Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1914: The night is cool, the lights are bright and the stars are all

It was getting dark, and a team of sixteen guards, Yu Lin Feiqi, rode horses and ran in Luoyang Palace.

The main exits of Luoyang Palace are guarded by people, and Xu Jin is not allowed to leave.

The Ziwei city was under martial law, and rows of muskets were erected on the wall, and the sky monkeys and explosives were placed.

Hot air balloons lifted into the sky one after another, with torches and kerosene lamps hanging on the walls.

Including Zhang said, the officials who attended the banquet were left behind.

There were two Yulin Feiqi ‘Protection’ next to everyone, and the knives were all drawn out.

Li Longji was sitting on the dragon chair slowly drinking tea. When he saw Li Yi's group, the expression on his face changed slightly.

"Have you gone shopping? How does Luoyang's prosperity compare to Chang'an?" Li Longji asked his eldest daughter with a smile.

"I didn't go too far, I'm afraid that something will happen, so I will go again during the day tomorrow." Princess Yongmu told the truth.

After answering the father's words, she again ordered: "Spread and serve me, Tang Nengchen."

Her women's special operations team Yingyingyanyan looked for people according to their official uniforms, and there were not enough people with too low grades.

The officials had an epiphany, and your Majesty acted quickly.

Some people were sweating constantly, looking around anxiously, but didn't dare to move.

"Your Majesty, Minister..." Zhang said bitterly to Li Longji.

"Do not worry, Henan Mansion is no more than Jingzhao Mansion. There are slightly fewer personnel for inspections, and the forces are intertwined. You don't have too many rest assured manpower available."

Li Longji comforted Zhang and said, don't blame you.

You are a Henan prefecture, and the soldiers you use are from Henan prefecture. You can't control the thoughts of officers and generals.

Luoyang's tax revenue is too great, and some people will always find ways to take the risk.

"Xiao Yi, is it safe?" Bi Gou whispered, standing not far from Li Yi.

People like me don't know, your Majesty is very young and easy to hide from himself and others.

"When you open the bow without turning your head back, you must be strict. The idea is mine, including not telling other people. If you are born in chaos, words are considered to be the order..."

Li Yi took the matter to himself, not to be separated from the monarchs and ministers, and to be separated from himself.

Bi Gou waved his hand: "You don't need to say that if you are not secret, you will lose your minister, and if you are not secret, you will lose yourself. The old man is afraid of losing his hand."

"Impossible, dare to rebel? I personally shot them all out."

Li Yi is not worried at all, he has a big fist, otherwise the people in Jingzhao Mansion are so obedient?

"Will a group of people die?" Yao Chong's expression was calm, so let's keep it secret.

Right now it is not dangerous, the Xuanwu Gate is difficult. Yes, the north of Ziwei City is also Xuanwu Gate. Could anyone kill it from there?

Thinking, he even looked forward to it, has anyone rushed to the Xuanwu Gate?

There is Xiao Yi, and see how he cuts the wheat.

"I am not dead, your majesty is here for the first time. I need someone to practice my hands.

The officials were exiled to the south of Henan Mansion and passed together, serving as county magistrates, chief administrators, and county chiefs.

Copy things that are greedy for ink first, and let them lead the local people to get rich.

If you don't have a political performance... to build a mountain and build a road, you need a platoon of dumb guns. "

Li Yi told everyone what happened afterwards, some he used it to practice his hand, some let it go.

According to the law, high-ranking officials who are not in collusion with outsiders are treason.

"The confiscated the household department?" Bi Gou forgot about his distrust in a blink of an eye, and was worried about his income.

"Naturally! Real things are sold, your majesty keeps it useless."

Li Yi never planned to ask for it. After the normal investigation, the money was given to the Ministry of Households, and the things were put in Youzang.

He wants to deal with things in the form of auctions and exchange them for money. The starting price is low.

If others don't buy, he takes in the Zhuangzi as currency to issue collateral.

Things that are worth one hundred yuan, the starting price is ten yuan, he can print eighty yuan exchange voucher after receiving it.

"How do you plan tonight?" Song Jing looked at the sky, big stars appeared.

"Going back to sleep, I will be busy tomorrow, arresting officials, the administration of Henan Province can't stop, I will participate together tomorrow."

"I still remember the time when Xiao Yi replaced the governor in the Washington State House." Lu Huaishen sighed with emotion.

After the flood in Huazhou, Xiao Yi impeached all the people in the entire state capital, and he ran over to work in person.

Organize disaster relief, post-disaster reconstruction, check accounts, and find new ways to make money for local people.

It was at that time that he saw his abilities. Who would dare to say that he did not understand administration?

He tidied up so many accounts and documents, and by the way, the income of the people in Huazhou increased several times.

After the disaster, people's lives became better.

"At that time, see which aspect is the most difficult to deal with, and leave it to Xiao Yi!"

Yao Chong agrees, anyway, you Li Yi have been idle for the past few days, and you are working fast and efficient.

"Success!" Li Yi agreed.

He is a person with apprentices, and the little girl ran to the imperial medical office here with her younger brother and asked for help tomorrow.

Two people know how to settle the accounts, and never forget, where to find such a good labor?

Speaking of sleeping, everyone is not resting, excited, and waiting for the result.

Outside the Luoyang Palace nightlife stopped, the people went home one after another, closed the doors and windows, and waited.

The kerosene lamps swayed slightly in the wind with the sixteen guards standing in the square.

A few children ran outside Shangshanfang in Luoshui, carrying shrimp pots made of bamboo.

Seeing the person holding the weapon, they got together and slowly moved into the square.

"Shangshanfang?" A man of sixteen guards tried to make his voice soft.

"Yes, yes..." The elder child, who appeared to be eight or nine years old, shrank his neck, his eyes trembling with fear, and his voice trembled.

The other children just nodded, too scared to speak.

"Are there any shrimps?" Sixteen Guards squatted down.

"Yes~~ah~~ It was released last night and night, UU reading in the morning..." The child tried hard to let himself speak.

Their children put prawn pots last night, before going to school in the morning, and put new prawn pots by the way.

The shrimps received are sold, go to school, come back after school, take them home if you have them, forget them if you don’t.

There were many results, and they replaced the shrimp cages.

The prawns received should be sold to the restaurant in the shop. How do you sell it now? The restaurant is closed.

"How much can these prawns sell for?" The person from Sixteen Guards asked when he looked at several prawn pots.

"Eight, eight dollars." The child didn't know, so just answer.

"I'll give you ten dollars, buy the cage together, and go home."

The people of the sixteenth guard took out their pockets, found the ten-dollar exchange voucher, and took out six pieces of wrapped fructose.

"Taking money, one piece of sugar per person." The sergeant handed it over, waving by the way, and the person next to him came over to get the shrimp pot.

"Really give money?" The child's eyes widened again.

"Sixteen Guards are your majesty's soldiers. If you don't take the people one by one, you will be beaten if you don't give money." The sergeant stuffed the child with the money and sugar.

"It's not Yulin Feiqi?" The child tilted his head and said.

"Sixteen guards too, no worse than Yulin Feiqi." The sergeant was wronged.

"Oh, I know, I know. Are we gone?" The child was sure again if he could leave.

"Go fast, don't go spanking." The sergeant slapped and frightened.

"Run!" The children rushed towards the house.

"The sugar has fallen, don't fall." The sergeant shouted from behind.

The child turned around again to pick up the candy, and continued to run after picking it up, laughing while running.

"Whoever patrols on the move, take it back to Dongzhu Li, and reimburse him for what he bought for twenty dollars!"

The sergeant looked at a few shrimp pots and wanted to make a fortune.

"What about sugar?" the person next to him asked.

"Take the sugar by yourself. It was originally for the children. How about the shrimp for thirty dollars?" The sergeant temporarily raised the price.

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