Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1922: Make money back to the capital

  Chapter 1904 Make money back to this new idea (first change)

  As the Queen said, all the people in Luoyang Palace felt a kind of will.

  Ordinary people think simple, your majesty gives breakfast.

  The big families and local forces understand that the problem of breakfast is clearly the declaration of imperial power.

  Lijiazhuangzi represents the imperial power and represents your majesty.

  Which big family or family can send people to guard the lights and arrest people the first night, and get up the next morning to provide food to millions of people?

  No one has ever dared to think about the financial, material, and human resources involved.

  "Brother Yi's method..." Li Longji didn't know what to say.

   just arrived, from dusk to dawn, the actions that were based on honest government and your majesty’s gifts appeared, but what was revealed was an overwhelming offensive.

  "Sanlang, I think someone wrote a memorial to play the uncle before. Henan Mansion is no better than Jingzhao Mansion!"

  The Queen took a quail egg from the soup bowl of her spicy soup and fed it to Li Longji's mouth.

  Li Longji opened his mouth and ate it: "Human, it's not as good as the sky."

  He is a little bit pitiful, pitiful of those people, there are always people who think they are amazing, but they don’t actually exist.

  God can rain, but people can’t afford to spray.

   "Yeah! Bao'er is uncomfortable, come on, change it."

  The Queen Queen heard the noise and found the state of the girl, so she hurriedly dealt with it.


  Day, it really started to rain.

  The weather is too obvious, there is no dew, and the morning glow appears again.

  People who need to work will not be delayed due to the rain. The sixteen guards have changed a group and still stand guard in various workshops.

  Women from wealthy families and other men who did not have a specific job came to the riverside, on the west side of the three bridges in Luoshui.

  They were looking at the Datang cruiser anchored here, that is, Li Yi’s yacht.

  They are buying juice, beer, rice wine, drinking snacks, popcorn are all good things, at least they think so.

  Because it is a small robot that sells things, how much is a dish of fennel beans worth?

  The little robot sent it, plus a bowl of rice wine brewed this year, 500 yuan.

  That’s it, you have to line up with an umbrella.

  Carefully counted as cheap, it's a thousand dollars to fight for wine.

  Wine, sake, and Shintoyo.

  Set up a shed behind the shore, and some people sell umbrellas by the way.

  Li Longji and others stood on the head of the city and looked down with binoculars. Bi Gou mumbled.

  Hearing Bi Gou's mutter, everyone turned to Li Yi.

  Li Yi was thirty steps away from them, and he had a big umbrella. If it weren't for the umbrella, he wouldn't be able to see it in the rain.

   "Li Lang, not going to work?" Princess Yong Mu asked Li Yi, looking at the two children sitting next to each other looking through the tablet.

  The little girl and her younger brother Li Guizang looked at a computer, and they turned the pages with their fingers rhythmically, and they could read a page for about twenty seconds.

  See from the beginning to the end, turn it over, and remember it, and read it again tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to consolidate.

   "After the inquiry, I will go to the household department. The accounts there are the most troublesome. Checking the accounts is a hard work."

  Li Yi is not in a hurry, Luoyang has not stopped daily activities, and the people live as usual.

   "We are too far away from them." Princess Yongmu also looked over there.

  "Inaccessible, otherwise there will be a lot of problems, the following sells wine and fennel beans.

  The cheapest wine bought locally, a bowl can hold one catty, plus thirty or forty boiled broad beans, 500 yuan.

  In the past, the old Bi Gai was worried about taxes, and the capital was only four or five dollars, a hundred times the profit. "

  Li Yi is prepared, he plans to keep the money privately.

  Invite the people to drink hot and spicy soup, and then buy breakfast from restaurants and stalls. The money is paid by him, and he can't manage the old man's request.

  So he ordered people to buy a large amount of cheap wine and broad beans last night. The broad beans were boiled into fennel beans and sold together.

  Things are worthless, cute little robots can't be seen by ordinary people.

  Sell one set, and you can earn breakfast money for a hundred people. With the umbrella, you can sell 10,000 copies, which is about the cost.

  Because he still buys other people’s things, even though they are for his own people to eat.

  Cooking for the soldiers by myself, the cost is low, cheaper than buying, so the sales volume of 10,000 copies is almost the same.

  He said he can’t give it to Lao Bi, and stay away.

   "Li Lang, making money is easy."

  Xiaolan just went to see the two children reading, her eyes hurt, and she came back to chat.

  "You have to have an official background. The accumulation of raw capital is the most difficult. When you find a way to get money, quickly find a relationship.

  I'm lucky, I find the Lord directly, otherwise I have to see the Lord through others.

  I do the same business, but others cannot do it.

  Fortunately, I spend less money on myself, and I turn around and give back to the society. "

  Li Yi does not shy away from his apprentice, and directly talks about the truth of life.

  The little girl's hand sliding the screen paused slightly and started again.

   "Master is right, find the best master." The second disciple's eyes kept on the screen, and he agreed.

   "Old Bi is actually pretty good." Li Yi said something against his will, and his apprentice taught Bi Gou to teach him.

   "Master's words are extremely true." The two apprentices responded tacitly and continued to watch the screen to learn.

  Li Yi is gratified, what a good apprentice, he is clever.

  People who buy food and drink below also think it is good. The wine is good. This wine is not profitable when I want to come to Lijiazhuang. The taste and taste are good.

  Some people are sent to buy, pack and go, go back and tell people what the little robot looks like.

There were also people on the other side of the    river watching and watching the boat. Li Yi was too rushed when he returned, and most people in Luoyang did not see the yacht.

  Looking at it now, it's exciting, it's so beautiful.

  This ship, called the cruiser, belongs to Datang. It ran so fast that it let other ships run fifty miles first and caught up in the blink of an eye.

  More and more people began to cross the bridge and walk around to buy things, and Bi Gou muttered and stopped suddenly: "Where is Xiao Yi?"

  Everyone turned their heads at the same time and gestured with their eyes, over there, under the big umbrella.

  "Xiaoyi~Xiaoyi~!" Bi Gou shouted, full of breath.

   "I won't let me run so far." Li Yi muttered, then shouted back: "Who?"

   "What did you say?" Bi Gou was unhappy.

   "I heard it, the rain is heavy, what's the matter?" Li Yi asked for an excuse.

   "Come here, there is something good." Bi Gou shouted.

   "You said let me be here?" Li Yi continued to pretend.

   "Old man, go there, don't move there." Bi Gou wanted to go.

  "Go, let's go, oops!" Li Yi couldn't help but greeted people with an umbrella.

  There is a platform under the umbrella, and under the platform are wheels and universal wheels.

   Seeing the big umbrella move, the face color is slightly dark.

  Li Yi came over: "Let’s say it I don’t pay taxes, I have too much money."

  "It's not a tax. How much is tax?" Bi Gou gave Li Yi a guarantee first.

  "Want to take a boat? Let's go there after we finish selling." Li Yi felt relieved for the time being.

   "Xiao Yi, crabs, eat crabs. I ate a few in Chang'an. There are a lot of crabs here. Your ship used to be loaded. Some places are delicious."

  Bi Gou said something unexpected to Li Yi.

   "Yes...Ah!" Li Yi patted his forehead. He thought about the Henan Mansion problem, but didn't care about the crab problem.

  There are many delicious crabs in the lake. Hairy crabs are bigger than those raised in Zhuangzi, and they have different varieties.

  The distance is far, it can't be eaten normally, and it's too early to die after being transported.

  My own yacht is fast, and live hairy crabs are transported by boat...

    Tonight, a group of music lovers played and sang more than 200 meters away. The song "My Motherland and Me" was repeated dozens of times. Tortured to the farmer.



  (End of this chapter)

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