Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1940: Chairperson of the plan for the coming year

"Yeah!" Wu Guangzu asked as if he had just learned about it, "The people have something to gain?"

"I didn't prepare last night. I was too rushed. The least one earns 23 dollars, while the more makes 35-6 dollars."

Governor Du continued to answer, regardless of whether the governor above is clear or not, if you ask you, you have to get back.

"How to change money?" Wu Guangzu asked again.

Between the question and the answer, his position as a governor is reflected, in an orderly manner.

"Every ten catties will be exchanged for one coin." Du Du answered again.

"How many crabs are weighed per catty?"

"Three or four naked crabs, and the other big crabs, two weighing a catty, and each one is worth one dollar."

"Three or four hundred squares get ten dollars? I heard that it still needs straw tying, which takes a lot of time?"

"The rope is soaked in water and tied, and it is also considered rope weight. It is not a naked crab when it is called, so less than three or four hundred are exchanged for ten dollars."

"This official wants to buy crabs for one dollar, and they need a thousand. I want to come to Wu Jieyu to miss the crabs of Baishui in Luoyang Palace."

When Wu Guangzu spoke, he took out a single exchange voucher and handed it in front of Du Du.

Du Du took a step back: "If the governor eats it, I will ask someone to present it, and a thousand crabs will never be taken out."

"Two and a half a catty is fine." Wu Guangzu thought slightly, thinking that it was really difficult to grasp, and lowered the standard.

"How can the governor send it to Wu Jieyu?" Du Du asked a key question, catch it, you ride to send it? Too late.

"Isn't there a cruiser?" Wu Guangzu asked naturally.

"The cruiser smuggled goods to others? The governor wanted to offer Wu Jieyu, your majesty, the queen, other concubines, the emperor..."

Du Du said to stop, he did not count, many people, including the kings.

You don’t have enough to give you a thousand, one for each person?

"The official will ask when the cruiser arrives." Wu Guangzu hesitated and took the money back.

Halfway through the receipt, he gritted his teeth and handed it over: "The people in the county are in distress, take it and see where it fits."

"The history of the military governor loves the people like a child, of course, the official cannot collect this money.

The governor pays money for the people, what about other Chuzhou officials?

The righteousness and virtue of the governor must be known to the people by the official. "

Du Du still refused, he saw that the other party did not want to give it.

After receiving it, it is estimated that other officials have to donate according to this method. Do you know if others want to donate?

"It's because I'm not thinking about it." Wu Guangzu followed the words and took the money back. He was in a good mood and didn't have to give it.

Just now he wondered that he was willing to pay Wu Jieyu, the people didn't think about it? Only then gritted his teeth.

Otherwise, as soon as others say, he has become a minister of charm, and now the money is left, and his good reputation spreads.

"I went out and went around, and I haven't been here for many days. I don't know if people's livelihood has improved."

When he is in a good mood, Wu Guangzu wants to take a stroll, and he has to stay today.

When will you wait until the cruiser arrives and when will you go back?

So that the people on the cruiser knew, and then went to Luoyang Palace and talked to related people.

"Last time the governor went to the county, the people have not forgotten it, as if yesterday."

Du Du said against his will, when did you come here? Instead, I always go back to my hometown here.

I didn't have the ability to do so. I at least solved the problem of sending children from the villages around Baishuitang to the county seat.

Every half a month, he will send the government officials back to stay for three days, so as to save the elders in the family from worrying about the situation.

The people outside are arranging and making cages to catch crabs.

Summarize the experience of catching crabs while working, including the skills of tying crab legs.

They have to spend a month to earn a year's money and have a good year.

The village is in charge of a kerosene lamp, one for ten households, plus diesel.

The ten families discussed whether to work at night, and then they asked him to carry the lantern and mention the one that belonged to him.

They must be taken back when they are used up, and people will be sent to guard the warehouse in turns. Several people work in groups, and they are not allowed to leave during the day and night.

"This courtyard is new? I haven't come last time." Wu Guangzu said, pointing to a courtyard.

There are four main rooms in the yard, two east wing rooms and one west wing room which serves as a warehouse.

The grass above the house is compacted, the windows are new, and the lime is painted.

"The governor really remembered that this was the eldest son of the sixth family who got married in June this year.

It was originally two main rooms, and then two main rooms. The eldest son and daughter-in-law are in the main house where they came out.

Although the younger son is not married, he also built two east wing rooms and lived there.

The roof was newly painted, the whole village helped, and the outside was painted with lime, and it looked new. "

Du Du's words are thorny. Do you think that the newly painted roof and the lime are the new yard?

"Oh, no wonder, looking at the eye student, the family can pick up the room, sure enough, life is good!"

Wu Guangzu seemed to have heard no other meaning, anyway, being able to build a new house proved that his income had increased.

"Lao Liu is a carpenter with a lively mind. There are many drawings in the newspaper. After he understands it, he makes things and sells them to the county."

Du Du didn't irritate the other party again this time, just slap it! Shishi was angry again.

"It's not enough to have a wealthy family. If you manage a county, you should let the people of the county live a good life."

Wu Guangzu really fought back, making you talk a lot! Do you dare to correct what I said?

Du Du quietly curled his mouth, you are careful.

"What are you going to do next year?" Wu Guangzu didn't let it go.

"Lao Liujia makes beehives. In the coming year, there will be a variety of different wild flowers in the county. This summer and autumn season, we will look for wild seeds to collect.

In some time, burn the dry weeds in the lake and other places.

Whether it falls in winter or not, even if it rains, grass ash enters the ground, and in spring, seeds and flowers emerge.

Many people in the county are waiting, looking for someone to divide the bee.

The flower drivers have now begun to move south to exchange bee spleens with them. "

Du Du is not afraid. Come, I'll think about it. Hongze County will be under my control. You can report it to you at that time, and you can take credit for it.

Wu Guangzu looked at Du Du in a surprise, alas! Okay! Do you still have this thought?

"Write the prose and go to the prefectural government, and the official will find someone to verify, if feasible, Bian Yun Hongze County will handle it."

He squeezed it and made me unhappy, I stuck you, I said no.

"As it is, please take care of it."

Du Du replied, but he didn't agree with it.

Do you know that when the cruiser arrives next time, I will tell the people from Lijiazhuangzi?

I have to ask Li Dongzhu, if there is something wrong, I can correct it in time.

When the time comes, Li Dongzhu said yes, you said no, who would listen to?

"Gawaer, are you finished?" The old village was coming over and looked at Du Du with satisfaction.

Du Du helped to ask for a price, ten catties a dollar, the village made no little money.

"Second Uncle, I'm not busy. I just write the normal things well. For the kerosene lamp, I will build a wall and put it alone."

Du Du greeted him and took Lao Cunzheng's arm.

"Place it behind the ancestral temple and show it to the ancestors. The temple guards the kerosene lamp. Those who watch the night at night are not afraid."

The old village is choosing a good place, the Du Family Ancestral Temple.

What if someone is thinking about stealing things in the ancestral temple at night, are you afraid that your ancestor will come and arrest someone?

There is no ghost in my heart, what ancestral temple is afraid of?

"Be careful not to burn it, pay attention when adding incense and lamp oil."

Du Du understood that those who were guarding later came out of Du's house.

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