Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1849: Unsatisfied with potato harvest

  Chapter 1831 Potato harvest is not satisfied (second more)

  In the sound of ‘boom boom boom’, two trains ran for three days, and a large amount of supplies were taken to Chang’an.

  The ship with mooncakes and grapes sailed to Laizhou, Dengzhou, Henan Province. In a few days, on August 15th, the navy was in Chang'an and had to send them to their families in advance.

  Including the Yulin Feiqi and the ship who are in charge of setting off the fireworks. At this moment, they have received the letter sent from the Haizhou Station.

  The potatoes and sweet potatoes that Li Yi brought back were planted first, so that they would not rot, and then he would build a greenhouse on them when it was cold.

  He didn't plant it in the current period of time. Potatoes in the greenhouse will be planted one month later.

  Because there are many potatoes harvested in autumn, they can be preserved until the beginning of spring.

  Grow potatoes in greenhouses. When the potatoes are mature, the cheap potatoes have not been eaten yet. There are a few who are willing to spend a lot of money to buy new greenhouse potatoes.

  Wait from mid-February to March, when potatoes are harvested in greenhouses.

  At this time, many potatoes begin to sprout, or black hearts, new greenhouse potatoes are naturally accepted.

  No one in Datang competes with Lijiazhuang for potato sales, so you can plant them anytime.

  Plant now, potatoes can be harvested without the twelfth lunar month.

  Set aside some to eat and keep the temperature at a suitable temperature so that the potatoes harvested before can be planted again.

  When this batch is ready for planting, the time will be a little later, no other crops will be planted in rotation, and the greenhouse will continue.

  It is easy to promote the germination of potatoes and sweet potatoes.

  For the sake of seed, I am willing to set up a greenhouse in all seasons.

  "This winter, we can open up to eat baked potatoes and baked sweet potatoes."

  Li Yi took a big potato in his hand and prepared to fry it at noon.

  The potatoes he brought back can be harvested. Just planted and brought back by the Navy, it happened to be potatoes.

  Now it’s time to taste it, and then give the potatoes an artificial environment to let the new potatoes go through the dormant period as soon as possible, germinate, and then plant again.

  Replanting in the later stage will be given to Sinong Temple. They organize manpower, which is very troublesome.

Almost all the people in Sinong Temple were there, and those who went to find seeds were still staying everywhere.

  Sinong Temple now has the largest number of staff, and there are a lot of imperial funds for both internal and external staff.

  They did produce results, which was different from Li Yishi at first.

  In the beginning, his country didn’t mean that he didn’t pay attention to it. It just had no money, little funding, and lack of manpower. He tried his luck in finding a crop.

  Datang Sinong Temple mobilized tens of thousands of people at the request of Li Yi, and the local governments had to cooperate.

  Sinongsiqing, Shaoqing and others ran to the ground to pick potatoes.

  They took off their official uniforms and wore cropped trousers and waistcoats. The muscles on each of them looked pretty, indicating that they were indeed working people.

  A group of people took it in, and then another group of planing, picking up the missing potatoes, no matter the size, all the baskets, and then they have to be weighed.

  First harvest an acre of land, and bring baskets of potatoes.

  Li Longji, a crowd of people watched and waited.

  In fact, you don’t need to look at it anymore. I already know that the income is higher than that of planting anything.

  There are seventy or eighty catties in one basket. There are 15 baskets now, and they are still there.

  No one is holding an umbrella, everyone is sweating constantly, and someone next to them is passing cool mountain spring water, drinking a sip, and feeling cool.

   "That's it? I am in a fertile land, and I take care of it carefully. It's too shameless."

  Li Yi grumbled and complained, blaming the potatoes for not growing well.

  People near him: "..."

  "Xiao Yi, almost done. Knowing that the potatoes you brought back are high in yield per mu, why bother?"

  Bi Gouqi but, say Li Yi.

  "One acre of watermelon is quite a lot. If you can eat watermelon, how long will you be hungry?" Li Yi calculated another account.

   "Potatoes are the same as habit? The fried potato chips and potato shreds I eat are not like eating watermelon."

  Li Dan knew what Li Yi meant. He had eaten it and found that potatoes were hungry.

  "Calculated according to the amount of water in it, the water content of potatoes is more than three times that of rice and wheat.

  The yield of rice and wheat in Haotian is about three rocks per mu.

  Calculate the water content separately, and the potato yield of 10 stone acres can be considered to be equal to them.

  Of course, there are other things in the potatoes, this is not comparable to rice and white noodles. "

  Li Yi just disliked the low yield, and in other respects he recognized potatoes.

  "Doctor Li, give you three stones of rice or millet, or ten stones of potatoes. Which one do you choose? You can only eat one of these three."

   Liu You asked the most simply, let alone the side, what do you want?

   "Of course it is potatoes. Other things in potatoes are good for my health. I am not allowed to eat other dishes. I can only count on potatoes to supplement them."

  Li Yi is also crisp, potatoes, although he always treats potatoes as dishes and snacks, it does not mean that he does not understand.

   "Hmm!" Liu You who got the answer asked for satisfaction, indicating that the potatoes are still good.

  The time to speak, all the potatoes are picked up, put in a basket and weighed, and finally peeled.

  Sinongsi Qing Qin Shouyi finished calculating the data, and stood silent.

   "How much?" Song Jing asked in a deep voice, waiting for you, you are stunned.

   "One, eighteen, eight hundred and forty, nine catties." Qin Shouyi stammered.

   "Weigh twice again." Yao Chong urged.

  According to this number, when converted into stone, there are more than fifteen.

  Li Yi didn’t say how much water is? Three times more water, deducted, and five stone dry stuff, which is 60% more than three stone.

  Everyone said it again, after the weighing was completed, two consecutive times, the difference between the upper and lower figures was less than five catties.

   "Look, I will say less. According to my idea, this kind of land and care method requires at least forty-five or six stones."

  Li Yi calculated according to the yield of his best potato seeds at the time of eight thousand catties per mu.

  It is impossible for the common people to use their land well to plant, let alone focus on taking care of them.

It is normal for    to fall to ten stones when the per mu yields. Compared with the rice and wheat in the good land, it will be stronger.

   "Plant or not?" Su Ting found that Li Yi was particularly annoying. Wouldn't you say something to make everyone happy? What forty five or six stones?

  " species, can be used as staple food, but also as non-staple food, the yield is low, you can think of ways to increase.

  Easier than rice and wheat in terms of management.

  It is unrealistic to grow rice on the grassland. When you grow wheat, you are afraid of birds. When you plant potatoes, you will grow up and bury them in the ground. "

  Li Yi nodded. UU reading stopped pouring cold water. According to his calculations, the output of rice is now lower.

  "What do you plant after the potatoes are harvested?" Bi Gou looked at the ground empty and knew that Li's land was fertile.

  "When you grow vegetables, you can still grab a season. In fact, potatoes can be planted twice a year, such as Henan Province, where indica rice is now grown."

  Li easily counted the time, and now Chang'an is not suitable for growing food crops.

  Of course, he doesn’t grow vegetables, he grows other things, then goes to the greenhouse, and he breeds.

   "Rigid and soft, where are the potatoes now?" Zhang Jiuling looked at the potatoes in the basket and wanted to know what to do.

  "Pick the large ones to keep in the middle, the medium ones and the small ones. We can eat the small potatoes. The small potatoes can be pickled or boiled with more salt. The potatoes are dried with a layer of salt frost on the outside, but the inside is not salty. The potatoes are frosted with salt."

  Li Yi talked and clicked, he wanted to eat, cook it now, and eat it as a snack.

   "Okay, eat potatoes at noon." Li Longji, who had eaten potatoes, followed the gluttonous food. This time I can let go and eat, and I don't feel distressed.

and also!



  (End of this chapter)

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