Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1893: Supply and demand structure under house arrest

Zhang Jiuling returned to the political affairs hall, first wrote a letter to tell his hometown, continue to build the road, and put the pigeons in the bamboo tube.

"The budget for road construction is going to increase, and I finally know how to spend more money."

Bi Gou looked at Zhang Jiuling's letter and said with emotion.

Without a wide road, a steam engine car cannot go, and at least two cars need to be able to stagger.

The road does not need to be three feet wide, two feet are enough.

"The people in Jiangnan have more leisure in winter, and spending money to hire roads is an opportunity to increase their income."

Song Jing habitually considers issues from the perspective of people's livelihood. The imperial court spends money to repair infrastructure, and the people make money, and life is easy.

"The people have a lot of money, and prices are rising." Su Ting pondered along and found the problem.

A large number of people who have nothing to do in winter have extra money on their hands. Buying delicious food and meat will make the meat more expensive.

"Yes, they buy pork to eat, the pig farmers make money, and then they use the money from selling pork to buy grain, and the price of grain rises again."

Bi Gou was circumvented in. After he finished speaking, he said to the little robot who was forcibly brought to the political affairs hall: "Contact Li Yi."

"I want to bask in the sun." The little robot protested.

"Move you out after speaking, you are not allowed to go far." Bi Gou gave in.

When Li Yi received the news, he was drawing, the internal combustion engine drawing, and the smaller steam engine car had already been drawn.

He wants to build a vessel powered by an internal combustion engine that is lighter than a steam engine, usually not going to the ocean.

Wandering near the sea, take up some nearby islands. There are local residents who are not afraid, and benefit them.

Waguk and Silla were used for trade, Liuqiu, and Ryukyu became their own.

Including some islands and reefs where no one has gone to, as well as people who live there, who have no nationality, and are born in Datang.

The biggest role of internal combustion engine ships and steam engine ships is actually in war.

In naval battles, sending a steam engine ship can bully dead oars and sailing boats, not playing with the enemy at all.

"Lao Bi, the little robot needs to be charged. If you don't grab it, you will bring it back if it is out of power? Or I will give you a set of human-powered generators and you will charge it."

The little robot Li Yi first heard complained that it was under house arrest and was about to starve to death. Just listening to the little movement is called a pitiful one.

"It's cold in the morning. I'm afraid it will freeze, so I'll take it back. It's hot in the afternoon," Bi Gou said shamelessly.

Let’s talk about what happened just now: "Send money to the people who are recruited, and the people get the money to shop, and the price of goods increases, can it become inflation?"

"Building roads in winter? The north bank of the Yangtze River has a short cold period in winter, which is really suitable.

When the price of grain rises, there is a constant leveling of warehouses. When the price of meat rises, there is a method of breeding. If there is demand, there is production. It is most convenient to raise pigs around Dongting Lake.

Steam engine ships can enter the Yangtze River to fish in winter, depressing the price of other meat at the price of fish.

The fishermen are recruited to help deal with the caught fish, and the fishermen are not affected by the large-scale sale of the catch. "

Li Yi wanted the other party to read the book carefully, but felt that it was too much talk, so it's better to just say it directly.

"Ah! The old man remembered, supply and demand. Let's go! Take you out to enjoy the sun, no one will generate electricity for you."

"It's not enough. It's late. I have to find a place to charge it at night. Proprietor, you wind the coil and hang it on the steam engine to generate electricity."

Bi Gou talked to the little robot, the little robot complained, and then gave Li Yi an idea.

"Yes, I hang it up, the coil is so tangled." Li Yi agreed.

When the little robot was silent, he put aside the drawing of the diesel internal combustion engine and drew the structural diagram of the generator.

The principle is the same as for the battery of the telegraph machine and the telephone cable, add more batteries, and store them after generating electricity.

You can't always rely on what he exchanges with his life, Datang needs its own industrial system.

The steam engine is used to generate electricity, and the power is large, and the small robot itself can change the pressure when charging.

In order to save power, the little robot that regained freedom didn't say anything.

If you let it bask in the sun early in the morning, it will hum, and someone can chat with it when passing by.

"It is in the book that the relationship between supply and demand promotes the development of productivity." Bi Gou turned his head and said to Su Ting and Song Jing.

The two looked away, there was too much knowledge in the book, and they couldn't remember.

How many books do you need to memorize for the imperial examination? The books written by Xiao Yi are one after another, and they are related to each other.

"The hard and soft villagers have passed, and I believe they will help guide the locals. He values ​​the places around Dongting Lake very much."

Zhang Jiuling said a word of relief, don't worry.

The envoys of other countries were worried at this time, and they ran to the south of the city one after another.

The steam engine car stopped, and the craftsmen on Zhuangzi were checking the situation and collecting data.

The car stopped actively, not because of a malfunction and had to stop.

People in the post-Turkic people looked at the wheels, they were big, and they thought they could run on the grassland.

They looked at the car body again, put on the iron plate, the bow and arrow can't be shot through, how many people can it hold?

"You need more information. Don't be careful when you speak later. Princess Jincheng won't intercede with you. You can die there."

Isimba talked to the uncle who had just been released. He was ignorant when he first arrived. He kicked the shoe-shining child, and his leg was interrupted by the uncle who called him.

Now he learns to be clever, but he is worried about Bo Ni. What good is it for you to test it out?

"It's definitely better than a horse-drawn cart. It loads more goods. Can it be taken apart and shipped to Tubo?"

Bo Zheng has no temper, UU reading www. uukā was cleaned up while under house arrest.

He was locked in a large dark room with two kerosene lamps and a lot of diesel.

At the same time there are big buckets and flush toilets.

Food is canned food, instant noodles, nothing is missing, even pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

He couldn't hear the movement outside, and couldn't see the light outside.

For the first two days, he didn't care, eating, lighting, going to the bathroom, sitting on the floor and thinking about things.

A few days later, he didn't know whether he was in the day or night, whether he could eat or not, he didn't seem to be hungry.

He was afraid of the darkness and kept a kerosene lamp burning all the time, turning down the flame when he was sleeping.

He started to lose sleep, thinking that he had slept for a long time, but he was still sleepy.

He couldn't take it anymore yesterday, screaming, hitting the wall with his head, knocking himself out, and there was still a bag on his head.

After receiving the news, the ruler Zhudan was reluctant to die a good courtier, and begged Princess Jincheng, and Princess Jincheng interceded before letting him go.

He carried a clock in his hand and looked at the time from time to time.

He lost his sense of time in the small black room, and finally understood how scared he was.

Knowing that it was Li Yi's idea, he didn't dare to scold him for fear of being locked in again. He was too wicked. Obviously he had food, he actually lost a few catties.

Enduring the pain in his head, he lifted the clock to his ear to listen to the movement, he found that happiness is so simple.

"It will not be used in wars for the time being. There is no place available at the moment. Post-Turkic Li Yi did not care about it."

Isimba learned from others that the big guy is going to run in 20 counties outside Chang'an.

There are also small farms instead of cattle and horses.

It is laborious to fight a war, and the number is small, and it is not effective. After the Turkic fight, people can run at any time.

If the quantity is large, it is better to develop Datang first. If the arable land is fast, the big problem will be solved!

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