Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1965: Regardless of talent in the atmosphere

   Gougan was asleep. He was a three-year-old kid, and he rushed all the way to Luoyang. His brother fell ill again.

   Finally settled down, he had eaten, but he couldn't stand it anymore. The cotton mattress was comfortable and he slept.

   Ma Shishi and Zheng Lian went under the window and chatted quietly, and they played sweaters by the way.

   "There are many techniques for knitting with woolen yarn, practicing hands, and stitching sweaters..."

   Zheng Lian wears her sweater skillfully, she is the fastest without delay in speaking.

   The other two Zhuangzi's women are slow, to the point of a bit slower, and the rhythms of the two have just diverged.

   When one person is threading the needle, the other person is guaranteed to wind the needle.

   Ma Shishi is much smarter than her man, at least in terms of emotional intelligence.

   She knew that these two slow-moving people were not unskilled, but too skilled, controlling their speed.

   She can see any step at any time, she learns it awkwardly one by one.

   By the way, I also want to chat with Zheng Lian and talk about her past events.

   After half an hour, she was able to operate slowly without affecting her speech by the way.

   Another hour passed, her speed picked up, and the other two people just diverged, keeping the same speed as hers.

   When the sky darkened, she began to chase Zheng Lian's speed. Just when she thought she could catch up, Zheng Lian's speed suddenly jumped a lot faster, and the needle shadow flickered.

   The two people next to her still kept the same speed, and she felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart.

   was thinking about it, her hands were messed up, and she suddenly got stuck.

   "Sister Shi, let's take the doggie to dinner first. If there is a kerosene lamp at night, your man will come back."

   Zheng Lian's words sounded when Ma Shi's movements stopped, as if everyone should stop knitting now.

   She said that she took over Ma Shi’s needle and thread, adjusted it and put it on and fixed it, next time we knit, don’t mess it up.

   Gougan is still asleep, Ma Shishi wants to shout, Zheng Lian stretches out her hand to cover her mouth.

The person next to    picked up the dog egg and wiped the drool from the dog's mouth.

   Zheng Lian and Ma Shishi walking behind, she whispered: "When a child wakes up suddenly when he is asleep, it is easy to cause the child to convulse.

   Slowly adjust the surrounding environment. The child has an adaptation process. Unless he is too sleepy, he will wake up.

   This time is shorter than the recovery time after a convulsion, and it does little harm to the child's body. "

   "Sister Zheng, you know so much. When I didn't join the Li Family Zhuangzi, I thought I and Ji En were very good.

   Only now I know that there is no one in Lijiazhuangzi.

   When we arrive at Zhuangzi, we must study hard and not drag the whole Zhuangzi down. "

   Ma Shi has a sense of inferiority, but does not abandon himself.

   "Sister Shi may not know, we were assessing you just now.

   Your physical coordination and learning abilities are very strong. When we learned to wear sweaters, we were far behind you.

After   , you will have a new assessment, depending on your ability to arrange things for you.

  Some things are rewarded by God and cannot be changed.

  Some are working **** their own, one is loyalty, and the other is a learning mentality.

   Farmers are learning every day and making continuous progress. This is what the proprietor values ​​most.

  骐骥 takes a leap, and can’t take ten steps;

   Give it aside without breaking the rotten wood; Perseverance, the gold and stone can be pierced. "

   Zheng Lian said, she is in charge of this matter.

   Not only was she in charge of the Ma Shishi, she had to teach her other later craftsmen's family members.

   Check first, then guide, so that newcomers can be integrated into Zhuangzi, who has his own cultural heritage.

   Give them an example, tell them how to reach that height, and inspire them to move forward.

   Ma Shishi could hear her, but she didn't understand what followed, but she knew the difference between Lijiazhuangzi.

   She found that the three people she met didn’t count herself, not that she couldn’t. How could she not know how to count people if she could teach herself and test herself while wearing sweaters?

   Sister Zheng Lian in front of her was always teaching herself, very patient, and she didn't see a fight.

   "Sister Zheng, you are really knowledgeable, how did you learn?" Ma Shishi asked enviously.

   "I went to Zhuangzi to learn, the mouth of my family was originally found by Yao Chong to work, Zhongshu, then called Ziwei.

   I had to fight against my proprietor’s Zhuangzi and hired craftsmen to build a mansion alone, but in the end I never fought.

  We were assigned to Lijiazhuangzi. The mouth of my family is the same as that of yours, and I know how to work all day long. "

   Zheng Lian said with a smile, Yao Chong worked so hard, and finally joined the group.

   Ma Shishi laughed together, so did you once Zaifu.

   smiled and smiled, she suddenly reacted, can sister Zheng Lian's man be favored by Zaifu before? Then his ability...

   Lijia Zhuangzi’s artisans exist like this? If my man comes in, he really has to learn!

   How strong is Zaifu to be able to compete with Lijiazhuangzi?

  "Go to see our donkey egg first, and then see horse egg, they should also be asleep, especially the donkey egg, got acute pneumonia, and suffered!

   Sister Shi, shouldn’t the donkey egg be the second child? How did you become the third child? Is it to fool God? "

   Zheng Lian suddenly diverged, thinking about the arrangement of other children's names.

   "I gave birth to the second child at the time, and thought it was the last one, but I didn't know that there was another third child.

   I caught a cold at that time and I didn't see red for three months, so I thought it would never happen again.

   After changing the place, my stomach hurts and I went to the hospital to see it. They said that the book written by Li Shenyi had this disease.

   Later, I took medicine for me, and I was fine after taking it. This is the youngest. "

   Ma Shishi happily said, she is now close to the genius doctor, and the child is still under the care of the genius doctor.

   is so hot, it should be impossible to survive.

   How can I be held by Yu Lin Feiqi to Zhuangzi and survived, and said that there is no big problem, the proprietor said it himself.

   mortal disease, it can be cured so easily! What is it if you are not a genius doctor?

   "Mother~!" Walking on the Dog Dan woke up, not feeling well, he was held by others, struggling to get to the ground, and when he found his mother, he raised his head and shouted.

   "Mother is here." Ma Shi ran over to hug his son.

   The child rubbed his eyes: "Mother, I will go by myself."

   He came down again, let his mother hold him, and followed him in a daze.

   Adapting and recovering while walking, he doesn't know what happened before, and it takes a little time for him to remember.

   When they arrived at the hospital, Zheng Lian saw a nurse and said, "Xiaoyan, donkeydanerniang and brother are here."

   "A 06, let's go in, it's not contagious, the horse egg is there." The nurse understood that there was no need to wear a mask.

   "Let's go there first." Zheng Lian didn't say much, she was all her own.

   opened the door of the room, and an older child was holding a little baby there and feeding with a bottle, the nurse next to him stood watching.

   "Mother!" The older child shouted when his mother came in.

   The nursing baby turned his head, shook his head, threw off the pacifier, opened his small arms, and looked at his mother anxiously: "Ah! Ah! Uh! Wow~~~ Cough cough cough cough! Puff!"

   He is anxious, crying, coughing, and spitting out sputum.

   Then the cry was louder, and there was sputum and milk under the lower lip, and my eyes were full of tears.


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