Bringing System to Great Tang

: I just came back from the police station at 1 o'clock this evening

As for the farmer’s code, someone knocked on the door, saying that it was from the criminal police team and asked the farmer to see the ID. Then two people came in and asked the farmer if he had searched for gunpowder, yellow powder, etc. The farmer said no at first. Afterwards, they said, your mobile phone number designated by the national network, you look at this paper, when the search is written, we only found your address, think about it again. The farmer just thought about it, ah~! Have! I did check it, and it's useful for writing novels. However, the search records cannot be provided. The farmer changed his mobile phone, and the system was reinstalled on the computer. There was gunpowder in the chapter. I went with them to the nearby police station. They typed it by themselves, the farmer provided the information, and finally signed and sent the farmer back. They actually carried guns, thinking that the farmhouse made gunpowder or something. This incident shows that the country attaches great importance to it. Behind the apparent security and peace, someone is paying. If they weren't looking for a farmer, they would go home from get off work. Thanks to the country and the Criminal Police Team for their dedication. There are a lot of calls on their list, saying that the farmhouse is for writing novels, some are for learning purposes, and some are actually investigating this thing for the purpose of making small firecrackers. The two detectives are not fierce at all and have a good attitude. Many people are silently contributing to the stability of the society, so there should be no fluke in wanting to break the law. The farmer takes a bath, and then continues to code, a little later.

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