Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1988: Performing arts skills are integrated

"Why is it longer and more beautiful? Oh, this figure, hehehe!" Li Yi finally had the kind of normal human emotion feedback.

"Okay? Want to sleep with your arms around?" A voice seemed to come from a distant place.

"What to sleep? It should accompany you for a lifetime. When the young memory is blurred, the years are fascinating."

Li Yi now walked up and hugged Princess Yongmu's slightly swaying waist, it was so beautiful.

"You two live together tonight." The voice sounded again.

"Today... Third Brother? So what, do you think the moon is round, does it look like a jade plate?" Li Yi suddenly became sober.

"Today is the last quarter moon, not round." Li Longji stared.

"Yes! The new moon will be in two days. At the new moon, discuss the Dao with the Buddhist and Taoists."

Li Yi looked at the sky. There was no moon at all, and it didn't rise. It will be there after a while.

"Oh~!" Li Longji sighed: "Do you know all their doorways?"

"Tomorrow night I will show you a demonstration by normal means.

There is no Buddha statue buried in the soil to rise, that is to grow beans.

There is no boiling oil to get money either. That one uses heated foaming material. It seems to be boiling, but it's okay.

Vinegar is not good. Vinegar has a taste, and oil requires an extra layer of protection.

Climbing the knife mountain lies in the power of the fingers at the angle of contact. Climbing the knife mountain is to climb, using both hands and feet.

Your fingers are strong enough, pinch the side of the blade, the weight of the foot is small.

And under the fire, run the red-hot charcoal, as long as there is water in the soles of the feet.

For example, when you are performing, the grass mat or cotton mat you step on is moist, and you don't need your feet to sweat.

The tip of the spear on the throat is real hard qigong, and the cocoons are worn out there.

The sword swallowing is not, there are two kinds of swallowing swords, one is the reduced sword, and the sword can be stretched and retracted.

The other is a condom, which goes down from the throat, through the esophagus, cardia, and stomach.

Actually it's uncomfortable, but it can be tolerated, just like inserting a gastroscope, the sword is in the sleeve, and..."

Li Yi introduced various performance methods, especially the sword swallowing. Most people think that the sword is telescopic.

Some people don't need to stretch, there is another sleeve, just like a gastroscope.

Of course it's uncomfortable, but I can persist, just like some gangsters dislocating a child's joints. These people are good at orthopedics.

Everyone is silly, but those things are so simple? You all?

"Xiao Yi, how about stepping on raw eggs? Stepping on a few raw eggs and then splitting the porcelain plate with bare hands. What is the principle?"

Li Dan is interested. He has watched other people's performances, but he can't ask the principle. It's a smashing job.

"That is really kung fu. The eggs are raw and hard. They usually have to be barefoot to master. Chopping plates is relatively simple. You look like chopping, but in fact it is breaking.

However, Guo Ziyi can squeeze the porcelain fragments into powder, and many Yulin Feiqi can also do it, the strength training of the fingers and the thickness of the cocoon. "

Li Yi also understands this, but he can't do it.

This thing is just like performing a ball-holding operation for a big disciple. There are all theories. Can you give it a try?

If it is so easy, why bother to find many death row prisoners to practice?

All these have to be practiced, just like some of his missteps at that time, willing to buy cheap jelly.

Some people think they love to eat, but they actually use this to practice tongue and throat swallowing and vomiting.

To live is not easy, from all walks of life.

"Brother Yi, write it out for Liyuan."

Li Longji discovered the New World. Why didn't Yi brother say such things before?

One thing is how to thresh, shell and grind.

There are digging wells, ditches, forest frogs and bean worms.

"There are some props, the charges are very cheap!" Li Yi nodded first, then suddenly withdrew money.

"How cheap is it?" Li Longji asked unexpectedly.

"One technique is basically enough, one-time.

It’s not a one-off, I’m going to pay for it.

For example, this sea urchin steamed egg, after eating it, look at the third brother.

I stretched out my hands and there were no sea urchins. I twisted my hands around to show you the back of my hands. There were still no sea urchins.

I'm...Oh! When it gets stuck, the sea urchin thorn is too annoying. "

Li Yi performed close-range magic to Li Longji, and one was accidentally stabbed.

He squeezed quickly, in case this is poisonous.

Li Longji had never seen Li Yi perform a magic trick, and was astonished at the moment: "Brother Yi, do you still do this?"

"I'm a surgeon who performs surgical operations on the brain, chest, and the outside world. If my hands are not flexible enough, would I dare to perform operations on others?"

Li Yi stretched out his hands without any protruding nails.

He wears it every day, sometimes it rains, he puts his hands in the deerskin gloves to keep the temperature.

An average person's temperature difference of a few degrees doesn't matter. If he performs extra-brain or extra-spiritual surgery, his hands must remain absolutely flexible.

Xiao Xianrou cut a bit of skin on his fingers, hurry to the hospital, otherwise he will grow up.

For Li Yi, his hands are more precious than small fresh meat.

He had an extra-brain surgery. Not to mention a cut in his hand, he could use pure water to change the water in his home the first day to avoid muscle fatigue.

Of course, Xiao Xianrou is for his own hypocrisy, he is responsible for the patient, the two are different.

If you need to perform extra-brain or extra-psychic surgery on a certain patient you should sleep now, and the indoor temperature is best 25 degrees.

With this kind of hand, you can do magic and just practice a little bit.

The hands of doctors who can perform interventional operations are flexible.

Li Longji ate a steamed egg with sea urchin and used sea urchin shells to practice it. He was pierced several times.

On the other side, the women in Si Gongfang are trying to remember the new song from Chang'an, and the dance is also of secondary importance.

They are both good at choreographers, mainly listening to the connotation of the tune.

The number of songs in the Tang Dynasty is small, such as writing that the day is surrounded by mountains and the Yellow River flows into the sea.

Belonging to the five musts, there will be singing.

Write that all the birds are flying high, and the lone cloud goes free. The same is the five best, the same song.

It is the same as Li Yi's time-changing songs without changing tunes, especially in different language versions, called filling in words.

Such as: Lang Ben! Wandering! Thousands of miles of surging rivers never stop.

Another way is: unforgettable, brilliant, who can forget Shanghai Beach.

Also: the light breeze tonight will blow my heart.

Then there is another one: drifting with the waves and wind, with the waves of a lifetime.

This was the case in the Tang Dynasty. A piece of music was filled with many words, as long as they met the same metric, they were filled in.

It's the same as doing some operations, but the ones that can produce new songs, that is, the surgical methods invent new techniques, are equally awesome.

"Li Lang, I sang the letter you wrote to Tianyou, they like it very much!"

Princess Yongmu is back. She is tired from singing and scoring by herself, so she rests.

"So, our folk songs are the best. Depending on the environment of each place, it may be unrestrained or lingering."

Li Yi just heard it, and he copied Xintianyou.

But he is still thinking about Jiangnan's grace and grace, and each has its own strengths.


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