Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2032: Worry-free with crossbow, another arrangement

The hunters in Henan Province listened and thought, with smiles on their faces.

They make a living by hunting, and they usually worry about their families every time they go into the mountains.

The hunter's cabins are so far apart that they won't be there in one day.

In the mountains and old forests, how can there be so much energy to build a hut?

The main reason is that there is no organization, everyone just abides by the same rules.

In the construction of hunter huts, a certain hunter usually builds a temporary shed first, and then hunters in the back will take a look at the place and build it again.

When the frequency increases, it is fixed. Someone just hits more prey and puts it in.

It is formed slowly, not repaired all at once.

There is organization at the moment and sufficient in the later period. Not only hunters like myself go up the mountain, but also the sixteenth Yulin Feiqi will follow.

Then hire woodcutters and porters to deliver a lot of things.

According to the plan, a small house will be built every twenty to thirty miles, spreading all over the world.

It says that it is a good food for dogs to put dog food.

Hunting is safe, there are more prey, income increases, and life becomes better.

Hu Feng followed and said: "There is one thing to say first. In the past, wild beasts hurt people and wild boars went down the mountain to harm crops. Yamen offered a reward.

When the hunter hut community is completed, the same kind of situation reappears, the yamen does not offer a reward, only orders.

We must go out to help solve the problem, we can't get the bounty, only the government commends it.

Of course, the prey after entering the mountain belongs to you, and if you cooperate, it will be distributed according to the rules. "

"Yes, it's a good thing, and I can do it."

"Basically, no wild boar will go down the mountain. As long as the hut is built inside, we will be responsible for cleaning it."

"Just rush out. There are a lot of game on the mountain, not a part of it."

Local hunters have said that they don't care about offering rewards.

Reward is a special case. Generally, people who are dead offer a reward, and the yamen can’t just sit back and watch.

The hunter's hut is the basis of living income. With the house, everyone will work together to clean up the big game.

"In order for you to be safer, the hunter huts in the future, including those in Jingzhao Mansion, will be equipped with two crossbows."

A voice sounded, and everyone looked over in an instant, who is it? Dare to match a crossbow?

"Proprietor." Zhuangzi's craftsman said tacitly.

"Dongzhu Li!" The others understood the identity of the visitor and bowed quickly.

"The crossbow is distributed, but it is not allowed to be taken away, except in very special circumstances.

For example, if you are injured, you can't open the bow, and you have to descend the mountain in a hurry. The crossbow is easy to operate.

At this time, it is allowed to take it and go down to the mountain to report to the yamen and explain the situation. "

Li Yi went on to add that the crossbow was placed in the hunter's hut.

Mainly used for defense, not offense.

Injured and unable to open the bow, the crossbow can be opened with one hand, even with the teeth, through the small window, to kill the beasts that surround it.

The main targets are wolves, bears, wild boars, tigers and leopards generally do not stay outside the place where people live.

Tigers and leopards are afraid of injury. When they encounter people and dogs, try to stay as far away as possible unless they are too hungry.

Tigers have a characteristic. First they succeed in eating and cannibalism, and then they will hunt and hunt people.

Therefore, the yamen found that the tiger was eating people and promised to offer a reward.

The power of the crossbow has always been greater than that of the bow and arrow. Otherwise, how could the court ban the bow?

"Dongzhu Li, let go of the crossbow, are you afraid that others will use it to do bad things?"

Some hunters want to put a crossbow in the hut, but worry about problems.

"The hunter's hut nearby is unworthy, and the one that is far away starts to be released. What is wrong with the hunter holding it?

Who do you want to kill with the crossbow? The hunter wants to kill, but the presence or absence of a crossbow has little effect.

Everyone understands that if you want to kill the county magistrate, you can do it all, and the few officials around the county magistrate can't prevent you from attacking and assassinating. "

Li Yi spread the words out and said that people who have certain hunting skills are actually more disciplined.

Hunters make a living mainly by hunting, not by killing and robbery.

They don’t have a problem with guns, just like he was at that time, allowing people in special places to own guns and report them.

Those who are qualified to use guns have never carried guns to the cities to kill and rob.

Don't let the guns go, for fear that other people from the country will steal it.

Stealing it is actually useless. Stealing a gun and bullets, can it be copied back with it?

The metal of the gun is different, especially the gunpowder.

"President Li, the hunter's hut has been repaired. We still want to improve it when we hunt. Can we modify it?

For example, in some places, when the hut was built, it was found to be no problem, but later in the process of using it, it was found to be inconvenient.

In this case, do we report to the government and fix it ourselves? "

Another prey asked questions, and he knew the situation would change.

In that case, it is not good to continue to use the original one.

"I went to Lijiazhuangzi and said that Lijiazhuangzi will arrange for people to go there and watch it together, not that others are not allowed to give ideas after the construction is completed."

Li Yi nodded and agreed, no problem, you know your own house best.

I do not restrict you, I am only responsible for providing things and logistics, what else do I insist on?

I am not a self-righteous official. Such officials think that they have been beaten when they are unwilling to change and do not admit their mistakes.

"Dongzhu Li, I heard that many hunters in Jingzhao Mansion can skillfully use tools and medicines for treating trauma.

We don't have it now. Can you give us some training? Trauma often kills people.

Especially in the mountains, descendants began to fever, talk nonsense, and the wounds kept pus and blood. "

Another hunter asked him not to use alcohol, stitches, or gauze.

He heard from others that the hunters of Jingzhao Mansion were proficient and seemed to have learned them specially.

Li Yi nodded again: "When the conference is over tomorrow, Lijiazhuangzi's nurse will explain to you.

In fact, it’s not difficult. There are pigs and rabbits for you to practice hands. I’m really hurt, uh... anesthetic, everyone endure the pain and operate!

In fact, by then, there will be no pain in a short time, and the person is in a state of excitement.

In order to survive, people have great potential and can bear it. "

Li Yi thought about his situation at that time. He was in danger. Someone's arm was stuck and injured, and he couldn't take it out. He was bleeding.

Ruthless people didn't care about the pain at that moment. They used a knife to cut off their injured arm from the location of the wound, the bones were broken, and the arm was broken to survive.

I got a big cut in my hand and went to the hospital and said that it was so painful that I needed anesthetic.

In the event of a disaster? Nothing to rely on People don't say what to do with anaesthetics, just endure it.

The hunters didn't know what Li Yi was thinking about. They heard Li Yi's special training and smiled again.

This is medicine, ability, and learning ability can not only treat wounds for yourself, but also help in any village where someone is injured.

They used to be like bones.

It means that the trauma has not been sutured and can only be bandaged. If it is not handled well, it will swell up with pus and blood, and then the person can't survive it and die.

"There is one more thing. You find herbs along the way. You need to collect them. Then they will be sent to the Yamen for collection by Lijiazhuang.

To this end, I will teach you more herbal identification. There are pictures, and you know some of them yourself, but not enough.

It is dangerous for others to go deep in the mountains to gather medicine. "

Li Yi said one more thing to familiarize the hunter with a large number of herbs.

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