Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2019: Child treatment

The children’s meal is burritos, without the fluffy hemp flowers fried out of milk.

The kind of method that was adopted for the convenience of production, now there are more people and more people working.

Stir-fry and pancakes, roll them whatever they want.

Also add a tea egg, and a small bowl of fungus carrot bone soup.

The children find a place to sit down and eat slowly, not in a hurry.

It doesn't matter if they see adults coming, look! Do you dare to grab my cake?

"Help us to tell us that there are other children who don't want to enter the school. We are allowed to choose freely, stay or leave while not touching too many secrets."

Xunxin said to the craftsmen around him, pass each other.

He waited for the children to start eating, and asked someone to help roll two cakes. He didn't eat in the morning.

He has been so busy, so hungry and sour.

The craftsmen said to each other, the more they spread, the more truthful they were.

"Roll me a biscuit, not too spicy, nor shredded pickles."

Ma Shi is also hungry. She has breakfast. She is nursing and holding children, and now she is a little hungry.

Before lunch, I was greedy by looking at the burrito.

It was very embarrassing when I didn't enter the Li Family Zhuangzi.

After becoming a member of Lijiazhuang, you can eat whatever you want.

She had given her baby porridge to replace part of her breast milk because she had little breast milk before, and the baby got sick because of insufficient antibodies.

When Li Yi had data, the probability of a healthy mother breastfeeding a baby getting sick is far lower than that of formula feeding, regardless of the expensive formula.

There are antibodies in breast milk, but not in milk powder. If the milk powder has antibodies, there will be a problem. Give the virus vaccine? Is it inactivated?

Inactivation does not work either. Inactivation is not to inactivate the virus, but to kill other germs and toxins and retain the virus.

After the virus is destroyed, can antibodies be produced?

The little baby fell asleep and slept very securely in his father's arms.

Ma Jien is a craftsman with a muscular body, not to mention two arms, a single arm ‘wraps’ the baby.

In fact, it is to raise one arm horizontally, and the baby puts it on, steady.

He doesn't need a baby carrier, his arms are flat, and Ma Shishi can sit on it. This is the physique that women like most.

Of course, not all, some women like small fresh meat, they are strong.

They like their little men to rub fat and powder, draw eyebrows and draw eyes, have weak writing, milky voices, milky, well-behaved and soft.

In general, such women are five big and thick, wide-hearted and fat, fat-headed and fat-faced, with luxuriant body hair, and rough voice.

Such men and women, one is born, there is no way, normal, do not discriminate.

The other one belongs to the day after tomorrow. The male mom and the female don’t know how to exercise in temperance.

The craftsmen have good physique, although they are not as good as Yulin Feiqi, and Li Yi deliberately exercised.

Li Yi mainly exercises explosive power. The muscle mass looks normal, not the big one.

Ma Jien himself didn't know that the unmarried woman in charge of the burrito had taken a fancy to his body. He held the baby with one arm up, and he was not tired.

"It's okay for you to eat pickles, and enough milk." Ma Jien felt sorry for his wife and asked him to eat pickles.

He is studying, collecting wood by the way. Wood is different from wood, and he makes things for other people's homes. He will make wood according to what other people produce.

Replaced by himself, he looked at the wood to see the species, the time of laying, and the texture.

Some pieces of wood have big boils, should they be cut off or flattened? Where is it used? What kind of wood does the texture match?

This is all knowledge, you can't fool yourself, right?

Marsh chewed on the burrito: "Eating, except for the baby's fixed time milk, I work and sweat at other times.

Then drink more bone broth, and the salt will be drained out. Our donkey eggs like to drink it.

His heartbeat and other physical reactions are fine, the milk is a bit salty, and he is not a few months old. "

When Ma Shi eats burritos, the other party knows the situation and tries to match the fat, lean, and vegetables as much as possible.

Some of Lijiazhuangzi's children don't like to eat fat, and there is no shortage of fat.

"Okay, all the planning of Henan Mansion has been completed. But it has exhausted me, and it is even more difficult than when I was in Jingzhao Mansion."

Li Yi hit the keyboard one last time, leaning on the back of the chair, and he collapsed.

Princess Yongmu hurriedly handed over the ginseng tea, she liked to see how Li Yi looked when she was working seriously.

"Li Lang, how can I look better than Jingzhao Mansion?" Princess Yong Mu watched Li Yi operate and found the problem.

"Because the river here does not freeze in winter, and it is close to Haizhou at the same time.

When Tubo and post-Turkic cease to be strategic targets, economic development should be the center.

Luoyang is more suitable than Chang'an, especially in terms of industrialization.

Because we want to export, going out from Luoyang is much closer than Chang'an. "

Li Yi admits that his plan for Luoyang is better than Chang'an, but he doesn't mean that Henan Mansion is better than Jingzhao Mansion.

Jingzhaofu is now not only water network and public transportation, but also breeding industry, especially rabbits and pigs.

This is different. Jingzhao Mansion must sell the bred pigs after getting involved in the surrounding situation.

"Li Lang, if you are so busy, others are just taking it easy."

Princess Yongmu felt that the salary should be deducted and the salaries of other ministers should be deducted.

As for raising Li Lang's salary... forget it.

How much can it go up? Isn't it enough for a meal?

"In fact, they do a lot of work, and they are responsible for trivial matters.

Including the current local construction and withdrawal of the troops after the war against Tubo.

There is no problem in the entire northwest. The next step is to focus on Bohai, and then Silla.

The Navy is the top priority, the more the better, now it is far from the saturation level I thought. "

From the internal political arrangements, Li Yi thought of external military deployments and plans.

"It's really nothing!" Princess Yong Mu thought for a while and agreed, now Datang is safe.

"Yes, I can guarantee that in the entire Southwestern region, it's impossible..."

"Dudu, dudu, proprietor, something has happened! Why do you always stand up the flag! Su Lu brought a tuqi to the side, Zhang Xiaosong asked for a fight."

The little robot broke out when Li Yi's voice fell, and started fighting! Don't talk anymore!

"Huh?" Li Yi circled: "How dare he? Is he tired of life?

Seeing the winter, do they want to launch an offensive in early winter?

Autumn harvest? A bumper harvest in autumn? Have enough food and grass to support them in fighting a war? "

Li Yi can't understand, is he crazy? Both the Tubo and the Post-Turkic are abolished, so what a fart as the Turks? Thought it was when everyone wooed you?

Li Yi was puzzled, but Zaifu was even more at a loss. It shouldn't be the reason!

"Isn't it because you should stay honestly at this moment? What is jumping up and down is to bully Datang and can't fight the Winter War?"

Su Ting wondered, why? Don't want to live anymore?

"Who passed the news?" Song Jing was more vigilant.

"Zhang Xiaosong, it's him. He didn't come back directly with someone, but changed a strategic goal."

Su Ting squeezed his eyebrows into a Sichuan word and said.


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