Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1859: Tactical freedom without guidance

  Chapter 1841 Tactical freedom without guidance (first more)

  The fifteenth of each month belongs to Wangri, the time when the Dachao meets.

  Today’s Great Dynasty will become a commendation meeting, which is still in the Hanyuan Hall.

  Everyone cleaned up early, set aside their ceremonial guards, and passed over the bridge to the west of Lijiazhuangzi.

  The important ministers in the Hanyuan Hall had seats, and the parasols were propped up early and fixed on the ground, and no longer needed people to support them.

   "The contribution of Li Dongzhu is really great, well, if we have more people like Li Dongzhu in Datang, we can wake up in dreams."

  Among the standing crowd, someone was talking loudly.

  When the little robot sneaked up to him, he almost shouted.

The person next to    frowned. Isn’t your Zhao Changnu afraid of being hit by the board? Why behave like this?

  Li Yi sat on it, next to Li Longji. Before the great meeting had begun, a group of important officials stood beside him.

  Woke up in the morning, they saw the telegram, and they knew that the Heavenly Army had another great victory, capturing more than 1,000 Turkic people alive, and more than 3,000 good horses.

  The key is that one of his own side did not hurt anyone, and the post-Turkic still received no news. A whole thousand elites disappeared silently.

  It's not like breaking the enemy, defeating tens of thousands of people, killing thousands of people, there is nothing to say.

  The battle is on the bright side, and we have casualties.

  The current situation has become a post-Turkic with 1,000 people, and it is still cleaned up. The post-Turkic can only guess in a panic, and even dare not send a team of 1,000 people to investigate.

   "I sent someone to deliver the asphalt in the morning. The asphalt is good for setting fire. It has a rich and mellow flavor." Li Yi said of his arrangement.

  He smelted petroleum, and many things could not be collected and were wasted. Asphalt does not need to be collected specifically, it is not gas, and remains.

  A part of it is used to soak wood and used as electric poles.

  One part is made of linoleum paper, which is waterproof.

  The rest is made into blocks and stacked in a cool place.

  In hot places, Li Yi was unwilling to use it to repair roads, so he melted it and glued shoe soles and livestock hoofs.

  It is better to smoke it. The thick black smoke can quickly smoke people and livestock down, and it is more effective than straw-burning smoke.

  "Would you like to burn a large area of ​​grass?" Yao Chong heard what Li Yi meant.

  "Send someone to mow the grass first, leave enough food for the livestock in winter, and then set it on fire.

  Plow deeply after burning, turn in the ashes, raise it for the winter, and plant things in the coming year.

  The castle must be repaired, the Great Wall will not be repaired, and the repair of the city will be normal, not to guard against the enemy, and to provide a stable resting place for the farmers. "

  Li Yi does not solicit opinions or suggestions from others, but decides by himself.

  Everyone has nothing to say about this. There has been a resolution before planting potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes on the grassland.

  "Zhang Jiazhen drew 46,000 people to ask for rest and reorganization. How much influence will it have on the war ahead?"

  Liu Youqiu felt that the place where the staff was deployed was empty and felt insecure.

  Su Ting said: "There is a distance between the main force of the post-Turkic, and the Xi and the Khitan team are in straight behind. The post-Turkic loses a thousand elite at this time. It should adjust its strategy, run to the northwest, and then go to the true north."

  He believes that Zhang Jiazhen’s deployment can be analyzed from the situation in Shashi, and the Turks will not dare to lead large troops into the vacant location arranged by Datang strategy when the situation cannot be ascertained.

  In fact, it’s useless to come in. Forty-six thousand people returned to the Heavenly Soldier Army to rest, but it was not disbanded.

  "Why go northwest first?" Li Rizhi couldn't figure it out, so he could not go straight to the north?

  "Because if you go directly north, you will encounter people from other tribes, and they can't judge whether those tribes will fight them.

  Once a war starts, even if they win, they will lose too much, and at the same time they will lose time for fear of being overtaken by the soldiers of Datang.

  There is Gobi in the northwest. The Gobi looks dangerous, but Datang’s army is unwilling to go deep.

  The Datang army there is a feint in the Yellow River. They will bet that our soldiers will not dare to take too much to attack them.

  It was discovered that the local army of the brigade had entered the Gobi. They promised to send an elite team to attack the Yellow River by detour. "

  Li Yi gave the answer. He never dared to underestimate the post-Turkic think tank.

  The old man Yu Yugu is so powerful, he might be able to see the feigning of Anbei Duhu Mansion and Shanyu Duhu Mansion.

  I will pay attention to it after seeing it, and who pretends that he can’t really fight?

  Fighting with him right now is not a strategy, but a crushing force.

  I just have a hot air balloon, binoculars, dynamite bag, sky monkey, musket, telegraph, how can you resist me?

   Li Yi thought, and couldn’t help muttering: “In a few days, believe it or not I will build a diesel engine and put it on armor for use as an infantry fighting vehicle?

  No matter how bad the rubber is, I can make tires that work, depending on how you beat me? "

   "Xiao Yi, what infantry fighting vehicle did you say? It's a horse-drawn type? That's not good. If it works, Datang would have used it long ago."

  Bi Gou was afraid that Li Yi would use financial resources, material resources and manpower in the wrong place, and that the tank would not work well on the battlefield.

  The speed is not as good as that of the cavalry. They charge into the heavily armored position, get stuck in it and be besieged.

  A four-horse horse-drawn chariot is definitely not as good as a one-man and four-horse cavalry, unless on a large plain with little weeds, the range of engagement cannot be too large.

   "When the small steam engine comes out, I will first form an infantry fighting vehicle, which is interesting."

  Li Yi did not explain, he was going to prove it in kind. Who stipulated that the steam engine could only cultivate the land?

  Have you seen a steam engine car that runs more than 200 kilometers per hour? That one is actually meant to break the record.

  I don’t want to be so fast. There are fifty to sixty kilometers, which is enough, but it’s not good. Three to forty kilometers are also OK.

  Song Jing saw that the topic was wrong, and quickly corrected it back: "What is the next step for the Celestial Army and the Yokoye Army?"

  "The minister thought it was to continue the travel warfare, instead of head-on confrontation, set a small victory into a big victory, and restrict the Turkic scouts." Zhang Jiuling said to Li Longji.

  "Brother Yi, what do you think?" Li Longji asked Li Yi.

   "I see Governor Zhang can handle it." Li Yi had no idea, and he didn't want outsiders to guide insiders.

  The battle is under the control of Zhang Jiazhen. Zhang Jiazhen studies all day and is much better than himself.

  Teach Zhang Jiazhen how to fight, UU reading www.uukanshu. Doesn't com become the Song Dynasty? The generals of the faction were afraid that they would not be able to fight, and they specifically gave a plan of strategic and tactical deployment.

The    formation map is not a long-snake formation or a two-dragon formation. It is a way to coordinate arms and adjust strategies.

  What should I do if this place is beaten? Which army will be transferred, and who will continue to be transferred? Where to run if you lose, and who to join with.

  The starting point is good, but invisibly gave a hint to the general in front. When the general considers how to fight, he must first think about the formation.

  According to Li Yi's idea, what the Song Dynasty had to deal with was the family of generals and cultivate new generals.

  Like the imperial examination, we want to select talents from the private and contend against aristocratic families.

  So Li Yi only asked for troops and supplies, a big strategic deployment, and he didn't say anything when the fight started.

  This time there was a fire attack before he sent pitch.

  There is no actual battle of fire attack. He called others fire attack, and others promised to turn every battle into fire attack.

  Li Yi thought about shaking his head, and the people from the Qintian Supervisor came over and signaled that it was time, auspicious time, not the time when people were leaving.

  (End of this chapter)

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