Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1860: It's hard to learn how to taste soy sauce

It was similar to the Dachao meeting that Li Yi attended last time, and the process was similar.

Li Yi felt sleepy when he saw this stuff, but Li Longji never got tired of it, especially in the part of worshipping ancestors, he was very serious.

The people of Lijiazhuangzi, the people of Yulin Feiqi, the people of the navy, and the officials knelt down to receive the punishment.

Punishment first, then hit the board, one person has ten boards, and the crackling is so loud, the pants are not taken off, and the hit is directly, and there is no need to stand up.

After the fight, one by one groaned and winked.

Waiting to talk about rewards, I became excited again, and knelt down again.

One person first gave one thousand exchange coupons of one face value, and then gave the money according to their respective types of work.

These counts are given by your majesty, and the court will give you more money based on the grade, which is relatively small and not enough for the fraction previously given.

But giving Xun is an increase in wages, monthly, and when you get old, you will also follow it when you retire.

The benefits that should be given by Lijiazhuangzi become a reward for your Majesty, silk, small mirror, cotton cloth, rice, white flour, soybean oil, sesame oil, soap, soap, toilet water...

There is a lot of mess, and if they add up to sell, the price is more than 1,000 yuan.

If everyone goes home, there is no need to buy anything.

There are kerosene lamps in the welfare. The price is high and the cost is low.

In fact, the dealers just came and wandered around. The things that Li Longji rewarded had nothing to do with them. They belonged to Li Yi's private property.

According to the rules, your majesty rewards slaves and servants of death deeds to others, which means that there is an exemption from slavery in the program.

After the reward is finished, automatically leave.

Can Li's Zhuangzi's Zhuangzi be free to live freely if he leaves his hometown? Their children do not need freedom.

If you are free from Lijiazhuangzi, you have to work, take the imperial examination, become an official, and go to the local government?

In Zhuangzi, like the one in Luoyang, Henan Province, it used to belong to the governing place, and the power was still great.

No grade or grade, the magistrate greeted enthusiastically when they saw it.

The local officials represent the court, and the villagers represent Lijiazhuangzi.

After the reward was over, it was noon again, and I continued to eat in the Hanyuan Hall.

Yu Lin Feiqi does not need kerosene lamps. There is one at home, and every Feiqi Habayashi has one at home.

They can't sell them, and they can replace them with other things and prepare to send them home.

The navy wants, after eating, leave in the afternoon, go back by train, and send things directly to their homes by boat, and separate them from them.

Like Habayashi Feiqi, they are not afraid of the valuable kerosene lamps in their homes.

Homes are all next to each other, how can a powerful thief attack their home?

The Hanyuan Hall was hosting a big banquet, and the people of Jingzhao Mansion also had a big banquet and noodles.

The fried noodles that Li Yi promised, no matter where they are in Jingzhaofu, as long as they eat, they are guaranteed to be fried noodles.

Outside ships dock at the pier, there is the pier.

As long as you don't hold yourself to death, there are enough noodles and sauces.


"Eating noodles, if you say Dongzhu Li is very good, he will send people to give them food on Xiushan Road. If you say you want to eat the whole Jingzhao Mansion, please."

On a mountain, road builders are holding a bowl and pulling noodles into their mouths, wide noodles, and the wide noodles that have passed the water are enjoyable.

He is the person in charge of building roads, and some people come to buy big logs.

The woodcutter who gave people the firewood also came up and helped to cut the wood and small tree branches into bundles and carry them down to other people's homes for sale.

They ate together, happily, and chatted about happy things.

Only one person was silent, and in front of him was a can of braised rabbit meat in a bamboo tube.

He can't merge into those who do hard work. He is a literati, a literati who can write poems, and the face of Princess Yuzhen.

It was the hapless guy who finally got a chance to face the sage, and the results of the test were able to match every one of the previous preparations.

Finally, an idea of ​​building a zoo was made and arranged to build a road.

A thousand feet long and two feet wide, there are thirty people to help, and one person pays thirty dollars a day.

Fix it slowly. Maybe when the road is repaired, your majesty's anger disappears. Give yourself another chance?

I have to work harder. If you want to come to Princess Yuzhen, you will think about yourself, and take the time to write a good poem to Princess Yuzhen.

A few days ago, I wrote a letter asking the person who gave the money to take it back to Princess Yuzhen, but the other party did not accept the letter at all and did not send the money.

When the princess Yuzhen told her orally, she scolded herself and pointed out how to repair the road without spending money, and make it a longer one.

The route of road construction changed, and Princess Yuzhen’s mansion arranged a person to stare at the money every day.

Good wood can be used as beams or coffins and sold to those in need.

I've said that, the wood is there, if something goes wrong, it will be replaced for free, and the new wood will be transported.

The wood used for building beams and coffins needs to be treated extra, and put it on for a few years to make sure it will not crack, and it is a good wood.

If wood is not suitable for making house beams and coffins, it is sold to charcoal stewed people, who go up the mountain and take it away by themselves.

Before the woodcutter helped to deal with the twigs, the charcoal-burner saved a lot of effort and didn't need to cut down and trim it by himself. It was very happy to give some money.

Sun Xin, the ambassador of the Dashan patrol in Lantian County, also came, with a group of people, pushing a small cart, and digging up the mountain.

Dig the soil wherever the road is being built. If the soil is not suitable for road pressure, you will also be given money.

Thirty people should earn 900 dollars a day. It's not a small amount. Who calls someone a professional? You can do both technical work and hard work.

Nowadays, I can receive more than two dollars a for wages, but there is still a lot left, which is taken away by the people sent by Princess Yuzhen.

Seeing that the thing that spends the money of Princess Yuzhen every day turns into making money, is it really that useless?

"Luo Shusheng, don't you think it's bad?" Someone next to him saw the student in a daze and kindly reminded him.

The student's name was Ron, and everyone didn't know why he came to build the road, thinking it was Princess Yuzhen's kindness.

When the people from Princess Yuzhen came over to Ron, everyone suddenly felt that this person was recommended to His Majesty, and His Majesty punished him for building roads.

Every day Princess Yuzhen puts up money, and then Princess Yuzhen gets the guidance of Li Dongzhu and starts selling things, even the soil.

Unlucky students! Princess Yuzhen compared him with Dongzhu Li.

Said that he was at a loss before the Saint, and was sent to build roads but couldn't figure out a good way to make money.

Li Yi was busy with the operation, and took the time to return once, and then explained the matter.

This Ron student mumbled ‘find a solution’ from time to time.

Ugh! It's pitiful to look at him like that.

Princess Yuzhen is a bit unreasonable, your brother is the emperor, you are not afraid, are you not nervous if you change yourselves?

If you build a road, you can build a road. Who can think about making money? Dongzhu Li is different from others. Looking at the appearance of this student, he is really handsome, and all his work is done.

"Oh!" Ron didn't seem to see the pity of others, and he lowered his head to eat noodles.

No matter what I said, Princess Yuzhen also brought canned food, and waited for her to come up with a better idea, and after she finished repairing the road, let her have a look.

The sauce is delicious, let’s come with cloves of garlic. Nowadays, more and more garlic are planted, and ordinary people can eat it all.

Kind of...Huh? Can something be planted on the side of the road?

Ron suddenly got inspiration, isn't it just making money! What kind of money?

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