Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1961: The craftsman wants to choose the sealing fee

"Master Li, this pork knuckle is too salty."

The man's wife ate three boiled eggs and now eats braised pork knuckles.

She heard others say that too much salt is not good, she can't get milk, she noticed the situation after taking a bite, and asked worriedly.

"Your problem now is not breastfeeding, but your own body. Your body's electrolysis is disordered and must be adjusted.

You don’t have much milk, you still need goat’s milk to make up, it’s not a factor of excessive salt intake.

If you lack protein and fat, adjust the gastrointestinal tract first, and then consider other things. "

Li Yi knows that too much salt is consumed and there is little milk. The problem is that women who are breastfeeding have their own health problems first.

Children can drink part of goat's milk, but it is not without conditions.

"How many days can it be good?" The woman didn't care about her body.

"Depending on you, sleep quality and nutritional intake, what else are you worried about when I raise a child for you?

Take a good rest, about five to ten days, depending on the specific situation.

Don't worry about work, you all have it, it's already arranged.

The key is that your man has the ability, good craftsmanship, and is proficient in carpenters, bricklayers, and stonemasons.

In Luoyang, with the money he earned alone, next year you will be able to build a new house on your own. "

Li Yixiang said, give the woman a reassurance and take a good rest.

Don't have a problem with the child when the time comes, you hang up.

He actually fell in love with this one and wanted to hire craftsmen.

The clothes of the family are made by the woman herself by spinning, weaving, and cutting.

One place was worn out, and the woman patched it.

The finished patch does not look like a patch, it looks like a special rust pattern, beautiful!

The men's craftsmanship is great, and the women's are not bad.

The three children are all young, and the husband and wife have good craftsmanship, so they are suitable for receiving Lijiazhuangzi.

Li Yi remembers that when he was a child, a shoe-shoeing family in the village was very good, men's shoe-shoes, and women's darn.

The jeans just came out at that time, they were very thick, without additional processing technology, and did not make a lot of holes.

Jeans were originally a gold mine for some gold prospectors. They used canvas to make clothes. They are strong!

Then the ore was put in the pocket, and it was badly worn.

Later, some people regarded this kind of wear and tear as a trend, and the color was worn away and holes were made, and they considered it to be beautiful.

If you ask the cowboys who were rushing gold at that time, they definitely don't think it's good to expose the holes.

The presence of holes in a place proves that that place is always worn out, and if there are holes in it, you can't make up for it, and it's your own skin.

The thinning and the holes show that you are poor and you have no money to replace them.

As a result, this is actually dozens of times more expensive than normal. Where can I go about it?

At that time, the beauty of having holes and making tassels was not popular in his village. People at the time felt that it was broken.

The shoe found that the shoe must undergo a ‘surgery’. There are too many bad places and a large area.

Palm it, he gave that position an extra pattern on the palm.

The upper part of a shoe is cracked, and the palm is guaranteed to be ugly.

He typed out two other people's shoes every week to repair the pattern pattern of the opening. It was obvious that a repaired shoe turned into a pair of works of art.

It can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.

His wife darned, but she couldn't darn, embroider, add pockets, and zipper.

At the end of the day, some people bought a new pair of jeans and got it for me, when it was broken.

You have to say it's not broken, I brought the scissors, and I cut it in front of you.

Li Yi understands that this is the value of art.

The husband and wife in front of me now have this ability, they are really good at craftsmanship, and they are suitable for entering the Zhuangzi.

The child is small and educated slowly, without worrying about betrayal.

The husband and wife only thought about the little baby. How did you know that the respectable Li Dongzhu in front of him wanted his own person?

"Dongzhu Li, what kind of work is it? Can I do it?"

The man came here to take his family and live a good life. The youngest son on the road suddenly fell ill, thanks to Yulin Feiqi patrolling.

"This specific arrangement, uh~~~ Song De, no, Xunxin, you... introduce it."

Li Yi looked at Xunxin like he had said something wrong and said, "Secondly, I'm in charge of things."

Most people think that the proprietor only remembers Song De, the chief manager, and ignores my second manager Xunxin.

Xunxin didn't think so. He understood that the proprietor meant that this husband and wife are particularly important.

Because the Lords in the Middle East are treated equally in normal life, it is impossible to remember them wrongly.

What's more, looking at what I said, how do I look like Song De? Song De was so stubborn, he couldn't compare to his 10% handsome appearance.

Song De is not his own son, hahahaha...

"Yes, the proprietor!" I also thought about a lot of Xuanxin response.

The people around do not know that they are all human beings.

Only the couple whose children had acute pneumonia didn't understand, so they followed Xunxin and left.

Their other two children have been arranged to be looked after, even including the eldest son's going to school.

"Xiao Yi! The old man thought you were simple enough, but you were so scheming. You... let the old man down too much!"

Bi Gou suddenly jumped out of nowhere, and made a righteous accusation against Li Yi.

"Old Bi, have you now learned how to use two modal particles together at the end of a sentence?" Li Yi despised.

"Xiao Yi, don't talk about those useless. How do you seal the old man's mouth?"

Bi Gou took something out of his pocket and put it in front of Li Yi's mouth.

Li Yi took a look, opened his mouth to eat it, and said, "There are talents in the independent pasta industry in the Ministry of Households? Crab-like.

High-temperature sterilization, milling and mixing of fabrics, deep-fried and controlled to dry, gives people the taste of crabs and tastes crispy.

This crab flavour crispy is good, replace it with shrimp powder and deep-fried it with one more flavor. "

After tasting it, Li Yi knew what it was. The fried noodles were filled with crab powder.

"Xiao Yi's mouth is really amazing! Xiao Yi's brain is also easy to use, so it's a good seal.

Otherwise, the old man goes around preaching that your design to frame a down-and-out couple is not virtuous.

Use the life of his child to force his family to become a long-term laborer of your Lijiazhuangzi's death contract. "

"Okay, I'm afraid of you. I will give you a set of methods for making clean shrimp and crab noodles from seafood on the beach.

Bring it back and make it quickly without worrying about eating problems.

By the way, give a simple test method to see if shrimp meal and crab meal are broken, UU reading www. guarantees that the household department will not break the trust of others. "

Li Yi really knew the purpose of Bi Gou's arrival. The people by the sea did not have suitable tools, and the sanitary standards of the things they made were not up to the required level.

"Okay! Xiao Yi, you really are a good person, with unparalleled virtue.

It’s just that the people of Haizhou have a better life now, and the people of Denglai can also be, but..."

Bi Gou stopped and looked at Li Yi, it's up to you to say it.

"Hurry up and expand the navy. When the time comes, we will go to the coastal areas to fish nearby, process them for the local people, and then transport them back for sale."

Li Yi looked at Bi Gou and said, with a look of relief in his eyes.

not bad! Knowing that the people lack start-up funds, help the people take charge of important links in the entire industry chain.

The trivial tasks are left to the people, the navy saves time, and the people benefit from it.

Haizhou, that is, Lianyungang and the people next to it now have many jobs. If you continue to the south, there are still places where the court needs to take action.

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