally it was transported to Wang Han's house, and he asked someone to clean it up.

People from his family are guarding here, keeping accounts for everything.

Including pheasant feathers, used as jewelry, the price is not low.

"Jedushi, there is sheep soup to drink today? Did you know that we were back?" Sun Yi asked happily.

I just saw that eating outside does not feel the same as at home. It’s not convenient to go out to make lamb soup.

"Hurry up and take a shower, come over to eat and talk after washing."

Zhang Jiazhen didn't say anything, and told them after everyone had finished taking a bath and relaxed.

Those who returned immediately ran to the baths, rubbed soap and washed them with cold water, and then soaked in a hot bath at night.

The soap that I usually reluctant to use, use it now, otherwise the smell on my body is too great.

It didn't take ten minutes for Sun Yi to run over, with water drops on half an inch of her hair.

When they went out, their heads were bald, and their hair grew out after a period of time, and they even had their hair removed once halfway through.

"Where is the telegraph machine? Let me see what it looks like? It's all right now. I don't have to send my brothers back and forth when I go out. I'm afraid!"

Sun Yi obviously knew the situation while taking a bath, and he was anxious.

Behind him, someone ran over to see something, but the mutton soup was not in a hurry to drink.

In the sound of didi da da, Yu Lin Feiqi gave a demonstration before the team cheered and ran to find food.

Sun Yi took out a leg of lamb from the pot, dipped a piece of lamb, dipped it in salt, and stared at the telegraph with a smirk.

"Eat." Zhang Jiazhen said.

"Eat, eat, hehehe!" Sun Yi stuffed the meat in his mouth, chewed it a few times, and said, "Great, I usually send my brothers back for fear of being caught by the people of the post-Turkic people, and worry about encountering a pack of wolves. , I'm not afraid this time."

"Eat slowly, General Sun, you didn't take anything back. I glanced around. There are more than a dozen wolves inside?"

Wang Han helped to serve the soup. He was a quack and he admired those who fought in front of him.

"Yeah! Twenty-two, the telescope found that the team spread out and surrounded, and none of them ran away. There are wolf pups inside, and I am most afraid of running away."

Sun Yi gestured with his fingers, not at all feeling cruel to kill the wolf cub.

Everyone understood that if the wolf cub ran away, once he survived, it would be a trouble.

They hold grudges, in order to get revenge, they can stare at people for several months, which is not the normal situation.

After speaking, Sun Yi picked up the box containing the pepper noodles and put it in the bowl. There was no pepper. Eat some pepper to increase the flavor.

"The pepper powder was delivered last time. UU reading, everyone saves on eating. When you cook the meat, you put a little bit and you ate it all."

Sun Yi sipped the soup, and felt that it was not as delicious as the pepper.

Guan Yujin listened to it, after a little consideration, turned on the telegraph machine, sent the report, and continued to eat after sending it.

"Walking around and taking a look at the zoo makes me feel much better."

Li Dan walked in the sun, without using the umbrella, his bones became stronger and stronger.

Everyone feels the same. In fact, looking at animals has nothing to do with them, which solves the key issue of how to uphold the laws of the country without killing people.

So I eat seafood while eating, and there is a train to bring seafood back.

This time it was sold to a restaurant. As soon as the car pulled into the station, the restaurant, restaurant, and wealthy people sent people to the station to wait.

There are a lot of shellfish, so Lijiazhuangzi eats fried scallops today.

The taxation department of the Ministry of Households sent people to the station. Lijiazhuang didn't charge tax for food, and he would charge for what he sold to others.

"In two more months, will you be able to eat crabs? The crabs in the sea are good, and they have a lot of meat."

Bi Gou, who found that the train was very profitable, picked up a large scallop, stretched out his chopsticks to pick the meat, and was worried about the tax collected when selling crabs.

Seafood is levied 20 tax, and the restaurant sells it again, and tax is charged again, and tax is 10 tax.

Song Jing followed and said: "Scallops that can be bought in Haizhou for one dollar will sell for at least ten dollars in Chang'an, which is ten times the profit."

"You can make trains and lay the tracks, and the old man doesn't care about making money."

Bi Gou was not fooled. He bought a lot of seafood in Haizhou for a single dollar. The key is that you can ship it back alive in one day?

The railway is to be built well, so that the railway will make more money, lay out longer tracks, and the household department will collect the money.

Like the seafood sold for four thousand yuan today, the household department first collects two hundred yuan, then turns around and then collects four hundred yuan.

When the telephone line is over, the two trains will run at the same time, and they will be able to pull more carriages.

Even if things are more and more cheap, taxes will increase as a whole, and there will be a long flow of water.

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