Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2021: The people's feelings are in peace

The children asked the adults to drag the dead horse to the telegraph machine. There was a makeshift shed here.

While listening to the movement, they used a knife to break down the horse meat and cut it into pieces the size of a ping-pong ball, but they were not round.

When I am waiting to go back, I wrap it in horses and put it on skewers and bake it at home.

They were actually in class, Sulu came, so many people, they didn't want to study, they all had to prepare for battle.

The broken city will be captured as a slave, life is better than death.

Everyone doesn't understand the principle, anyway, knowing that Dongzhu Li did it well.

Life is good now. Raisins can be sold for money, and the production is simple. When they are mature, they can be hung up and placed in a place where the sun can’t get the sun. They will become raisins when they are dried in the shade.

There are also wines, with gauze filtration, primary fermentation and secondary fermentation, and put them in jars, which can sell for a lot of money.

Now there are good things to deliver news quickly, and I won’t be afraid of Sulu coming over again in the future.

After Jia Guichang finished the translation, a child came over with a piece of meat with blood in his hands: "Does uncle eat meat? It's still hot, not cold at all."

Jia Guichang: "..."

He hesitated for a second, then opened his mouth: "Thank you! Ah!"

The child stuffed the meat into his mouth happily, and he chewed it hard, it didn't taste good.

Not tasty doesn't mean that you can't eat it. Yubayashi Feiqi eating this is a routine operation.

He is also one of the first people, who have meat to eat, and those who are well-versed in matters are all happy.

"Do you want salt? It's a bit fishy to eat like this, not easy to swallow, but it's warm."

The child put his hand on the snow and rubbed it, shook it, and took out the small bamboo tubes from his pockets, filled with salt.

"No, that's it, waiting for everyone to eat together."

Jia Guichang wants to eat cooked food, but his ability to eat raw food does not mean that he likes to eat it.

Just like being afraid of death in war, it doesn't mean that you want to die.

The child nodded: "I know you don't want to eat raw, but I actually like cooked.

I came here to take a picture of you, so that you can help. You can talk to the proprietor's brother.

Tell him, my name is Pirnuhan, and I thank him! Thank you with other partners. "

"Okay!" Jia Guichang was taken aback for a moment, and then began to send a report against the words.

"As long as there are enough mobile troops, there is no offense or defense. When fighting a battle, it is the mobilization of troops.

Su Luruo came to fight, indicating that the internal problem was serious.

I think he should go to fight in white clothes. It is better to fight over there, and there is no alliance between them. What is the embarrassment of the attack now.

Datang has given him so many benefits. He doesn't know how to be grateful. He thinks that his position is worthy of others to win him over. "

The big map on the wall was projected, and Li Yi gestured with a stick, and there was a weather introduction next to it.

It is not easy to fight in the local area. Sulu fought once, and it was snowing, and it was impossible to come again, even if the army was not lost.

"Proprietor, there is a child named Pirnuhan. He said that he and his friends thank you." The little robot in charge of the projection said.

"Arrange manpower and send skin creams there. There is no need for Zhuangzi to sell people. Zhuangzi in Chang'an sells things and finds a merchant to go there."

Li Yi paused, finished his instructions, and continued to point to the map and said: "After planting a large amount of cotton, Datang can digest it according to demand.

There are not enough people to pick cotton, so I just find a way to hire people from the Western Regions, regardless of whether they are young or old, men or women, as long as they participate, they can make money or exchange things.

Set up shack in the local area and live for them, encourage merchants to buy slaves, and then in the cotton production area, I am going to build a handicraft...

Lao Bi, why did you post me so close? Stop me, you... The court cooperated with me to establish a handicraft labor-intensive industrial zone.

Buying slaves by merchants does not mean that merchants are involved in this industry, because it is too far away and difficult to manage.

Once merchants formed a local handicraft industry scale, they would be able to sell Datang for money.

We only buy slaves provided by merchants, and then tell the slaves how many points can become free men. "

Li Yi explained his follow-up arrangements. Like the original Southwestern Man, he used to work hard to be free.

As a result, now, the Southwest Man doesn't want to be free, and the points feel quite useless.

It is better to be a prisoner in Lijiazhuang to get free and live outside.

If the child learns well, he can be in charge in the future and be sent out. As long as he doesn't touch too many Zhuangzi technical secrets, he can be an official of Datang.

Li Yi's purpose is to attract people to pick cotton, and then settle down there.

Slaves have various transitional periods, but other free men don't need it.

When the local area becomes prosperous, larger cities can be built, and the military layout will be outward.

After talking about Li Yi, he left and went back to rest. He needed to relax and finally finished his work.

He was looking for a swimming pool to wade, drinking beer, eating small skewers, not the older ones, because he was afraid that he would not be able to drink wine when he was full.

"You tell Zhang Xiaosong, let him... how did you go?"

Song Jing had an idea, and said to the little robot that, except for a little robot who stayed beside Li Longji and a little robot who stayed in front of Li Dan, everyone else left.

"I don't have electricity, I need to recharge it."

"It's so cold in the room, basking in the sun."

"I haven't eaten yet at noon, blame the poor!"

The little robots are looking for excuses to leave. They don't actually need to find reasons. They want to go, but can others stop them? They are just broken mouths.

Ministers can use the little robot to find Li Yi, but they cannot let the little robot do other things.

Unless in a service state, such as food delivery.

"Why can't the battle be stopped!" Li Dan watched several small robots leave, and pushed the small robot in front of him to sit down next to him.

Everyone now knows the battery condition of the little robot, and you can’t use up too much to recharge it.

A small robot consumes the most power when walking, so if you see a small robot, if you are not charging in the sun, you can push it and the small robot can still chat with you.

If you carry something heavy by yourself, put it in the drawer or on the head of the little robot, pushing it more easily than carrying it.

When the little robot does not provide power to act, UU reads www. others push it and charge it.

"There are quarrels between husbands and wives, neighbourhood relations need to be maintained, villages and villages, counties and counties, everybody compares, and then there are conflicts."

Concubine Doulu explained the relationship between each other from the lowest level of thinking.

Between people, the children's learning is compared, and whoever makes more money is compared, and then there will be fights.

For example, it is 25 miles from Luoyang City to Lijiazhuangzi.

Some others carry burdens, some carts, and some livestock pull carts.

They are all burdened. Everyone said that if you have ten dollars, you won’t be able to eight dollars.

There are such contradictions in life, not to mention that the struggle has never stopped between countries.


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