Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1982: After-tax collection

Everyone turned around and came to the 30th floor, the uppermost, larger platform.

Looking down from this, the field of vision is broad.

The river on the mountain that was flooded with too much water before, now has a embankment built with cement.

In the future, no matter how big the water is, it will rush to the other side because the terrain here is high.

Deliberately draw some water out of the water cart, and the platform above provides running water to the small meandering canal.

Small rockery, bonsai, tree planted, beach for children to play...

As long as people come to see it, they will know that it is a place of leisure and entertainment.

Everyone sat down to rest and watched the scenery below the mountain.

Dried fruits and juice are placed on the table for people to use at any time.

Bi Gou grabbed a handful of pine nuts, did not take the pliers, and directly bit them with his teeth. There were cracks, but he still bit them.

Song Jing used tongs to pinch the hazelnuts. This year's new hazelnuts were picked out by floating water and passed through a sieve to separate the small, medium, and large ones.

"Xiao Yi, where is the warm soup?" Song Jing asked Li Yi, coming to the hot spring.

"The location of the mountainside, go down from another place. From the first floor to the thirtieth floor, walk to another place, down to the middle."

Li Yi pointed to the direction to the side, where he could go down.

"It's no wonder that your elevator is so profitable, and you have to go so far in a soup?"

Su Ting looked at Li Yi in surprise, you are too dark.

"Go to your Huaqing Palace to soak in the hot springs, don't you go up the mountain?"

Li Yi retorted that going east from Chang'an City to Huaqing Lake was much farther than going up and down the stairs.

"In that case, why didn't the building be repaired there?" Yao Chong asked from another aspect.

"There are buildings there, but the road under the mountain is usually not open to the public, and it is relatively quiet.

Otherwise, if you are soaking, there will always be people passing by. You promise to be uncomfortable. If it catches fire, the road down the mountain will open.

In addition, there are a lot of people walking, the road is dirty, and the hot spring water flows down to Xiaoluonan Village.

There are culverts underground, and the bottom of cement is paved and washed with sand.

The hot spring water flows down from above and still has the temperature, so that you can take a bath, and the villagers use that water to bathe every day.

Washing clothes in winter does not freeze hands, hot springs have solved many life problems. "

Li Yi introduced the situation, the hot spring water can't disappear out of thin air, there must be a place to go.

Directly lead to the river, and it is better to follow to Xiaoluonan Village.

The hot springs here cannot go directly to the innermost circle to soak.

Part of it flows into other locations, and some flows directly down the mountain. When it comes to Xiaoluonan, it is more than forty degrees, and it can be lower in winter.

The bath is enough, the laundry is more comfortable, not cold at all.

"The village under the mountain dug a hole to store water?" Bi Gou swallowed the pine nuts.

"Ma Cunzheng, tell Lao Bi." Li Yi was unwilling to answer, he hadn't eaten yet.

There are so many pine nuts this year that you can eat them wide.

Majin Muramasu stood beside him all the time, drinking juice. He had six teeth inlaid, and he was still uncomfortable and did not dare to bite hard things.

He put down the juice and began to explain how to use the hot spring water in the village.

Many terrazzo ponds have been repaired in the village, and they are covered by wooden houses.

The laundry is at the east end of the village, and the water flows there, and then flows into the river after passing through the greenhouse area.

Some of those pools are for their own use and some are reserved for guests.

Some people have little money and come here for a stroll, and they can only eat a low-priced meal on the first floor of Zuixianju.

If you want to bathe, go to the village, including the entourage of the rich.

In addition, the village provides food at a low price, and the villagers’ income increases.

There are large livestock in the plowing and harrowing of the land, and they are busy for a while when harvesting.

In the early stage, he ran hot springs, and then worked for Zuixianju.

"Can a household make two hundred dollars a month?" Bi Gou thought of the income issue instantly.

Ma Jinma Village is lowering his head and responding quietly, "Pay for living expenses."

"So life is not enough?" Bi Go asked.

"Children have to eat meat, how can they grow white and fat without eating meat." Ma Jin continued to answer.

"Would you like to pay a lot of money for working in Zuixianju?" Bi Gou wanted to figure out the income of Xiaoluonan Village.

"It's hard to meet Li Dongzhu in our village. It's hard work to make some money." Ma Jin was about to cry.

"Longze, Ma Cun is afraid that you will collect taxes from them." Li Dan understood.

Ma Jin nodded, yes, follow you, you have to collect the tax from the proprietor Li from time to time, and you collect all his taxes. What should I do in my village?

"If you don't accept it, is the old man the one who sees money open? Xiao Luonan Village has just been washed away by the flood, and the old man promises that he won't accept it."

Bi Gou is depressed, what has he become in the eyes of others?

"Really not?" Ma Jin asked incredulously.

"These people here, how can the old man break his promise?" Bi Go stared.

"In fact, life is really easy. About a household can have an extra income of more than ten years a month." Ma Jin finally said the number.

"How much?" Bi Go jumped up, staring at Ma Jin with wide eyes.

"Ten, ten years ago, some people have more families, more people, and some less." Ma Jin repeated.

"One household a month does not count the others, only this one is more than 10,000 yuan? The village's household and registration..."

"The household is one hundred and sixty-five, the mouth is eight hundred and eleven, including the baby in the baby, two thousand dollars a month."

Ma Jin knows this very well, he always thinks so, even the breast-feeding baby, on average, a lot of money per month.

"Ah~~" Bi Gou sighed up to the sky, and he just promised not to collect taxes. UU reading

Of course... too much, right?

"Old Bi, they want to pay back the money. The terrazzo pool and shed, and other utensils that Zhuangzi gave to repair, ask for money, not for nothing."

Li Yi was afraid that Bi Gou would fall, so he had to treat it, which was bothersome.

"It's okay, the old man doesn't care, the old man counts money in ten thousand yuan as a unit, the old man is happy, and Xiao Luonan village should be a model."

Bi Gou quickly adjusted, how much can he charge for taxes? It’s nothing more than comparing the village with the people of other places and earning...

Liu Chong said at this time: "Xiao Luonan Village has a high income, so you are not afraid of robbers?"

"Where are the culprits? Usually dozens of people dare to enter the village and can't beat them to death.

We make a lot of money and are ready to raise cattle. Everyone has agreed to raise more cattle to cultivate the land.

If you can't use it up by yourself, you can rent it out to others, and ask for less money, as it is to help others.

Many wealthy people in Luoyang Palace have gone, but we didn’t have money before, and suddenly we had money, so we didn’t look right. "

Ma Jin explained the future arrangements and human nature.

How much money do others make in a day when they open a large restaurant? Everyone looked at it and thought that there was nothing wrong with it, and they opened a restaurant!

If you change to a village, there is more money, and everyone thinks, how can you farm the land so rich? You are farming!

"What did Xiao Yi say?" Yao Chong turned to Li Yi.

"What am I talking about? How much money does Zhangjiacun earn in a month?

Wait for part of the monthly deduction, pay back the construction cost, and collect taxes!

How can I say that Xiaoluonan Village is an extra business, and the profit is high, ten taxes are one. "

Li Yi did not favor Xiaoluonan Village. He just made money and made people happy, so he could save a little bit before collecting taxes.

Ma Jin hurriedly agreed: "Yes, when the spring of the coming year starts, we have a lot of savings, our hearts are at ease, and we are willing to pay taxes."

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