Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1843: Bingyuan Wuyou Coastal Bureau

"Seventh daughter-in-law, where's the laundry?"

"Yeah, Auntie, you bought the meat back?"

"Look, other people don't understand, thinking that pork in the West Market is cheap, but when there is this time in the East Market, when the big families have finished buying them, the others will not go. They have money and don't cook."

"The price is really expensive."

"The meat is good, there are a lot of bones. Today, the son who took the exam is one less than the one in my family, and he also took me half a pair of pig liver."

"Yes, you study well in your family."

"That's the matter, I don't care much about him. I will marinate the liver for a while, and I will send it to you and keep someone at home."

"Auntie, save it for your children to eat."

"It's too much, hey! Seventh daughter-in-law, don't you know? Our fleet that went to sea is back, and there is no shortage of one person."

"Are you in Chang'an?"

"Haizhou, it happened to be the train, and I came back to report the letter. Yulin Feiqi flew down while the train was on, and immediately landed to Lijiazhuangzi."

"Yeah! Yulin Feiqi is great. Can those who come back from overseas bring back many acres of high-yielding seeds?"

"There is no land in your home, and the seed has nothing to do with your home."

"I can buy food at home, there is a lot of food, and food is cheap."

In Fenglefang, the third square from Zhuquemen to the west of Zhuque Street, a woman who had returned from buying meat was chatting with a daughter-in-law who was washing clothes.

This time is 7:50, and the news is flying.

The bus rider said on the bus, waiting to get off the bus, the driver, oh, the coachman, they said to the new passengers.

Those who drive to the East City yell first and tell everyone the good news.

By the time of lunch, the counties near Chang'an, including Lantian County, knew about it.

At this rate, it is estimated that it can spread all over Jingzhaofu before dinner.

On the large square of Lijiazhuangzi's terrazzo, there are sheds with sheds, tables and chairs arranged.

Children stay in an area. They are happiest. Not only do they know that people who go to sea come back, but they also hear that there is no class in the afternoon.

As for eating meat skewers, it's what they don't care about the most.

The officials put on their regular uniforms and looked for positions according to their departments and grades.

These people like Bi Gou are in a small circle, and Li Yi is responsible for grilling skewers.

Only by this, everyone is happy and can bully Li Yi to work.

Li Yi grilled small meat skewers, everyone can't eat too much.

Learned from Yulin Feiqi, a bunch of a catty of meat, which lasted until after eating.

Little skewers Li Yi performed a fan and grilled skewers method, shaking, turning hundreds of skewers together.

Just bake it and you are not responsible for sprinkling seasoning on it. Dip it in the dry ingredients and eat it yourself. Sprinkle the seasoning to waste.

This time the ruler belt Zhu Dan came over and got the news, lamenting the strength of Datang's navy. It seemed that Datang was going to expand further.

He doesn't eat kebabs. Li Yi grills cowpeas, kidney beans, leeks, eggplant, garlic, lettuce, garland chrysanthemum, prawns, pressed fish fillets...

"Xiao Yi, come over and sit and eat." Concubine Doulu greeted Li Yi.

"I guard the grill, in case anyone wants to eat something, I don't have to toss back and forth."

Li Yi waved his hand and drank a cold beer, cool!

Concubine Doulu smiled, not reluctantly, and turned her head to feed her grandson.

"They must have suffered a lot when they were at sea."

Princess Yongmu knows how uncomfortable it is to go to sea, even if she is on a yacht.

Others use sailing boats and need to adjust the sails, and the wind and sun on the deck.

The speed of the ship is slow, and people want to hide in danger.

"So their income should be high. Look at what they bring back, convert the value, and set aside a share for them in proportion."

Li Yi has made a decision long ago, the first ocean-going general-->>

Taxi is the most precious.

People who work hard with their lives should be paid accordingly.

In the future, each of these people may be the captain of a ship, and then there will be people in various accidents...

Li Yi talked and looked at Bi Gou. Bi Gou didn't understand at first, and then he was angry, "Will the old man collect their taxes?"

"I'm asking what do you eat? I can bake it here."

Li Yi resolutely refused to admit it, as he said, he took a kebab and gestured and ate it himself.

"The old man doesn't collect their tax, but you have to deduct your tax." Bi Gou found the place back.

"Things are not for me, for you, you keep them." Li Yi blinked.

"We stay... we ask you to deal with it." After Bi Gou finished speaking, he grumbled a sip of wine to calm the anger in his heart.

"Li Yi, will there be wars overseas in the future?" Song Jing asked when Li Yi finished eating a bunch of meat.

"Don't take the initiative to attack, as long as you go southwest and meet some people, they will be warlike. If they are asked to find opportunities, they will never make peace with us."

Li Yi clarified, don't you always think it's wrong for soldiers to be warlike? It hurts the people and money.

Don't tell you how much money you make, just tell you that others promise to beat us.

Song Jing raised his brows, "I'm not afraid to spend money. Now that Datang has sufficient money, it is time to change its external strategy.

Of course, with more money, where do soldiers come from? Which army is drawn to supplement the navy?

Can people who are accustomed to fighting right away adapt to it at sea? What offensive methods does the enemy have? "

He made it clear that I will not stop the war now, let's fight, and make money.

How to solve the problem of the source of troops? With the original manpower?

The ruler belt Zhudan stopped eating and listened carefully. He also wanted to understand.

Through contact, he had to admit that Li Yi was really good, and he would give him a good way to ask him any questions.

What about now? Forces drawn from the northwest? Tubo will feel much better.

Li Yi took a sip again and turned over the roasted things. "He is active in the Bohai Sea in the places of Dengzhou and Laizhou in Henan Province.

Local activities in Haizhou. People in Suzhou have a better life. They don't want to be a navy.

Hangzhou is also okay, but in Taizhou, Wenzhou, Fuzhou and other places, they have many mountains and few fields, and their lives are difficult.

They recruited their people to join the army and gave a lot of resettlement money, which solved the problem of soldiers and helped the local people live a good life. "

He walked along the coast to several states and introduced the situation in each state.

Fujian and other places in Datang are poor, not to mention Datang. By the time of the Ming Dynasty, most of the Japanese pirates were fake, and they were all their people.

In the years to come, the local area was still poor. Until his time, the country was so powerful that there was no such thing as starving people to death under normal circumstances.

Abnormally starving people to death is a dereliction of duty by local officials. It does not mean that the country lacks that strength.

"In addition, there are Quanzhou, Guangzhou, Qinzhou, Luzhou, and Luzhou to the west, including Yangzhou and Tangzhou.

At the moment, the mountain people are the main ones, and they belong to Datang. Under the dual effects of force and interest, they have a strong combat effectiveness. "

Li Yi continued to count. Now he was in other countries and belonged to the Tang Dynasty, and that was the Tang Dynasty and would not change.

The ruler belt Zhu Dan listened silly, and the look in Li Yi's eyes changed.

How do you know all these places? I can't remember most of the small things on my side.

"Where are Yuezhou and other places? For example, Guizhou."

Su Ting said, the place he chose was Guilin, Guangxi, when he was in Li Yi's time. He is poor now!

"There are other arrangements there. After the steam engine ship is renewed, Guizhou can become wealthy."

Li Yi didn't even think about deploying soldiers from there. The local area is suitable for growing fruits, new varieties of pineapples, sugarcane, bananas and other things.


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