Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1841: It's not hard to return all the staff

The waves on the sea are light and breezy.

A huge fleet is sailing hard. There are forty ships in the entire fleet, and the sails on the masts are frequently adjusted.

"Where is the wind? Where did the wind go? The sea! It's really annoying. It doesn't come when the wind comes, and it shouldn't blow hard when it comes."

Ruan Jin stood on the deck of the steam engine ship and complained. On the way back, he encountered many times when the wind did not give face.

Once there was no wind for three days and there was not enough fresh water on board.

If the proprietor had not given a good tool for collecting fresh water, everyone would have to die of thirst at sea.

But everything was worth it. In order to carry more things, fresh water and food were reduced, and I saw a lot of islands on the way back.

When I finally came back, it was almost a wind, a wind blowing to the west, no, it did not matter where it was blowing.

"Normal wind, half a day's journey. Li Dongzhu absolutely can't think of how many things we brought back, thanks to the number of abandoned ships."

Liu Tingguang, the superintendent of the Water Army of the Tang Dynasty, stood beside Ruan Jin, but he was not in a hurry.

Seeing home, there are no dangers along the way. Every time a boat is thrown, no one has ever died.

When I came out, I said yes. The crew of each ship is not satisfied. In order to ensure the sailing speed, you can throw away half of the ships, or even three-quarters, and take ten of them back.

In order to bring more things home and overcome them together, steam engine ships are often used as sailboats, and a lot of coal is thrown away.

Next time I go out to sea, I don't bring a steam engine ship, or bring one. In case of any trouble, this ship can find something nearby.

"The wind is coming, a little bit, well, it's not against the wind, you have to go against the wind."

Ruan Jin opened his arms and felt the wind blowing from behind.

The crew immediately adjusted the masts, full sails, and the ship began to move forward and gradually accelerated.

In order to be faster, they threw away all the food and fresh water, leaving only half a day of fresh water, one person and one water bag.

Not enough, they can continue to collect fresh water.

The fleet went west, chasing the sun, and when the sun was about to set, in the sunset, they saw...the ship.

The nine big sailing ships stopped on the sea, and they couldn't see clearly what was going on on the ship. It was too far to see that the sails of the nine ships were lowered.

When the distance between the two sides got closer, almost at the same time, the people on the observation platform started to semaphore.

What did Nguyen Jin’s fleet ask the other party for? The other party said you are back?

The two sides exchanged semaphores again, and Ruan Jin’s team said yes, we are home. The other party said we were fishing and we were leaving soon.

So the semaphores of the two sides were the same, and they went together.

In the night, in Haizhou, a group of people waited at the dock for the return of the fishing boat and arrived at the fashion wagon.

After the train from Chang'an arrived, it added coal and water, and then pulled the goods away.

Wait and wait, find out so much light? Obviously there are nine ships, have you seen the mirage?

The fleet finally reached the shore and lined up to dock.

"It's our ocean-going people who are back. Forty ships, one is not less."

"Their boat has such a deep draft? How many things are in it?"

"I don't know if there is anything wrong with people, bless, Dongzhu Li bless!"

"Quickly, send someone to the inn to send a message to Chang'an."

"No people, wait, the train will arrive in another hour, the train is fast."

"Ask people to prepare things, such as bathing, food, and wine, for our soldiers and soldiers."

People on the shore found that it was not a mirage, and compared the number of ships, they quickly knew which team it was.

They yelled, excited and nervous.

There are a lot of boats, but I am afraid that there will be fewer people.

As if guessing the worries of the people on the shore, the people on the nine fishing boats shouted one after another: "All are back! None of them died!"

Soon everyone coordinated and kept shouting.

People on the shore shook their torches and cheered. Some people were so excited that they jumped and jumped while holding the people around them. Then they were pushed away and pushed away by others. Why are you holding my daughter-in-law?

Ruan Jin's team waited, waiting for the fishing boat to unload first. They were not in a hurry. Originally, they wanted to stand here, take a rest, send someone to send news, and then go in from the Yellow River.

On the road, I learned that the train was open to navigation, and the train was running fast, and the carriages were getting more and more.

They decided to unload the cargo in Haizhou, and the ship would not pass, which was too time-consuming.

The seafood on the nine boats was unloaded and just loaded into the empty wagon when the train arrived.

Under the lights, all the people on the returning ship that had dropped anchor disembarked, and the sails went down.

They adapt to the ground and drink iced plum soup by the way.

"How did the train cross the river?" Ruan Jin knew that there was a river to cross along the way. Could it be that the bridge was repaired? That would have to be repaired, and the Grand Canal would have to take a boat.

"At the place where the ship was repaired on both sides of the strait, the train arrived.

Then turn to the other side of the series of carriages, and push backwards to push a watercraft with rails on the carriages.

Push one and unload one, change another ship, and push the second one.

At the end, the locomotive retreated to the ship, the ship took it to the other side, and the locomotive drove off first.

The ship behind came, the locomotive retreated and hung up the carriage, drove forward, and then another ship came over, then retreated, and it was all hung up like this. "

A person in charge said that there is no bridge, so I took the boat Another person added: "Waiting for winter, I will repair the bridge next to the bridge and repair it together with the bridge over the Yellow River. I don’t need a ship in the future, which will delay time. , Or you can run faster."

"Is the train fast?" Liu Tingguang didn't expect to go out once and come back with such a big change.

"Quickly, from Chang'an to Haizhou, I can go back and forth one day and one night. Those who have helped me in the past two years have made money and have to repair a lot."

"Okay, I'll be fine soon! Go out later, come back and load and unload the goods directly here, and keep sending things and doing business to Datang."

"Have you encountered any danger at sea?"

"No, it's all okay. There is no shortage of food or drink, and I know where I am at any time, and where there is a nearby island that can hold fresh water."

"You eat a lot of seafood, don't you?"

"It takes a few months if you want to vomit."

"Hurry up and take a shower, there is something delicious."

"Write first."

When the train arrived and began to lose carriages and replenish coal and water, the sailors sat around and watched their meals.

Ruan Jin and Liu Tingguang did not go back with the car. They wanted to be with their brothers and then left together.

The letter was handed to Yulin Feiqi on the train, and they would take it back.

Also brought back with the letter was a handprint certificate. Each crew member pressed one, pressed it in the place where his name was written, and told his Majesty that they were all alive.

The train with its carriage honked its whistle and left with a rumble.

However, the seamen lay on the bed tossing about and couldn't sleep well, and came to the sea again in a trance, fighting hard in the face of strong wind and heavy rain.

At last it was calm and the sun shone through the clouds.

Then...then everyone opened their eyes one after another, and the sunlight from outside really shone in, shining on their faces, warm.

Almost at the same time, a train carrying goods from Haizhou arrived in Chang'an in the expectation of the people.

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