Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1973: Loyalty monument as an official platoon

   "Dogs don't need to worry, first go take a bath and change clothes, find a house, and change the school environment for the kids."

   Li Yi personally received him, everyone knew him, and he spoke more casually.

   turned his head and looked at Fang Taozheng: "Three wolves desperately, there has never been a hero who has fallen from the sky, only mortals who have come forward.

   What you are protecting is recognized by the people of Datang. In two days, all the surrounding Orion will come to Zhuangzi.

   Your majesty and I have been here too short, so busy all day, I can’t find time to see you.

   Your Majesty has heard about you and told me: The soul of the Tang Dynasty, the folks can find it. Life and death are shared, fate is true. There are sons in the Fang family, and Chen without a watch. The blood is full of blood, and the maple is dyed in the deep autumn. The man is true to life and human. The sky can ask, a few degrees of red dust. Records in the county, holy will bestow honors. "

   Li Yi knows Fang Taozheng's situation, just like Zhang Shunpang who bleached his teeth.

   The tooth was knocked out to save the child who fell into the water, and he almost died.

   Fang Tao in front of him is in the same situation, even worse.

   Five wolves besieged, he took three dogs to rush.

   The matter of waiting for the Orion is confirmed, and it must be publicized and given honor to others.

   Fang Taozheng actually understood. He is an Orion, but it does not mean that he is literate. As long as he is willing to learn, there are pinyin in the newspaper.

   "Lord Li, I dare to ask, can I find a stonemason to carve a stele for my dog? Wooden ones are fine, I can't carve them by myself."

   Fang Taozheng made a request that he felt was too much, and carved a monument to the dog.

  "At the moment, all dogs who fight to the death for humans or rescue dead dogs should stand on a monument.

   so that the people know, dogs are like this, let alone people?

   The dog of six animals kills the meat-eating dog, protects the lord’s dog, sings and chants. "

   Li Yi promised to erect a monument to the dog, no problem, the dog was used to save people.

   Dogs are different from dogs, just as people are different from people. Some dogs just eat meat, and some people do not as good as dogs.

   Police dogs, military dogs, drug detection dogs, guide dogs and other dog breeds have high status.

   The purpose of building a monument to a dog is to inspire people, it has nothing to do with the dog, and the dog cannot understand the tablet.

   "Thank you Li Dongzhu." Fang Taozheng hit the ground.

   For ordinary people, keeping a dog is like taking care of the nursing home and eating it by the way.

   For Orion, a dog is life, otherwise why would they want to have a mountain dog?

   For the hunting dog, he would rather let him die in old age than fight him to death.

   Fang Taozheng can be said to be grateful, and there is joy in sadness, Li Dongzhu agreed.

   On the other side, Ron kept crying, wiping his tears, princess Yuzhen was coaxing.

   "I wrote the Wanmin Form, and your Majesty has come to Luoyang. No one appreciates the Wanmin Form."

   Ron got a little dark, but it didn't affect his handsomeness. His handsomeness is the kind of more feminine, strong women like.

   Princess Yuzhen is naturally strong, she is like Princess Jinxian, Li Longji's sister, the same father and mother.

   Both of them also thought about being strong Li Yi, but unfortunately, Li Yi is stronger than them and has no interest in them at all.

   You play yours, don't get involved with me.

   Ron doesn't have Li Yi's ability, and now he feels wronged.

   "Brother Emperor already knew that Wanmin is not important. Do you understand what I wrote in your letter?"

   Princess Yuzhen feels distressed, oops! Tanned!

   But looking at the body is strong and strong, it's not bad.

   "As soon as you write a letter, it is what Li Yi does and let me learn it. How can he not do it in my position when he is so good?"

   Ron continued to wipe his tears, making people wonder, what made the handsome man cry?

   Princess Yuzhen is a bit disgusting for some reason, why are you so damn? No, can you be a man?

   "You said, you said! Why? Li Yi just moved his mouth, I'm building roads and planting trees and water."

   Ron covered his face with his hands and whimpered, so miserable!

   "If Li Yi changes location with you to repair the mountain road, Zaifu will have to kneel and beg him to come back."

   Princess Yuzhen thought about that scene and said, Li Yi is not there for one day, do you know how worried my emperor brother and Zaifu are?

   Do you compare yourself with Li Yi? Believe it or not, if you stand in front of the emperor and say this, can the emperor beat you to death?

   "I will take the imperial examination next year, and I want to pass it upright."

   Ron said in a rage, I don't need your recommendation, I want my own skills.

   "Okay, ambitious. You have been building roads on the mountain for many days, and when you have more rewards, the Luoyang Ministry of Industry will arrange for you to do things first."

   Princess Yuzhen looked at Ron high. It would be great to not need to recommend you. Do you know how difficult it is to recommend you?

   Brother Huang now compares Li Yi when he catches an individual. Who can stand this?

   "The Ministry of Engineering? Yes! Yuanwailang?" Ron said that he could be an official.

   "Shu Lingshi." Princess Yuzhen said three words.

   "So small?" Ron was also three words.

   "Will you be a member of the staff? Do you know what the staff member of the department does?" Princess Yuzhen asked.

   "I can't learn it." Ron thought he would soon learn through hard work, at least he would build some roads now.

   "Why don't you just call the meeting person?" Princess Yuzhen asked again.

  Do you study? Is it a question of whether or not to learn the officials of Yuanwailang's fifth grade?

   "Which grade is Shulingshi?" Ron asked in a low voice, lacking confidence.

   "Don't you know? Looking back, you study the official rank of Datang, and the Ministry of Engineering has ordered Shi Liu to be honored. If you work hard, you will be able to enter the lower rank.

   Jingzhao Prefecture and Henan Prefecture’s Shuling History are equivalent to each department, Shangzhou Liuwai Second Product, Zhongzhou Liuwai Third Product, Xiazhou Liuwai Fourth Product, and the county is Liuwai Five Product. "

   Princess Yuzhen introduced that the honors are first-class and out-of-the-box.

   I can’t ask Li Yi for this kind of question. Li Yi likes to be an official one-of-a-kind one day, but not a do I do? "Ron was pleased when he heard that he had the opportunity to be in the normal nine liu.

   "Building roads." Princess Yuzhen said the words that scared Ron the most.

   "Is still building roads? Where do I live? Where is your Luoyang Palace?" Ron lowered his head and said helplessly.

   "You live on the construction site, and I live on the mountain in Lijiazhuang. By the way, you can make money by printing books. Luo Lang, if you take the time to write poetry, I will print it for you."

   Princess Yuzhen has not forgotten her printing industry. She has a temporary residence in Ziwei City, but she has no palace in Luoyang Palace.

   Originally, many people came to Luoyang, and then they used money from the inner bank to buy land for the ascetic palace, making it more difficult for the people to find a place to live.

   So the emperor brother arranged a group of people to various places in Lijiazhuang as he did in Chang'an.

   Brother Huang has saved money, and now I don’t know how much money Brother Huang has.

   Princess Yuzhen thought, and said to Ron: "Choose a nearby road to build a road. When the day comes, I will call you to write a poem."

   "Okay, I will be more adept at memorizing the Analects." Ron, who was about to take the imperial examination, responded.

   He has no qualifications to negotiate terms. It's good to give it to an official, but he couldn't give it before. He wanted to come to Princess Yuzhen to find her Majesty for himself.

   On the other side, Li Longji asked Li Yi about money: "Brother Yi, now your Majesty has too much money in his hands, how should I spend it?"

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