Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1920: I'm talking about making money

"Xiao Yi, it turns out you ran here to steal food, hurry up and go cart."

When Li Yi was about to eat breakfast, Bi Gou came over.

He greeted the staff, and pushed Li Yi's car with pancakes and fruits away.

"Hu spicy soup, my Hu spicy soup." Li Yi looked for a tray and put three bowls of Hu spicy soup on it.

The little girls Feng Qingdai and Li Fukuan can only find the tray by themselves, the master doesn't care.

In another place, a group of people are waiting, most of them discussing things with Li Yi while eating.

Only by eating is it convenient to meet Li Yi.

Usually they are busy, and Li Yi has his own affairs and it is difficult to get together.

Li Yi looked at the people around him, stood in front of the pancakes and asked, "Do you all eat green onion, coriander and chili?"

Everyone kept silent and waited.

"Oh!" Li Yi sighed helplessly, and manipulated two sashimi to make pancakes.

Who can eat what he knows, he belongs to the family doctor.

The three Shangshu from Luoyang who were determined to have no problems were watching, feeling very contrary to each other.

They know what Li Yi Kuang is like, and they want to be a first-grade official, so they can wear official uniforms at any time.

He wanted to catch someone to clean up, he said, that person promised not to run away.

Such a high-ranking person turned to become a messenger. He knew who the key ministers and people in the palace were.

Looking at the busy figure in front of you, it looks like a funny person performing for others, such as a very short dwarf.

Ordinary students, even if they have such a chance, they still have to refuse, behaving too contemptuously.

The people who make pancakes don't care and show to others.

Who would dare to belittle him? It is said that he can transform a weapon to sweep a thousand troops at any time, killing people like cutting grass.

"Delivered according to the location, the first one is the lowest. It is raining today, and the air pressure is low, so we didn't put green onions to avoid irritating the stomach."

Li Yi was busy wearing a mask, and sets of pancakes were spread out.

Give it to the people who are lower in the rankings. They can't eat the pancakes immediately. They have to wait for your majesty to eat the first bite.

The more the front is, the cooler it is when you eat it, and the worse the taste.

Some people don't put coriander, and some put more spicy sauce. Any Korean people who can let him cook for himself, he knows the specifics.

It doesn't count for the people. Anyone who sees his noodles can ask him for a set of pancakes, provided he has the equipment and ingredients.

"Xiao Yi, you add an extra egg to the old man." Bi Gou looked through the glass beside him.

"It's not yours. You have to wait. It's too late to be such a big official to eat."

Li Yi manages two chanzi at the same time, still relaxed.

"Know, add one when the old man, the sky is getting colder, make up for it."

Bi Gou went on to say that he was willing to look at Li Yi when he was working, with a sense of beauty and rhythm.

"It's in the spicy soup. I designed a set of fishing tackle. The price is high and I can harvest a batch.

The match factory will be built before the end of the year. There are a lot of processes and procedures. I plan to sell matches at a lower price.

After all costs and taxes are deducted, 0.5% of the profit is five thousandths. "

Li Yi sees Bi Gou idle and chatting.

"Recovering costs in two hundred years?" Bi Gou made a simple calculation and concluded.

"The profit after the cost depreciation is calculated." Li Yi turned the pancake over and beat the eggs.

"Thirty tax one? Thirty-three thousandths tax? You are so pathetic. The profit is less than the tax."

Bi Gou blamed himself slightly. Did he bully Xiao Yi too much? Seeing Xiao Yi do business, he didn't dare to make money, or didn't add that egg?

"Yes, so the match factory expands. For example, where the raw materials are provided, you can buy it with money. The match factory can't get the money."

Li Yi's head lowered slightly, it seemed that he was helpless and wronged.

"Then...Which piece of land do you look for? You said, as long as you want it, can't take less money."

Bi Gou suddenly reacted as he spoke, isn't it right, will Xiao Yi make a loss-making deal?

What is your five-thousandth profit? It’s not as much as you say.

"Old Bi, I'll add another egg to you."

Li Yi was really helpless this time. He taught his apprentice and starved the master to death.

"Don't give this set to the old man and say, do you go around and pay less tax, and in the end you can get 50% of the profit?"

Bi Gou will become more and more conviction, and Xiaoyi is messing around.

"You still cheat when the old man is so old, do you have a sense of respect for the elderly?"

Bi Gou said that I was very angry, so I added an extra egg to coax me.

"The Yi merchants have not yet come in Haizhou. If everyone can reach a consensus, 500% of the profit will be paid 30% of the tax."

As Li Yi said, he spread out two more pancakes.

"The old man went with Guangping and Yanshuo and said that Jiuling will not go wrong."

Bi Go got it, turned around, and let himself go.

In fact, it is not two people, but a group of people. Don't think that you are a big country, and all kinds of benefits are given to small places overseas.

Changing ideas is more difficult than suppressing power. It is estimated that in the future, we must always implement and implement foreign policy.

"Old Bi, I will give you more sauce!" Li Yi expressed his thanks.

"No, it's too salty. The old man values ​​the match factory to solve tens of thousands of jobs." Bi Gou refused to add more sauce.

"Tens of thousands? The match factory is an industrial chain that includes various technologies. You can make explosives if you can make matches. UU Reading

After the match factory is built, our muskets do not need to be fired and fired with a primer.

My pistols, sniper rifles, assault rifles, and heavy machine gun bullets are such craftsmanship. "

Li Yi introduced the use of the match factory, not only for making matches, but also an industrial basis.

For the entire industrial chain, including tree planting, poplars are more suitable, with fast growth, easy management and good feeding.

There are more other processes, and the safety match is not just to get some phosphorus, not to mention the phosphorus is not easy to get.

With this set of technology, gunpowder can be manufactured in large quantities.

"Sure enough! Humph!" Bi Gou figured it all out at once.

"You want to use a factory to serve the entire basic technology. Isn't your profit low? You have a cost for military industry.

The military industry cannot collect your taxes, and you can convert those technologies into other profitable projects at any time.

If you want to make money, you can only export. How much do you plan to sell for a box of matches? "

Bi Gou analyzed the whole routine, and at the same time, he was fortunate that he was still very easy to learn, otherwise he would not be able to understand it at all.

"Datang's cheapness, the people think it is not as good as a scythe with matches, they don't buy it.

Fire sickle consumes tinder, which ordinary people cannot prepare.

The iron piece of the fire sickle is simple. There are many iron pieces in the Tang Dynasty. I remember that a few years ago, the people of Chang'an still used wood to make fire. "

Li Yi knows that people's livelihoods are not expensive, including salt. When salt is expensive, it means that a country is going to die.

"Xiao Yi, don't sell it directly to ordinary people. It doesn't matter if they use it day after day. You sell it as a luxury item. We were reluctant to use it before, for fear that you will get your life in exchange."

Bi Gou started to come up with ideas. The people were used to the original way of making fire. In the first half of the year, how many people could make money in this half year?

Selling luxury goods, naturally collecting taxes on luxury goods, that is called a high wow!


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